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Here's all the WIPs so far for the Lusty - Year of the Tiger illustration!

Hope you enjoy! That's it from me until next week, have a lovely weekend <3


Here's where we started! rough sketch, basic idea and colours. Now I can keep what I like and change what I won't!
I'm really happy with this so have a close up :3
Here's where we started! rough sketch, basic idea and colours. Now I can keep what I like and change what I won't!
I found some nice expression reference from an adult model, and I thought it would be hot to have Lusty go grr :)
With the face basically how I want it, I keep working out the costume and pose
Decided to put her in a jungle background with some water behind her, so I airbrushed in some basic areas of colour.
Here's where we are so far! I wrote lots of little notes for how I think we'll continue from here! Tell me what you think