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Con season is almost over with only Rhode Island left to go. During the off season, I am going to do a lot of maintenance on my Patreon page and I wanted YOUR input! <br>Answer any or all questions below so I can get a better idea how to improve my service:<br><br>-What features do you like about my page? <br>-What rewards are most important to you?<br>-What rewards are less important to you? <br>-What do you wish was different about my page?<br>-What would you like to see more or less of?<br><br>I want to hear all comments, questions, or concerns.


Bob Fink

About the only thing I wish is that your Boudoir Set was available to lower tiers even if a minimal charge was added. You supply a good value for the money asked and the variety is awesome.


Thank you for your input. I wish I could provide more boudoir sets for a lower price. Unfortunately, it would mean giving away awards at-cost. Also, I don’t want to raise prices on supporters who might not be able to afford it. However, I will see what I can do about adding more previews.

Bob Fink

Are your Boudoir Set's available for purchase, or just as a tier reward?


I love your content and think you do a great job. The only "complaint" I ever have is wanting more pictures, but that is just being greedy. The Anck Su Namon process pics were really cool and seeing more of that would be awesome. I also enjoyed the live YouTube video of the Silence shoot, seeing/being apart of it was a unique experience that would be great to do again. I'm not at a tier where I get any physical rewards, so I can't comment on those.