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Depression sucks. This is something anyone, anywhere, who has dealt with it in any capacity understands intimately.

I'm away from what was ruining my life, safe in a new home, and happy. I have money, I have my mother, I eat well and don't have any reason to be afraid of anything.

So, what happens? I spend most of the week listless and empty because... depression sucks.

No reason or excuse. Just depression sucks.

Still on meds, this low was just 'everything is empty and flat and I have no motivation to move let alone work' rather than crying or freaking out. It's actually infuriating because high energy states, even negative ones, can be channelled into writing.

Listlessness can't.

As unhappy as I am with this decision and despite halfway done with the next chapter, I'm going to have to say that it's going to be next weekend for the update.

Fighting through this will burn me out and just make things worse in the long run.

I'm sorry.


Eldar ortell

I want to send you lots of love from all of us as your fans and say that you should take the time you need, a better headspace for you means a better story for us anyways, and

Andrew Do

With how much more gilneas has been doing compared to canon hopefully talk to return to the alliance can go much more smoothly.