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Video Game Leaks Video Poll: Gigaleak or Not?

  • Delay the video to make it as long as possible, add Gigaleak and others. 21
  • Release as is. Shorter but will be finished sooner. 13
  • 2023-09-09
  • 34 votes
{'title': 'Video Game Leaks Video Poll: Gigaleak or Not?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Delay the video to make it as long as possible, add Gigaleak and others.', 'votes': 21}, {'text': 'Release as is. Shorter but will be finished sooner.', 'votes': 13}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 9, 9, 16, 0, 37, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 34}


Hello, everyone!

For those who haven't been following my updates over the past couple of months, I have been deep into research on what is set to be my longest video to date. The subject matter was voted on by you, my patrons, months ago: video game leaks. It will be a deep dive into over a dozen different case studies of what I consider to be some of the strangest and most significant stories of video game leaks in history.

The video is currently over 17,000 words long. To give you some perspective on that, my second longest video was a documentary on Epic Mickey, which came to around 9,000 words.

I am approaching the end of writing and researching for this video, which has taken a significant amount of time. However, I am very torn on whether or not to include the infamous Nintendo Gigaleak incident, which many considered one of the biggest video game leaks of all time. I have also considered including the NVIDIA leak which happened a couple of years ago.

I originally considered not including these case studies because they might be considered still current or ongoing situations that have yet to fully resolve. This would present barriers to interviewing people involved and gaining new insight, but I would be happy to summarise the incidents and give a historical overview of what happened with whatever new information I can obtain.

My question to you is: do you want me to delay the video further in order to include these? By a very rough estimate, this would mean making the video at least 90 minutes long, but it would mean taking longer to make it; maybe weeks, maybe another month. That would include extra time for research, interviews, writing and then production.

I am enjoying making this video and would be happy to go either way, so I would like to know your thoughts! Please let me know by voting in this poll. I would especially appreciate it if you left a comment explaining your reasoning.




Make the gigaleak it's own video

Carson Morris

I think the gigaleak would be better to revisit in a different video, its a lot to cover and there are so many cool things learned about or salvaged from it to go over