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Batman: "Circe! What madness is this? Change me back immediately...my Queen! (gasp)...No. You've..."

Circe: "Ah, yes, the great detective has figured it out."

Batman: "You've transformed me into a true Themysciran. Which means I cannot leave the island...without your permission. And your dark magic, it's made me completely..."

Circe: "Loyal to me. Fear not my youngling. I have a purpose for you in my new civilization. Like all young Themyscirans, you must start from the bottom. And unlike all Themiscyrans...I prefer to keep you there."

Wonder Woman: "Come with me Amazon. I require my costume pressed. There are many chores that will follow."

Batman: "Yes, mistress."

(Batman cannot help curtseying to Queen Circe and following Wonder Woman reverently).



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