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Chapter 272: Blitz

Meanwhile, while Derek and Avery were facing the death attuned wyvern, Edgar was going through his own troubles with the fire wyvern. At a certain point, the wyvern seemed to have had enough, and summoned a massive fire tornado around itself, preventing Edgar from safely rushing in a getting close enough to enact his plan.

The ground beneath them was set completely ablaze, and smoke covered the area. The fire was so hot that it somehow set even the stone from the crumbled buildings aflame.

At this moment in time, the prince was uncertain about what to do. If Avery and Derek were able to take care of the death wyvern, yet he failed to contract with the fire one and it got away, what would happen in twelve hours when their enemies came back? Would they be stronger? Would there be more wyverns this time?

Any way he looked at it, he was in a dilemma. He could settle for one of the lesser dragonkin, but it would be such a waste with a legendary beast right in front of him. Finally, he made a decision. If he hadn’t downed the wyvern with at least five minutes left in their attack, he would call for backup, and he and Derek could take out the beast just as they had done with the wind wyvern.

He had around 30 minutes to tame a dragon. It would be tight, but he believed he could do it. The wyvern had to be rapidly expending its mana by producing such flames, so, sooner or later, it would have to let up. At that time, it would present the perfect opportunity for him to attack. He just needed to be patient.

So… he waited. He dodged incoming fire attacks that shot out of the flaming cyclone at him easily, and did his best to conserve his mana and stamina, drinking a potion here and there so he would be ready when the time came. There were a couple of times when he thought about charging through the fire and risking the damage so he could get in close. He had some high-quality regeneration potions to get him by if he did that, but he put that option in the back of his mind and only planned to use it as a last resort.

As the clocked ticked down, his mana potions dwindled even further. Sure, it was easy for him to dodge the wyvern’s attacks, but that was assuming he had enough mana to activate his skills to increase his movement speed. Still, he waited.

When the clock hit just around ten minutes left in the battle, he finally got his chance. The tornado whirling around the wyvern’s massive body abruptly stopped, and the beast hovered high in the air. It looked almost like it was panting.

The beast locked eyes with Edgar and pulled its head back, drawing in an enormous amount of energy before spitting out a wave of fire even bigger than the usual one. Edgar breathed in deep and went for it.

In a flash, he activated every skill he had to enhance his movement speed and shot up in the air, avoiding the wave of fire in the process. When he was level with the dragon, he exploded toward it, aiming for where its back met up with its neck. That seemed to be a particularly safe place, as he had seen Derek in that exact position on the wind wyvern.

All he had to go on was the wind wyvern and what he saw when he arrived to help Derek. His attack hadn’t instantly killed the beast from a distance, and Derek had already immensely injured the beast before he unleashed his own attack, so he hoped his attack would be the same against the fire wyvern. Dealing an almost fatal blow, but still survivable.

An instant later, he was above the beast, which was still blasting fire out from its gaping maw. With a smug smile, he flashed away and landed directly on the beast’s upper back, grasping for anything to hold on to, and finally finding a part of the beast, maybe a scale, that he could grip his hand around to stabilize himself.

At that point, the wyvern realized something was wrong and cut its attack short. Then it began bucking fiercely, trying to throw the small human off its back. But Edgar held on as best as he could. Then, recognizing that the human wasn’t going to be flung off so easily, the dragonkin beat its wings, then shot down toward the still flaming ground.

Seeing that he didn’t have long, Edgar uncorked a mana potion and turned it up, allowing the contents to slide down his throat. He then took multiple other mana potions and prepared them for consumption. He poured the liquid from one in his mouth, but didn’t swallow, and held two other bottles under his arm.

Then, with his mana nearing full, he took his sword and struck down on to the beast’s back, using as much force as he could muster with his single dominant hand.

The sword dug into the beast maybe an inch, not enough to even draw blood from the wyvern, but that was enough. Holding tightly to the beast’s back with his left hand, and gripping the hilt of his sword with his right, he drew on the lightning and channeled as much energy into his blade as possible. Then he released his attack.

The sky was soon encompassed by a striking blue glow as the concentrated lightning met with the armored scales of the beast. The beam of lightning struggled to pierce through the scales, but he was prepared for that. As long as he had mana, he could keep his skill activated.

When his mana dropped below half, he swallowed the potion he was holding in his mouth and restored it to near full. He then tucked his head down and grasped another potion with his mouth.

Finally, the beast let out a pained roar just before it hit the ground. It reared its head back which caused its previous planned crash into the ground to change course, and instead of slamming Edgar first into the ground, it struck the ground with its belly and slid through the flames.

The surround fire peppered Edgar as they slid, but as long as he didn’t directly touch the flame, he could grit his teeth and endure the heat.

At the sound of the roar, Edgar felt a give beneath his sword. His attack had destroyed the defenses directly underneath his blade. With a surge of power, Edgar jammed the sword further into the beast, now piercing through flesh instead of scales.

With his sword now firmly implanted into the wyvern, he loosened his grip with his left hand and brought it to his sword as well, increasing the pressure to the beast. His sword bit further and further into the back of the wyvern, all the while his lightning drilled through and caused an unknown amount of damage to the beast’s internals.

Edgar tilted his head back and gulped down the potion he was holding in his mouth, restoring even more of his mana. Then, he freed his left hand’s grip from his sword and grabbed the last potion he had prepared, placing it in his mouth as well. With the ability to freely move one of his hands now, he didn’t have to worry about prepping more potions in advanced. He was in the endgame.

The wyvern finally came to a stop, the dust that shot up around them smothering some of the surrounding fire in the process. The wyvern slung its head from side to side and even tried and succeeded at rolling.

But Edgar hung on. The pressure from the beast’s weight on him hurt like hell and even took a good portion of his health away, but he never loosened his grip. In fact, when the creature rolled, it pushed his sword even deeper into its flesh. The wyvern screeched in pain, but didn’t dare to roll again.

Edgar continued with his relentless assault. He was beginning to feel lightheaded from all the mana he had expended, but he still held strong. His lighting was inside the beast, and it was ravaging it.

Finally, the beast faltered and began shaking, the lighting’s paralyzing properties finally taking hold on the wyvern. It no longer had complete control of its own body. Its feet slid out from under it and it fell onto its belly.

Edgar allowed a small smile to fall over his face for the first time in the battle. Holding strong with his left hand, he released his sword with his right and pulled a scroll out from his storage ring. He slung his arm out, causing the scroll to unravel. Then he slapped the scroll onto the side of the beast’s back and activated it.

“Become my companion and the pain will stop!” he yelled, hoping the wyvern could understand him through the ravaging effects of the lightning. “If you don’t, you will die! Just like the others. This is your only chance to live!”

But the wyvern refused. Edgar tried again, but the wyvern refused again. This time, the contract scroll was destroyed in the process. His heart sank. He thought he had it in the bag once he brought the beast down, but no, it was going to be harder than that. Still, being the prince of a kingdom came with its perks-one of which was access to multiple rare scrolls like the beast contract scroll.

However, he didn’t instantly pull a new scroll out and initiate another contract. Instead, he waited. There was no doubt that the wyvern respected his power, but a legendary beast wasn’t something so easy to be tamed.

While the beast had succumbed to his power, it held a great amount of hate toward the prince. There was no way Edgar would be able to convince the beast to become his contracted beast through words. He would have to give it no other option than to join him. And that meant bringing the beast close to its final breath.

The beast was currently downed and under immense pain, but his attack hadn’t yet inflicted enough damage for it to truly be scared for its life. But Edgar was willing to expend every mana and stamina potion he had on him for this chance. He could continue at this pace for at least a dozen more minutes if he needed, and based on the look of the beast, he would probably need to.

This also left him in awe of Derek’s attack with that massive halberd. How much damage must of his attack to the death dragon’s brain inflicted? He knew his own attack was fierce, but it was more damage over time and not instantaneous damage.

Soon, an hour since the three wyverns arrived passed, and the beast below him was struggling to keep consciousness. Edgar looked around and saw Derek sitting on one of the burning buildings, watching with curiosity. The man held his right arm out and patted the bracelet he always wore with two fingers from his left hand in a gesture Edgar didn’t understand.

Edgar ignored the man and focused back on the wyvern below him. Finally, before the beast died or fell into unconsciousness, he pulled out another scroll. He placed it on the beast again and injected his mana into it, activating the contract.

“This is your last chance. If you wait any longer, you will die, and you know it. After this, I am more than willing to contract with a different beast. End your stubbornness!” Once again, the young prince waited for the beast’s response.

However, instead of a notification of rejection or the scroll being destroyed by the will of the wyvern, it accepted its fate and agreed to end its suffering. It agreed to become the prince’s contracted beast.

Edgar instantly ended his skill and pulled out a health potion, pouring it into the open wound of his contracted beast. He put his sword away and let out a sigh of relief, and leaned back on his new companion.

Knowing what he already knew of bonds, he ran his hand down the side of the wyvern’s neck affectionately. “You will forever be known as Blitz! Bonded beast of Prince Edgar.” The wyvern purred beneath him, accepting the name.

Edgar was thrilled. All that remained was to initiate his bond.


NJ Reed

Thanks for the chapter

Scott Frederiksen

They're going to pop out of the trial looking like badasses.