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For Patrons $1+: 

By now, I assume most if not all of you have seen my latest video chronicling the behind the scenes story on a small project named Goliath, which had ties to Junction Point, and Disney. I wanted to provide you with an update on what has happened since that video went live in case you were interested.

As I mentioned on the last podcast, myself and Did You Know Gaming have received a message threatening to have the video pulled. Alexander Rohn, who featured in the video alongside myself, believes this anonymous threat came from the artist mentioned that was suspected of plagiarism.

To recap, a piece of the art made for the Project Goliath pitch was deemed to have been plagiarised when a piece of it was submitted to an art competition at the Savannah College of Art and Design. There was a possibility more of the art made for it could have also been plagiarised, and this was one of the big factors in them ending the project.

Since the video went live, I've had multiple people come forward to let me know that not only was that piece definitely plagiarised, but that most of, if not all, of the art from Project Goliath was, indeed, stolen too. 

It appears the individual in question stole art from former members of Insomniac Games, the studio responsible for Ratchet & Clank, one of Project Goliath's chief inspirations. So far, I have been able to determine that one of the design and pose for one of the main characters, Tarek, is among the offending examples. The designs for a bird character that was planned for the game, Terrwyn, were also clearly stolen.

I have attached a couple of images comparing the original art (right) to the plagiarised material in question.

We will not be removing the Project Goliath video and if this individual should attempt to remove it, Alex has said that he has no qualms about making their identity public, which he has up until this point kept to himself out of respect.

- Liam



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