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So for #MerMay I wanted to do some of my characters as mermaids, and I've started with Lusty. We'll see if I get around to anyone else. It would be a lot of work lol

Anyway here's some WIP shots!
I started by sketching a few poses to see what I liked, and then put that one in a little box to make sure the composition was how I wanted it. I also drew a few seashells to get inspiration for how she's clothing herself.

After that I blew up the little pose sketch and drew another rough sketch over the top.

And then another sketch to refine the drawing. I added Swig as a little sharky thing.

Once I was pretty happy with this drawing, I put a basic sea background behind it (which I'll refine later) and added some colours underneath the sketch.

I continued by painting over the top of the drawing, and this is how far I got today. Lots more refining to do, especially working on her clothes, but this is basically how it's going to look!
The little colours off to the side is a palette I made as I went. Keeping a colour palette is great for digital painting, so you don't colour pick too much with the eyedrop tool and make the colours go muddy.

That's it for today's update!
I still have the next page of Lusty to finish off, and a few commissions to do, but I'm hoping I can do another mermaid after this.
I'll leave you with a question:
Which of my characters would you like to see as a mermaid next? (If I have time!)




Lilya of course, and where Swig as her fish companion?