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Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years. After  the new years there will be more cosplay and content here. Really sorry for not posting much, but as always thank you for all for the support




Thank you for the awesome content, keep up the great work. Happy new year to you too... looking forward for your new ideas, art and cosplays. Cheers!


AND A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU TAI YOU BEAUTIFUL BRILLIANT GORGEOUS GODDESS QUEEN OF AWESOMENESS! *YETIHUG* I can't wait to see more of your beautiful masterpiece of art and cosplay. And no need to apologize Tai. We know you have been busy. So until the new year just relax have fun and enjoy yourself. *yetihug*

Detective Zero

A new year, new things to come across. Found your artwork around October and loved it since, you got an amazing art style. Sfw or not, they’ve been fun to see and the detail is superb. Hope you continue to have fun with it and have an amazing new year, as well as a great end to the old year.


Good :-)