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Well, it's finally here: my documentary on some of the biggest video game leaks ever. This is the biggest video I have ever made and I think it will ultimately be the longest video on Did You Know Gaming. This was all made possible by YOUR support. Thank you so much for sticking with me while I worked on this.

The video is divided up into chapters for your convenience but I would strongly suggest watching it start-to-finish in a linear order rather than skipping around otherwise it won't make any sense. Sometimes, information and people are introduced in one part of the video that return later.

Unfortunately, I will have to remove one song from this that I was hoping to use due to copyright reasons but at least you lot, my patrons, will get to see my original cut of it before it had to be changed! I also have one deleted scene from the video to show you later (I cut one game from the final video for various reasons I'll talk about on a future podcast).

Anyway, please enjoy it and I would REALLY appreciate any feedback you have for me.

UPDATE: the video has been updated due to an unexpected copyright detection issue with a song I used. It has now been fixed along with a couple of other minor visuals glitches that occurred during rendering. The original version of the video is still available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOvMWHEJjmY


Video Game Leaks GHS


Bryan Guzman

This was a fantastic video. Congratulations on the amazing work!

Christian Diaz

Just watched the full video as I was working and man, this is truly an amazing work. I did not know about most of these leaks and how they happened, it's fascinating (and even exciting haha). Just a couple of suggestions: it's a very long video to watch, I think it makes a lot of sense to divide it in chapters as you did, have you considered adding something like title card between chapters? I think that could help a lot for people who maybe does not have much time and wants to come back later. And maybe, maaaaybe the Xbox Underground story could be it's own video. I feel like, since it has quite a lot of people, places and situations that are connected, it could have a slightly different storytelling than the rest of them. But again, great, great work! I just told some friends (who also work in tech related jobs) about this at a very high level, and they can't wait to watch it when you release it for the public.


Thanks so much for the kind feedback! I talked a bit about your comment on the most recent Liam Unfiltered podcast episode and responded to your suggestions, sorta explaining my perspective. I also really appreciate you spreading the word! Cheers.