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(Batman has remained trapped in the aquarium for five days, a deliberate sign from the Sea King to show Batman that despite his lofty intellect and knack for getting out of any and all traps, this is a "prison" he cannot escape. Batman is further humbled by being fed just like the other fish, where he must compete with them for morsels when the food is sprinkled on the surface of the water by an unknown and fully human female)

Batman: "Who are you?"

Sabrina: "Don't be alarmed Batman, I'm not some evil villain or eccentric schemer that is out to take over the world. I'm as ordinary as you get. My name is Sabrina. I have medical experience as a doctor and I came to meet the Sea King before he was, well, the Sea King. He was human, just like me, and like you used to be. He was captaining a submarine and there was a terrible accident. After the explosion, he gained unfathomable powers and obviously his form changed to what you see now. But Batman, he did not change in spirit. He was a good individual and he remains a good individual. He came to see the plight of the species he shared the ocean with and he fights for them. Not unlike you do for humanity. And if humanity faced the same threat as the sea dwellers, you would do exactly as he does. I know it is a shock for you Batman, but you have a glorious purpose and a wonderful chance to help your new community. The Sea King doesn't ask for war, he doesn't ask for manipulation, he just asks for peace. Please consider everything with an open heart Batman. I will need to soon check you to see that your transformation went smoothly and that you are a fully healthy speciman. You can cooperate while I release you from the aquarium and assess you, or if not I will need to sedate you heavily. I much prefer the former Batman."

(Batman nods to Sabrina, indicating that he will cooperate with her wishes)



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