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We're at the penultimate part of this story now. It's been really fun creating all of these and I'm already working on another story. Something Cyberpunk related.

8K: https://mega.nz/folder/58VSTZpC#tXTrlp5m3bxKzSxgqbAOxg



Vincent Valen

Hey umm m8, dunno if you noticed, but all the parts so far have all been using the Part 1 link


The link contains all of the images for the whole story, but I should probably rename the mega folder to "Volume 1" to clear up any confusion.

Vincent Valen

Ah ok. Guess its a little confusing, given the link only shows just the first 28 or so images and not the whole thing.


Oh right, I’ll take a look. There should be 38 images including the variants and a folder for the hudless versions.