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One day, you hear a knock at the door. There's only one person who that could be!
It's your girlfriend Lusty! She's had quite the adventure apparently. And so have you! You both rush to tell each other what you've been up to. It's good to see her again. She's relieved that you've taken care of Swig in his time of desperate need. She doesn't know what she'd do without her little friend.

Later that afternoon, Lusty furrows her brow in thought.
"What were that goblin words you used to calm the tentacles and make them shrink?"
Carelessly, you repeat the magic goblin words...

Your bag shakes violently.
Purple tentacles erupt out the top, and they rapidly grow enormous. Before you can get out the back door, the tentacles have spread throughout your tiny cottage, grasping you and Lusty with terrifying strength. You see Swig and your cats out the window - they are chasing each other in the garden, unaware of what has happened. They are safe, thank goodness.

As the tentacles envelop you and Lusty, stripping you of your clothing and playing with your erogenous zones, Lusty says "I just *AHN!* wanted to see if the magic word *HAH!* worked both ways!"
She has that look in her eyes, like she wanted this to happen.
Oh well. You can't be too mad at her.
You wanted it to happen too...!


1 - Lilya Adventure Begins!
2 - Slime
3 - Throw Salt
4 - Goblin Clothing
5 - Gem in Statue
6 - Enter Red Door Slowly
7 - Throw Stone Egg
8 - Tiptoe Slowly
9 - Goblin Words
10 - Tentacle Pit
11 - Red Gem in Statue
12 - Ask for Wyvern Tongue
13 - Put Fairy in Mouth
14 - Swing Broom
15 - Stinging Sand
16 - Fire Spell
17 - Goblin Club
18 - Trade Tentacle Monster




What an adventure! :D Thanks for running us through it :P


a very happy ending ^_^