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Superman: "I'm a woman? I'm powerless!"

Batman: "You needed a cover where no one will suspect that you were ever Superman. Of course, your current attire will need to go. Essentially, your powers are not accessible, so you are a normal woman. And that's what you will need to be. The remote makes you obedient to the owner's requests. You will be a normal girl, Clark. You attend Gotham University and have a part-time job at the Walgreens across from the campus."

Joker: "Boring! Supes, come with me and I'll set you up with a job that is much more fun and comes with a chalkful of benefits! And, did I mention, you kinda have no choice."

(The Jokers zaps Batman with an unknown contraption which knocks him out. He grabs the remote that controls Superman).



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