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The Lewd Fairy tries to dodge, but without the use of her wings, she has the agility of a slug. You get the impression she doesn't do much running.

Your goblin club slams down on the fairy with a heavy thud, smushing her deep into the damp soil of the mushroom cave. You try to pick it up again, but the club is stuck tight in ground. The Lewd Fairy's hand stretches out from under the club, holding onto something.
It is the small precious mushoom she wouldn't relinquish willingly.
You pick up the Wyvern Tongue mushroom, and smile.


"If you're gonna act like a goblin, then you better look the part!" shrieks a muffled voice.
A small blue hand points at you, and magical energy surges, as you watch your skin turn green. You're so shocked at your transformation, you drop the mushroom.

The goblin club blasts up from the ground, hits the ceiling, and bounces somewhere into the gloom. The Lewd Fairy rises from the hole in the ground, bruised and furious, and retrieves the mushroom, and starts to run away. But you catch up to her easily, and scoop her up in your hands. She holds onto the mushroom tight, glaring at you.

"P-P-PLEASE!" you say wearily, "Please just give me the mushroom! I-I-I don't want to fight anymore! I n-need it to make a cure for my friend! He will d-die if he doesn't get this medicine! Please! I can't let Swig die! I've been through too much to go back empty-handed now!"

The Lewd Fairy's face softens a little.
"What will you trade me for it?"

If all she wants is a sex toy, maybe you can make a trade and be done with all this. You consider the items you have collected in your bag. Maybe one of them would suffice?

What will you do, Lilya?

1 - Trade the vibrating Stone Egg
2 - Trade one of the Small Tentacle Monsters

(Available to Noble Knight tier patrons and higher)

1 - Lilya Adventure Begins!
2 - Slime
3 - Throw Salt
4 - Goblin Clothing
5 - Gem in Statue
6 - Enter Red Door Slowly
7 - Throw Stone Egg
8 - Tiptoe Slowly
9 - Goblin Words
10 - Tentacle Pit
11 - Red Gem in Statue
12 - Ask for Wyvern Tongue
13 - Put Fairy in Mouth
14 - Swing Broom
15 - Stinging Sand
16 - Fire Spell 




Gobbo Lilya isn't something I thought I needed and yet here we are ♥