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On this episode, Jak (Jakstalgia) joins me to discuss some big video game delays, the recent rerelease of GBA classic Metroid Fusion, my thoughts on Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon, plus my first impressions of the Resident Evil 4 Remake... which maaay surprise some people.

Let us know your thoughts on today's topics and if you have any questions, please leave them below! Happy to answer anything on future podcasts.

Follow Jak here: https://twitter.com/Jakstalgia

Check out Jak's N64 remakes video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miZ6GbkiL4c


Arshbir Thind

Shame about the Re4 remake. The original is definitely made to feel arcadey and every aspect of it suits that (large amount of enemies, money from kills, buyable weapons, lighter tone, etc.). If this one is more in line w/ the remakes hopefully they beefed up the puzzles further into the game. I did go back to the original last year and its still a great time, I just found the soundtrack to be a bit exhausting when you start exploring the village. In modern games that "battle" theme would cool down when all enemies in the area are defeated. Wish it was more minor changes like that. And definitely agree w/ the voice when I saw the bingo line online it just felt off. It'll probably sell really well, but considering how RE3 was called out for it's cut content the same will likely happen here. Re fans are very passionate about these games so I think there will be a bit of an uproar at release. The sheer idea of attempting this seemed unnecessary when it was announced, and unfortunately it seems it will not live up to the original'a legacy.


Your mileage may vary! Everyone else seems to like it. I'm definitely an outlier and my opinion may change when I play the full game.