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Hey everyone!

I'm talking to some people about making a Silvi plush and wanted to see if there was any interest in here before going through with it. 

The quality will be similar to the Eldritch Bestie plush if we do it. 

Which can be seen here. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1278625492/eldritch-bestie-henry-plushie?click_key=2196179a5d4d00f9244ca35dbc78e3c50d670bae%3A1278625492&click_sum=b0ce0cdd&ref=shop_home_feat_3


Lord DragonRose

Silvi will take an honored place with Boxy in my collection.


Noooo! Keep her away from Boxxy! She can't handle him... Well... if she cooks him a good dinner. I hear he likes tasty things.

Lorraine V

How do we order one? Bun bun bun!


If we choose to make them (which is looking likely) I'll share the link when they are ready. I'll also give an update when I get a release date for them.