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I discuss GamingIntel, a site sharing Nintendo rumours of questionable authenticity. Where is this info coming from? What do I think of this whole mess? Listen to find out.




Hey Liam, just joined the Patreon (my first one) and I have to say I love the content and work that you put out. I have two questions that I would like to ask if that's possible. First, since the Switch is getting an influx of Final Fantasy games, what's your thought on the possibility of the Switch receiving more recent Final Fantasy titles, in specific the Final Fantasy 13 trilogy? I suppose I'm in the small minority who really liked the trilogy, but I find it strange how there has never been a next-gen port of the game. My second question is simply what excites you most about the future of the Switch? As always, great content mate.

Carson Morris

Hey Liam, really enjoying all the content you've been posting recently. I have two questions:

Carson Morris

1. Have you heard anything about Skip Ltd.? They made the Chibi-Robo games and Captain Rainbow. I was curious if they were working on a game currently or atleast still intact. They're one of my absolute favorite Nintendo 2nd party studios and I really look forward to if and when they release a game again.

Carson Morris

2. What is your favorite Rare game? You guys seem to bring up Rare a lot in the Off the Record podcast, which is awesome. You guys should do a whole show talking about Rare stuff, it'd be great, you can rip into Miyamoto's decision making skills for hours.


Hey Liam sorry for the novel of a question last time. I was wondering what’s the overall climate of the industry going into E3 without Sony and seemingly a few 3rd parties. In my eyes E3 has been diminishing in importance yearly and now with one of the big 3 out of the picture I think the publishers will try even less and would rather save big reveals for their own events.

matt wyble

Hey, I know you wonder out loud sometimes if anyone listens to this and likes it. Just wanted to say I do. You do good work