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First, the good news: I am sufficiently ahead to be asking for suggestions on what you would like to see as an addition to the Interlude next up on my writing list. Once I have the suggestions I intend to run a poll on which one gets written, though I can't gurantee I'll add all of the options offered.

If I can't see something to write in it, I can't offer to write it.

There will already be a Kirin Tor PoV, handling the 'Gwen was Right', so no need to suggest that.

Possibilities are things like what Genn or Liam Greymane thing of Darius' having Gwen as his Witch, Arugal's work studying the Worgen. An update on Irwen's life or Caedan's.


Suggestions are open until Sunday, when I will be putting up the poll. 

I can't gurantee this every month but for the new year, and the end of the first month, I think it's a good reward. Even if due to everything being Fanfiction I cannot in good concience offer anything as a Patreon exclusive.


The second bit of news, not really good or bad, is that I found where the currency options were. You most likely received a notification about that.

The prices should still be the same, or lower, than they were previously. As far as I'm aware your billing as existing patrons shouldn't have been changed at all unless you choose to do so manually.

And, finally, as much as I am not the best at communicating it: Thank you for your support. This is already more of a success than I had ever expected it to be.



Alright, that's: A) Irwen perspective, Gwen visiting Northgate and growing up. B) Witches reacting to Gwen's open teaching of students in Darius Crowley's lands. C) Archbishop of the Dawn speaking with his council about the 'Witches' active in the Crowley lands, both negative opinions and positive ones. Reports from Magroth and Sister Roper weighing in on things. I can see B and C most easily, but A wouldn't be hard to write either. Might be a little soon for another Irwen PoV though.


I think seeing another Chromie PoV would be interesting, perhaps starting to get closer to Gwen in her investigation, or repairing another butterfly effect from Gwen's actions; such as Jaina hearing about Gwen's prophecy, causing Jaina to actually intervene in Stratholme when she shouldn't because she's had more time to come to terms with the idea. Chromie has to show up and neuralyze Jaina lest she get herself killed in the ensuing conflict. I think that'd pair nicely with the Kirin Tor "Well shit, Gwen was right".


Tricky. Though I think I can see how to make the general idea work.