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A foreword: As I post this on QQ as well as on SB, some of the content is intended to eventually be Lewd. At least minorly. This is the first piece that fits that criteria. Nothing in this segment is specific only to it, and it just shows Gwen and Lorna being friendly with the latter teasing the former.

It fits in between between scenes two and three of Rebellion Chapter 3.

Like everything else it will eventually be free to read, but keeping it QQ exclusive without putting it on Patreon would be awkward consider I'm being paid for this.

Again, you don't have to read this to get the full story. Just a fun, and somewhat shameless, extra.


For all Donovan was a swift flier he still couldn't get us back to Crowford in a single day, and frankly flying for hours on end atop a gryphon in the freezing winter air wasn't the most pleasant either. Enchanted underclothes or not it still got rather nippy.

As such, as the sun closed in on the horizon, Lorna took us down to land near a small rivulet in the Ember Hills. There wasn't a sign of any village in sight so it was just the two of us, camping out with Donovan, under the burning orange sky.

"I know you can do it Gwen, why won't you?" Lorna pleaded, utilising her good looks in a most undignified fashion. And frustratingly, we both knew it was working. "It won't harm anything, and it's not like we can bathe in the stream; it's freezing!"

"It's wasteful." I muttered, trying not to meet her gaze. "And it's lot like we could heat it anyway. A fire would burn the tub."

"Aha!" She reached into her pack, pulling out a stone with rune covered orange bands wrapping around it. "Yes, we can. Father gave me a heat stone for my trips, his old one from the War."

I stared dubiously at the rock for a moment. Then at Lorna's triumphant smile. And I sighed. "Fine, I'll make your ruddy tub."

Convincing one of the trees to grow out enough wood, in the middle of winter, to create a bath tubbeside a stream was probably a horrible abuse of Nature magic. But I knew I wasn't going to win the argument after she started pouting.

Curse her good looks and my inability to say no, and especiallythe fact she knew about it.

While I worked on smoothing the inside of the tub so the bark wouldn't bite into her skin she piled in snow and water and started heating it all up with the stone. Lorna had justenough control over her small mana pool to activate minor trinkets, something she learned from Lottie Spellwaker. She'd never be a mage but she still knew some tricks; sometimes it was hard to tell if she was more inclined to be a Warrior and Knight, like her main teacher  Dame Hilda, or a Hunter with her pet – Donovan – and a penchant for rifles.

The bath started steaming faster than I expected, and as my misty breath mixed with the vapour rising off of the water I had to admit it looked might tempting. Even Donovan had moved closer, putting himself between the bath and our fire to soak up heat from both.

And then Lorna started tearing off her clothes.

"Lorna!" I said, averting my gaze but still catching a glimpse of her toned and fit stomach, her long legs well defined with just enough muscle from years of riding too. And her hair falling silkily over her full breasts. "Why?!"

She snorted. "I'm taking a bath,"she said, the sound of her clambering in and displacing the water mixing with her moaning at the heat. "Ah that's nice. It's not like I was getting in with my clothes on."

"And you could've saidyou were getting in so I could get out of the way." I said, pointedly looking in another direction. She shaved her legs, or at least didn't have any hair on them. Keepers, I hated doing that; I stillhadn't figured out a way to handle that kind of thing.

Did she shave elsewhere too? The angle hadn't let me see.

I turned to look without thinking, only for Lorna to be leaning on the edge of the tub and looking at me, catching me in my peeking.

"It's not like you've notseen me under dressed before." She said, her eyes lidded and her mouth drawn up into a faint smile. "You made my underwear, you took my measurements." Something about the way she was looking at me made my heart skip a beat. Damnit Lorna!

"T-that's different." I protested. It was an entirely formal setting, and she'd been wearing a shift! I took quick notes, put them aside, and then was done. Doing it for her and Vivi both had been mortifying, but both of them wanted the brassieres I made after I managed to formulate a little enchantment for fabric to emulate elastic. It did wondersfor letting me make something supportive.

I was still short but honestly my breasts were getting almost to the point of being annoying. I reallyhoped I'd finished growing, I already missed being able to just wear a chest wrap and being done with things.

Convenience, big boobs, I preferred the former. Flat was justice? Or something like that. I didn't really remember.

Not that Lorna wasn't pretty with her cleavage that she was putting on display by propping herself up like– oh keepers I was staring.

"It's not like I mind." Lorna said, waving a hand flippantly. "You're a friend, you're not creepyabout it, and I'm used to maids helping me bath. Speaking of which, help me with my hair?" She asked, though it wasn't much of a question. "Please." She added after a moment as an afterthought.

Lorna was my friend, but she was still a noble.

"I–  well, fine. Sure. I can." We didn't have any form of shampoo or conditioner out here, not really something you bring out for a flight, so it was more a case of me massaging her scalp with hot water than running out the grime of travel. Much more than that would hurt her hair more than it helped.

Of course, I took the opportunity to help it with a little magic. I couldn't stophair growing, but my attempts had lead me to ways to helpit grow. Lorna was cursed to always have long, silky, and full hair while she was my friend.

I wasn't letting her get away with less. It looked fartoo good on her.

"Mmm, that's it." She murmured contentedly as my fingers dug into her scalp. "Thank you, Gwen."

"You're welcome." I said. It was soawkward, but it was nice too. At least she was leaning back and–

Lorna sat up and turned around, wrapping her arms around my neck and hugging me. While naked. "You should join me, the water's perfect." Then she shivered. "Bloody hell the air's cold."

"Temperature differential," I muttered distractedly, my mind fixed her her bare breasts pressing up against me. "You're used to the heat now so it feels colder." I shook myself. "Lorna! Now I'm wet!"

I could already feel the cold getting in through the damp spots. "That's mean!"

She grinned. "All the more reason for you to join me." She tugged on me insistently, pulling me right up to the brink of the tub. "I'll do your hair too, it's only fair."

My mind immediately went to the thought of leaning back into her, sitting her in her lap with my head resting on her chest as she worked her fingers through my hair as we soaked in the warmth of the bath. My cheeks went nuclear, burning hot enough to rival the bath itself.


Lorna rolled her eyes at me. "Just say yes."

I shouldn't. I reallyshouldn't.

"... Okay." I whispered.


She helped – forced – me out of my clothes and pulled me into the tub. I'd made it a little large for one person but not really big enough for two, and with how full it had been water spilled out everywhere as she pulled me in; only a quick flick of my wrist to bend a branch to pull our clothes out of the way stopped them getting soaked. Thatwould've been miserable.

The water really was nice, though.

... And Lorna was soft. Strange considering how strong she was, but she was soft.

She wrapped her arms around me and settled me into her lap, her hands resting on my stomach.

"My mother used to do this with me." She said fondly. "I was so much smaller then. You're a lot bigger than I was."

"Smaller than you, though." Lorna was close to six foot, maybe five ten or eleven. I couldn't be more than five two.

She laughed. "Yeah, but it's still a big difference! Mother wasn't as tall as I am now, but... I was still just a child." She pulled me tight for a moment. "I miss her."

I clasped her hand comfortingly. For all my belly was doing somersaults, buzzing with a mess as I could feel her skin brushing against mine, she was my friend. And she deserved to be treated as such.

Even if I sometimes wished she'd do more than tease. And it took all of my willpower not to rub my legs together in a way reallyshouldn't be right now.

"Do you think she's in a better place?" Lorna asked. "One without war, without hunger, like the Priests tell us about the Light?"

"I..." Her breasts pressed into the back of my head, her hands clinging onto mine. "I... I don't know. There is an afterlife, I know that. But... I don't know how it works."

I'd seen the Shadowlands cinematic. I'd seen Sylvanas be... stupid. But I hadn't kept up properly for yearsbefore even that. I really didn't know.

Keepers, I didn't even know the names of the zones.

"But there is one?"

There had to be. That or reincarnation. "Yes." Or eternal torment as one of the Damned in the army of the Scourge.

Her hands made their way up, beginning to work their magic on my scalp, and I moaned softly. There was something niceabout cleaning your own scalp, but when someone else did it, it was bliss.

"Thank you, Gwen." Lorna said quietly as she worked. "For indulging me."

"You're my friend." I muttered contentedly. "Why would I refuse?"

Other than the eternal embarrassment and mortification I would feel as soon as the pleasant tingles from the massage stopped, that is.

"Still, thank you."

We stayed in the hot water until the sun finally dipped below the horizon, only the reflected light off the clouds shining upon us. It was a cold scramble to get ourselves dry and properly situated for sleep in the end but...

I'd enjoyed it. Though I would rather Lorna didn't have so much fun pushing my buttons.



Thanks for the chapter.