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As per my previous notice, here is the poll for what scene you want to see in the next interlude. Already present will be the Kirin Tor's realisation that Gwen was right, and the subsequent actions they take.

If you get a new suggestion in before tomorrow morning, GMT, I will add it to the poll. 

The poll will close next Sunday at 20:00 GMT.



Just so you're all aware, if you keep the votes even I'm placing the deciding vote. Chromie's likely to be the longest option as it is.


Not the result I expected to see when I started this, I'll admit, but it'll be interesting to see the results of it.


Well! Well. I have an answer. You know how I said Chromie's was likely to be the longest option of the bunch? Bloody Alan, Archbishop of Dawn, decided his interlude segment was to be four thousand four hundred words. But it's written. Don't normally write that much in a single day, but it's done. And I've got half a dozen more people to add to the Dramatis Personae on the next update, whihc is mildly annoying. Editing that thing is rather painful.