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I'm back with a big, juicy update for y'all. In this episode, I answer a handful of your questions including: the current status of Sonic Mania 2, what the Crash Bandicoot Wumpa League is, whether Metroid Fusion will be on Switch and lots more.

Then, I delve into my plans for new videos, including stuff on cancelled Disney games and Rayman 4. Also, I rant a lot about the Epic Mickey games and the cynical culture of looking down on the Wii among games media elites.



Stephen Vathakos

Epic Mickey has been in my backlog for while but you convinced and I will start playing it this weekend.


Liam when are they gonna make Sin and Punishment 2 HD. When will they learn.

Carson Morris

I'd love to see a video about Epic Mickey, its always been one of my favorites from the Wii! My favorite fun fact about it is that it was published by Nintendo in Japan. There was some extra time to polish up some elements such as the camera so the Japanese version is generally considered to be the most refined one. I would love to hear about how that publishing arrangement came about.


Do you know what Forever Entertainment has been working on or what they have pitched? Its interesting that a HotD and a Panzer Remake has got the attention of Square and Nintendo.


Also the Castlevania Advance Collection had me thinking, is there something keeping SotN on Sony platforms? I know Requium was based on the PSP version and needed Sony help. So is a Switch port off the table?