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All characters in this story are over the age of 18.

On the one hand, Aloy shouldn’t have been too surprised when she walked in on Beta masturbating. After all, the poor girl was never allowed to express freedom or control of herself when journeying across the stars with the Zeniths. She had most likely never indulged in self-pleasure before today. However, that didn’t mean that Aloy wasn’t taken aback upon seeing her look-alike with her hand around her cock.

Beta fumbled with her shaft a few times, trying desperately to comprehend what she needed to do and understand what she liked. Her soft moans made the hairs on the back of Aloy’s neck stand. Beta’s voice was identical to hers. It should have been a sound that Aloy would be intimately familiar with considering she wasn’t shy about jerking off whenever nature called, even at the risk of being caught. The only time Aloy had ever been caught was when Talanah spotted her. And it proved to be far from an inconvenience when the Hawk became very interested in what Aloy was packing between her legs. The memory of that day as well as finding Beta like this in the present was making Aloy’s heart race. Her copy’s face contorted with pleasure. Aloy couldn’t turn away, even when Beta stared at her like a frightened animal after it had been caught.

‘’I’m…I’m so sorry,’’ Beta apologized hastily. ‘’I thought I could resolve this quickly. It was hurting so much. But, I…I haven’t been able to do this before. I don’t know how I’m supposed to…how I’m supposed to…’’

Aloy smiled warmly and approached Beta. ‘’It’s okay. Let me show you what to do.’’

Beta was too shocked to speak as she watched Aloy strip.

Despite having many layers of clothes and armor adorned over her strong body, Aloy made short work of her attire and was soon standing naked in front of her other half. Beta suspected that Aloy’s body would be more muscular than hers considering her many years of hunting and survival. Yet, she still wasn’t prepared for what could only be described as peak physical perfection as she gawked at Aloy’s powerful form. The only noticeable similarity shared between them was the size of their cocks, each reaching an impressive 12 inches. Although, Aloy’s shaft seemed to be slightly thicker.

‘’Watch me and do what I do,’’ Aloy said as she grasped her own shaft and slowly started to stroke it, feeling it harden.

Beta swallowed the lump in her throat and mimicked Aloy’s actions. She removed her clothes. Her body quaked with nerves as she almost attempted to cover herself, hiding anything she perceived to be physical flaws when compared to Aloy’s body. But, Aloy wasn’t going to allow Beta a single moment to belittle or question herself. She reached out and took Beta’s hands, carefully guiding it down to her throbbing cock. Beta trembled as Aloy’s fingers brushed against the tip. As much as she wished for Aloy to be the one actually touching her, Beta feared that she would be overwhelmed by that sensation too quickly. So, she settled for touching herself whilst watching her.

They stood next to each other, listening to each other moaning and panting as they stroked themselves. Their eyes remained locked despite wanting to stare at each other’s bodies. Beta admired everything about Aloy. She was everything she wasn’t. The perfect embodiment of Elisabeth. Yet, she had grown into her own person too. In the weeks since their triumph over the Zeniths, Beta had been trying to understand herself and know what kind of person she was, inspired by Aloy’s actions. And Aloy was always there to help her every step of the way if possible.

It didn’t take long for Beta to realize she had fallen for Aloy.

Was such a thing possible? Her mind was overloading thinking of the possibility of developing feelings for a person that was essentially her thanks to genetics. But, they weren’t the same person.

There was no one like Aloy.

And as Aloy kept explaining to her…there was no one like Beta.

‘’Now, go faster!’’ Aloy instructed.

Beta nodded and obeyed. Her body heaved uncontrollably as her emotions spilled over and threatened to consume her completely. She whimpered while Aloy groaned sensually. She looked so confident and powerful whilst pumping her cock. Harder and faster. Beta was desperate to move like her. She couldn’t quite keep up with her pace, but she made a valiant effort. Aloy advanced; moving closer until their cocks were nearly touching.

‘’Please…’’ Beta begged.

Aloy instantly knew what she wanted and was more than happy to give Beta what she craved. She massaged her cock against Beta’s. The moment their hard lengths touched; Beta felt like she wanted to scream up at the stars with joy. The sensation was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. Sensing the satisfaction coming from Beta, Aloy decided that the time was right for her to take control. She used one hand to stroke Beta whilst also still pleasuring herself. Their cocks were still grinding against each other, bringing them gradually closer to a shared orgasmic release. Beta panted heavily and pleaded for Aloy to continue. Her body bucked wildly. Her eyes roamed over Aloy’s body. There was so much to marvel at. Her abs were strong like steel as they rose and fell with every sharp breath.

Every about Aloy was spurring Beta over the edge. Her strong arms. Her beautiful breasts. Her gorgeous face. Her succulent lips. Her mighty cock.

‘’Aloy! I’m…I’m…’’

The pleasure was too great. Beta couldn’t hold back. She crashed her mouth against Aloy’s. The moment their lips touched they came. Threads of cum exploded from both of their cocks, covering each other’s bodies as their passionate embrace lasted for a long while. When they pulled back, they were smiling lovingly at each other.

‘’I should have asked for help sooner,’’ Beta said.

Aloy grinned. ‘’Yes, you should have. But, I think we can make up for lost time.’’

Suddenly, Beta felt herself being spun around so that her front was now facing the wall. Aloy advanced over her from behind and guided her cock between Beta's ass cheeks. A chill ran down Beta’s spine as she braced herself for what was about to happen. A sharp gasp escaped from her as she felt Aloy’s immense cock penetrate her rear entrance. Aloy hissed through her teeth. She was holding back. There was no need to rush things. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt Beta in what should be a moment of absolute pleasure for both of them. Beta clawed at the wall as she felt Aloy gently thrust back and forth. Her ass clenched tightly around the girthy shaft, refusing to allow Aloy to leave. With every little movement, Aloy forced more of herself inside Beta. Gradually, Beta became accustomed to the huge package fucking her ass over and over again.

With Aloy’s hands on Beta’s hips, the stronger of the two was able to take control. She pounded Beta’s ass with more strength and speed behind her thrusts. She wasn’t going as hard on her as she would do with Talanah. But, it was more than enough to bring Beta to the edge sooner than expected.

‘’Aloy! I’m cumming again!’’ Beta cried out.

With a coy smirk, Aloy reached around and took Beta’s cock in her grip and stroked it as she continued to fuck her. Beta’s shaft had only just become fully hard before it exploded due to the overwhelming pleasure. Even after Beta had finished painting the walls in front of her, Aloy didn’t release her from her hold. She kept stroking her softening cock whilst spearing the full length of her own shaft deep inside Beta's ass.

Aloy’s lips brushed against the back of Beta’s ear. Harsh grunts escaped from her. ‘’Can I cum inside you?’’

‘’Yes! Yes! Yes!’’ Beta screamed. Her hurried cries were bred from desperation. She backed herself into Aloy to make sure that her other half was fully aware of her response.

With no reason to hold back, Aloy pushed her cock deep inside Beta’s ass and exploded. Her blissful climax filled her to the brim, bringing her to new heights of pleasure never thought possible. Aloy embraced her from behind, kissing the back of her neck as she pumped every last drop of her seed inside Beta.

‘’Oh my God!’’ Beta gasped. ‘’Does it always feel this good?’’

Aloy smiled as she cupped Beta’s cheek and turned her around so that she could kiss her on the lips. ‘’It can be if you want.’’

Beta seemed genuinely happy, but there was an air of apprehension that still lingered. ‘’Is this right? We’re not…normal. Are we doing something wrong by being together like this?’’

Aloy shrugged. ‘’Even if we are, I say that we still go for it. We’ve dealt with enough in our lives. What’s so wrong about finding happiness together?’’

Beta’s smile returned and she happily returned the kiss. ‘’I am happy. I’m happy with you, Aloy.’’


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