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Really, I should have been doing these monthly. Or at least trying to keep in contact.

To say that the situation has not improved would be an understatement; my grandmother, in no uncertain terms, chose the man who threatened me over me. This is the last night we'll be here in this house as, with his return now that his bail conditions are gone, we're being evicted tomorrow.

No place to go, beyond a friend who offered me their couch, so we'll be in emergency accomodation before the local council finds somewhere to put us that doesn't cost them an arm and a leg.

'Course, beaurocracy being what it is, we've got to fork it out up front and get paid in arrears.

My mother and I have savings, so we'll be fine one that front. A good portion of that thanks to you guys – however, we have those savings. Enough to last and keep us going. If your situation is at all difficult, or simply disappointed in how long it's taking for me to get back on things, then feel no guilt in unsubscribing.

One day I hope to welcome you back, but I've no idea how long that'll be.

I've read all your messages of support and offers to talk, and, honestly, at times they moved me to tears. Strangers care more about me than my own bloody family does.

It's heartwarming but it also hurts.

Thanks for everything, and let's all hope the next update is on a lighter note.



Take care of yourself Elwyn, just remember that you deserve to be treated better than that and you didn't do anything wrong.


Well, at least you'll be leaving. With you gone, that man will have no-one to turn on but your Aunt and Grandmother, who may about to get a reality check in the worse possible way. I'm thankful you're going to be safe, and heartened keeping the subscription has helped you. Though I do wish you'd do, like, a subscribestar. Maybe talk to forum mods about a Go-Fund-Me if it truly gets bad, some people just like one-time donations. Eh, it's just thoughts, I'll give a prayer you and your mother are remain safe.