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Dan and I debate the merits of Super Mario Sunshine, examine some not entirely reliable rumours, and share our picks for games to play in quarantine that are available digitally at bargain prices.




I still consider Mario Sunshine one of my favorite 3D Mario games and while there are bits that I disagree with you guys on, I can never defend completing this game. Not only is it the hardest, most tedious Mario game to complete (mainly because of the blue coins), but it has by far the shittiest completion bonus too. THANKS FOR THE WORTHLESS PHOTO, YOU PIANTA FUCKS


I have my reasons why Sunshine is my favourite above most other Mario games, but the gameplay, even if dzdinitely way perfectible and far from as accurate and good platforming wise as every other Mario since Galaxy, isn't SUCH a big deal on my enjoyment of it, especially with Fludd. There are things here and there yeah, like the fluddless stuffs, but it never stopped me to enjoy the overall experience. I still prefer it over 64 (that for my own reason don't like that much in the end, feeling pretty bland and uninspired to me, conveying no universe), Galaxy (even if this one is way more accurate gameplay wise, or even in thz overall feelings it tries to convey theough the presentation, always had more fun with Sunshine overall) and Oddyssey for lot of different reasons that are my own, but the reasons we all like or dislike a game overall is pretty much individual, we all play games for our own reasons in the end after all.