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New scene at the start of Reunification - 4 added due to the backlash over Lorna's behaviour towards Gwen around Tulvan.


"We will take your advice into consideration, Lord Candren." Liam answered carefully, mulling over the benefits of making use of Lorna's witch in this role as well. "It is without question true that the Miracle Witch has earned more acclaim amongst the common folk than any other of her order." Her word would help cement his rule and tie her even more closely to it.

She had performed... adequately in removing Amelia Tulvan from the equation. None suspected foul play in her demise and, beyond himself, Lorna, and the witch herself, none were aware of what they had done. She was willing to act as necessary for the nation without speaking freely of what she was doing.

Had she reported to them both, rather than just Lorna in a private setting, he would be more at ease. But knowing that the witch was loyal to his wife would have to be sufficient – no matter how disquieting the realisation that she had purposefully brought about the rebellion based on the knowledge of his father's future mistakes might be. If she foresaw his own inevitable mistakes or some action that she did not agree with, would she warn him away or seek to depose him like she had his father?

Much like Darius, she was too important to be ignored and too dangerous to allow to act freely. Either could destabilise their reign before it had even begun unless precautions were taken.

"In the end, it's either her or Celestine." Lord Candren said with a wry smirk. "Both are cut from the same cloth, master and apprentice, though the latter has far surpassed the former in renown. No small feat, of course, Celestine is well known in the Headlands these days." He then stood, straightening his jacket and offering a nod of his head. "Now, by your leave. I've letters to write if we're to see a ship finished before winter comes."

Lorna rose as well, and Liam followed suit. "We have our own business also." She said with a smile. "However, I must say that you should speak with Adept Tindersnap and Gwyneth herself, I am sure they will have some interesting ideas involving ships and their construction. Even more so as they are likely to be passengers upon it."

Lord Candren's eyebrows rose. "Oh? How Curious. Well, I can hardly refuse my queen-to-be's advice, can I?" He chuckled lightly. "I shall see you both at the coronation, Your Majesties. Farewell."

Bowing his head once more, the duke took his leave. Even more so than the loyalist Lord Hewell, Lord Candren had changed tunes to support their new reign easily. Merely the certainty that the fleet would be rebuilt, despite the great expense that it would take, was enough to satisfy him.

That and the execution of his brother, which had already occurred alongside Vincent Godfrey's; deaths to appease the rebellion's sense of justice.

"Gwyneth won't accept the suggestion." Lorna said, pulling out a small mirror and touching up her makeup. "She fought hard to bring the Order into Gilnean society and she won't sabotage that. Nor will I help convince her to do so."

"Her word is worth far more than a witch whose name is barely known, even if they lead the Order." Liam countered. The bishops had demanded that the church take part in his coronation, claiming power to offer him the crown, but his father's edicts had made them equal with the Order of Amber. It would be a representative of both that would crown him.

It was little more than symbolism, but in the hearts and minds of the people such symbolism was what mattered. That she had fought as a rebel, whereas the new Archbishop Rowan had remained neutral, would only add to that.

Lorna looked at him with a frown. "She is far more than a useful pawn, Liam. What you made us ask of her was enough as it was." She shook her head. "No. You may ask her if you wish, but I will not support it this time. Now, I've a conversation with Vivi that I have been delaying. She is... unhappy with me."

"You are not to tell–"

"I will tell her what I like!" Lorna huffed and crossed her arms. "And, as her friend, endure her ire to maintain that."

They were meant to work together, yet she intended to reveal a secret to someone who did not need to know. He had not spoken to Shaw, nor had he told Zach. Not even his own mother.

He met her eyes, seeing the frustration she bore for acting as she had towards her friends, and sighed.

"Very well. Lady Mistmantle is trustworthy enough, and likely to be told by her fiancee regardless." He offered softly. He had demanded that she compromise for him too many times to refuse her here and now; this was not his rule alone. Not with how it had come to be and what would come of it.

"Good." She said, much more happily. She cupped his face and pulled him into a short, but delightful, kiss. "Shall we have dinner together?"

He, of course, agreed with a wide smile and took up her arm as they departed the private study. Though soon enough they were forced to separate once more, Lorna repeating her refusal to aid in convincing Gwyneth and taking flight to reach Vivianne where she trained.

Atop the river, the last he had heard; walking upon water as if it was solid ground. The oddity another reminder of the influence that Gwyneth Arevin brought to bear simply by existing.

As if her magic and foresight were not enough. Ties to the Order of Amber's leadership, the peculiar friendship she had formed with Archmage Arugal, Darius Crowley's sponsorship, her fiancee's skill with the blade, the peasantry's adoration, an entire field of innovation that had sprung forth from her mind... and, of course, the political system he had been saddled with.

Never would he be able to rule as his father had. Nor his grandfather, nor his great-grandfather, or any of his ancestors. The price for ending the rebellion had been the Greymane family's absolute authority as kings, and he had little choice but to accept.

Understanding the reasoning behind it he would do so with good grace, but that didn’t mean he was glad for it. At the very least he could be sure she wished the best for Gilneans, if not his family.

Finding her in the gardens at play with his sister, weaving a tapestry of stars with magic to aid in their playful adventures, softened his heart further. She had not sought the influence her apprentice brought her over the two princesses, she did not revel in it nor make use of it. She simply made two children smile because she could.

"Gwyneth Arevin, a word if you please." He asked in a lull between story beats. Something about reaching a tavern along the road.

"Aww! Liam!" Tess whined petulantly. "I wanted to start a barfight! Like a real adventurer!"

A smile tugged at Gwyneth's lips. "That's more a barbarian's thing than a rogue's, Princess. You're meant to use their fight as a distraction to pick their pockets."

Liam could see the awkward glances the royal guardsmen watching over the little gathering shared with one another, and felt very much the same way. Tess did not need encouragement to be a sneaky little menace, and he did not like the way her eyes had started to shine with mischief at the suggestion.

She quickly tied up their play, patting Lianne on the head and congratulating her for handing her own numbers well, and waved them off. "What was it you wanted, Your Majesty?" She asked.

"We ask that you stand with the Archbishop for my coronation, taking part in the ceremony and offering us both the crown." He placed emphasis upon the offering, the honour she would gain from taking part, as well as the service it would provide to Lorna as well as him.

"Lorna isn't here to help convince me?" She asked curiously, then shrugged and looked off towards the trees of the gardens. She was silent as the leaves swayed in the wind, clearly thinking.

Eventually, she ran a hand through her hair and huffed. "No. I won't do it."

Liam kept his gaze and voice even as he replied. "Why not? It would be a boon to our reign for you to stand as representative of the Order."

"And it would harm the Order to do it. I'm not Speaker, I'm radical and not all that well-liked." She shrugged and shook her head. "Besides, Your Majesty, Liam, you don't need me to do this. It's not important enough to matter. So, I say thank you for the offer, but I must decline in favour of my teacher, Speaker Celestine, who remains as the sole leader of the Order of Amber until Speaker Aderic's return."

She bowed deeply. "Now, I have lessons with my apprentice to conduct. If you would excuse me." Without another word, or waiting for his dismissal, she began to walk away.

The refusal was rather galling. A king was not someone that many could say no to, and that she was the one saying it... "I should have listened to Lorna." He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

"Indeed, always good to listen to the wife, Your Majesty." Guardsman Frederick said from beside him. "Just good sense."



I like this scene a lot, it adds a lot of good context. It's also good to see Gwen and Liam interact without Lorna around. The assissination may have been what Liam needed to trust her, but it's definitely hurt their dynamic and that shows here.

Greg Taylor

Agreed, it makes it feel authentic. And also shows that Liam has started to realize that ‘persuading’ Gwen into the assassination might not have been the best call.


Just another good example that she will do what is necessary for Gilneas prosperity and not for the ruling family. Love this chapter.