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Cheetah: "Batman, transformed and collared."

Batman: "Cheetah...no no...that isn't right. Mistress Cheetah. What has happened?"

Cheetah: "You have undergone an appropriate change as a new thrawl in my lair. The collar around your neck is not only symbolic as you are now owned by me, it is also funtional. It has made you subserviant, entirely submissive to me, and left you constantly in heat."

Batman: "Yes, I am Batman but I know another name. Tigris. At your service Mistress Cheetah. Your will, the collar speaks, to destroy Wonder Woman. I will give my life in pursuit of this task. I was foolish to oppose you as Batman. I forever wish to remain in your lair, if I be worthy."

Cheetah: "Make yourself worthy Batman. Impregnate Wonder Woman so that she will undergo the same fate as you, and her line will become my property and my legacy."



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