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All characters in this story are over the age of 18.

Leslie Bennett shifted on the bed and glanced down at her body, still trying to justify her attire. Wearing nothing more than a black silk dressing gown which left little to the imagination, she couldn’t remember the last time she had worn such an alluring piece of clothing, especially for the pleasure of another person.

She gulped loudly and scanned her surroundings once more. The bedside lamp flickered, threatening to spark out and send the room into complete darkness. Fortunately, it was able to hold. It was to be expected when rendezvousing in a dilapidated motel. But, it was secluded. That was the most appealing quality of this place. No one she would encounter in this part of town would recognize her. She breathed heavily, trying to calm her nerves. She wanted to get this night over and done with. However, she couldn’t rush this. It wouldn’t be fair to the other person. Her ears perked up when she heard the shower switch off through the bathroom door. The other person was going to step out at any moment. Leslie stared up at the ceiling and sighed.

‘’Calm down, calm down,’’ she whispered to herself.

What was she doing here?

Oh, she knew exactly what she was doing here. After many failed attempts on standard dating sites, Leslie had found herself surveying for a match through more…secretive apps. It wasn’t until she stumbled upon the profile of a young blonde woman that her interest was captured. Leslie had never been with a woman before. She never considered the possibility of hooking up with a woman. Yet, there was something so alluring about the girl in the photo. Her sweet smile seemed to mask many insecurities. Leslie felt protective of her. She wanted to see her. After losing her husband, Leslie needed to find companionship again, even going through more drastic measures to find it.

No real names were shared between them. Just a time and address.

Leslie had arrived at the motel first. Seeing as she was the oldest of the two, it seemed fitting. When the blonde woman knocked at the door and Leslie answered, the mother of two felt her heart race.

God, this woman was beautiful.

She also strutted around with confidence. Leslie knew that the girl had done this before, but not with another woman. So, it would be a new experience for both of them.

‘’How old are you?’’ Leslie asked when she found her voice again.

Jules Vaughn smiled. ‘’18.’’

Jules was relieved that she could finally answer that truthfully.

‘’Do you need to use the shower before we start?’’ Leslie inquired nervously. ‘’I’ve already showered if you wanted to know. I’m sorry if I’m babbling.’’

‘’It’s okay. Yeah, I’ll jump in now. I won’t be long.’’

Leslie was captivated by Jules's smile as she walked past the older woman, brushing her arm against Leslie’s before disappearing into the bathroom and locking the door behind her.

Jules was only in the shower for five minutes. She had already showered before she left her home to come to the motel, but she went along with it to make things easier. She could almost feel the tension radiating off the older woman like smoke from a fire.

Leslie waited on the bed. She had removed her jacket to take a look at herself. How many times had she inspected her lingerie? Did she look unflattering? She looked at the mirror hanging on the wall that was on the other side of the room. Lipstick and make-up. Check. Her gown barely clung to her curves, giving a tantalizing glimpse of her skin underneath. At the time, she was too nervous to see if the blonde was checking her out.

The door to the bathroom swung open and Jules stepped out…walking out completely naked. Leslie’s throat hitched. Steam was still rising off Jules’s shoulders. Wet beads rolled down her skin. One droplet of water travelled over the curve of her breast before soaking her perky nipple. As Jules walked by the window, neon lights from outside peaked around the curtains and splashed an array of colors over her body, casting her in an ethereal light. One particular spot of interest was between Jules’s legs. Her cock was slowly beginning to harden. It rose and thickened, making Leslie’s heart race.

‘’Oh my, you are not afraid to be seen…’’ Leslie gasped.

Jules giggled and spun around giddily. ‘’This isn’t too much, is it?’’

‘’Even if it is, I guess I’m fine with it.’’

The room fell quiet momentarily as Jules advanced towards the bed. ‘’You said that you’ve never been with a woman before. Why did you want to match up with me?’’

‘’To be honest, I’m not sure. You’re very pretty, that’s one solid reason,’’ she smiled, earning an adorable laugh from Jules. ‘’And you said in your profile that you’ve only been with men. So, I guess I wanted to ease myself into this with someone who is new to this whilst also still knowing what they’re doing.’’

Jules nodded. ‘’I get it. It can be scary. I just hope that I’m not going to be a disappointment.’’

‘’Oh, you’re not,’’ Leslie sat up. ‘’We’ll take things slow.’’

As she moved, her gown parted, revealing more of her cleavage, giving Jules a little tease of what was to come. Leslie noticed and instinctively shielded her chest before locking eyes with Jules. The blonde gazed upon her with absolute desire. Leslie’s heart burst out of her chest. She lowered her arm and allowed her gown to fall a little bit more. Her breasts almost came into full view.

‘’It doesn’t bother you that I’m older?’’ Leslie asked.

Jules shook her head. ‘’I’ve been with older men. I want to try this with older women too.’’

‘’Okay…what do you want to do first?’’

‘’Whatever you want. We’ve got time. What’s coming to your mind right now?’’

Leslie didn’t have to exercise her brain much. Her eyes wandered over Jules’s body, taking in every heavenly detail. Leaning back on the bed, Leslie spread her legs and brought her hand underneath her gown to touch herself. Her most intimate area was out of Jules’s sight…for now. Watching on, Jules grasped her cock and began to slowly pump it. Leslie’s eyes widened as she watched the blonde jerk herself off right in front of her. Her hand glided up and down the shaft until it stood at a lovely 6 inches. A bead of pre-cum shimmered at the tip before oozing onto the bed. A moan rolled out of Leslie’s throat as she slipped two fingers inside her pussy.

‘’You are so beautiful,’’ Leslie whimpered, fingering herself faster. Her other hand massaged her breasts through her gown.

‘’So are you,’’ Jules responded, slowing her pace so that she could respond to Leslie without her voice cracking. ‘’I bet you never thought you’d be with a girl who has a cock.’’

‘’That is true,’’ Leslie said as she inserted three fingers inside her pussy and rode against herself.

She kneaded her breast more firmly. Jules had taken another step closer and was now standing by the edge of the bed, towering over Leslie with lust glazed over her gorgeous eyes. Jules pulled Leslie’s gown to the side to free her breasts before palming them. Leslie moaned with delight and arched her back, pressing her body into Jules’s touch. The older woman looked down to see the blonde’s throbbing shaft.

‘’Do you…’’ she started, hesitating for a moment before smiling bashfully. ‘’Do you want me to suck it?’’

Jules smiled happily. ‘’Only if you want to. No pressure.’’

‘’I’m asking do you want me to?’’ Leslie questioned more sternly.


‘’Stand back.’’

Jules followed Leslie’s instructions and gave her the space needed to slip off the bed. Leslie grabbed a pillow and placed it under her knees. Overcome with eagerness, she grabbed Jules’s cock and engulfed it in her mouth, causing the blonde to throw her head back and moan. Leslie enthusiastically bobbed her head. Her rapid motions lead to slick wet sounds reverberating off the hotel room walls. Leslie’s tongue slid up and down the length, licking every part of it until it was slathered with spit. Jules ran her hands through Leslie’s hair, gripping her locks tightly, and began to thrust, fucking Leslie’s mouth hard and fast. Saliva and pre-cum poured down onto Leslie’s chest as she attempted to deepthroat Jules’s cock, earning a flurry of moans from the tall blonde.

‘’Shit!’’ Jules growled. She pulled her cock out of Leslie’s mouth. ‘’Open your mouth! Stick out your tongue!’’

Leslie obeyed without hesitation, and Jules proceeded to slap her dick against Leslie’s tongue repeatedly. The sweet sounds coming from Leslie encouraged Jules to up the ante. She rubbed her shaft all over the older woman’s face.

For a split second, Jules stalled. Was she going too far? She was reminded of the rough treatment her past lovers would inflict upon her. It felt like she had stepped into their shoes. She feared that she was going to overwhelm Leslie. ‘’Sorry,’’ she whispered.

‘’It’s okay, I’m fine,’’ Leslie replied. She felt Jules’s balls slapping against her chin, making it impossible for her to resist the temptation to dive down and take Jules’s balls into her mouth.

‘’Oh fuck!’’ Jules cried out.

She continued to slap her shaft onto Leslie’s face whilst her balls were getting sucked. Leslie fit both of them in her mouth. Leslie’s hand pumped Jules’s dick without taking a break as her tongue lavished her testicles. During this exquisite oral treatment, Leslie flung her gown off and tossed it aside, leaving both of them naked. She lifted herself forward and pushed her breasts together, smothering Jules’s cock between them. Immediately, Jules moaned with ecstasy and began to thrust her hips. Leslie let Jules do all the work. She drooled on the valley between her cleavage so that the throbbing shaft could more easily slide up and down. The tip was barely visible as it moved up and down in a relentless fashion. Leslie looked up to see Jules’s face contorted with pleasure.

‘’Whoa…’’ Jules gasped as she watched her cock disappear and reappear between Leslie’s breasts.

‘’I might have looked at some stuff online before I got here for inspiration.’’

Jules’s eyes rolled back and her body shivered as she felt an approaching orgasm. ‘’Fuck, I’m about to cum! Do you want to swallow or…’’

‘’I’ve never been fond of the taste,’’ Leslie said. ‘’Sorry.’’

‘’That’s okay. Do you…’’ Jules stumbled. She needed to ask quickly before she exploded. ‘’Do you mind…on the face?’’

The shock from Leslie was evident. However, she didn’t baulk at the idea. After taking a moment to think, she nodded. Jules let out a guttural moan. She bucked her hips and groped Leslie’s breasts roughly, digging her fingers into the soft flesh. Leslie gasped as she felt rope after rope of cum shoot from Jules’s cock, coating her tits completely and reaching up to paint her face like a canvas.

After she had fired her last shot, Jules rushed to the bathroom to retrieve a towel. She dabbed it over Leslie’s face. ‘’Sorry about that.’’

‘’I didn’t mind. How was the show?’’ Leslie purred, showing some confidence as she felt herself succumb to the erotic tension. She couldn’t recall a time when she had been left in such a lewd and aroused state. Her pussy was practically gushing, and Jules could see that.

Without missing a beat, the blonde picked Leslie up and moved her back onto the bed. She crawled down, placed her hands against Leslie’s thighs and spread her legs as far apart as they could reach.

The swift and forceful movement caused Leslie to whimper. ‘’Fuck…’’

‘’Such a good girl,’’ Jules said in a husky tone. She brought two fingers down to Leslie’s lower lips and gently rubbed her. ‘’You’re so wet for me.’’

‘’Always,’’ Leslie mewled. She was bucking against Jules’s fingers, yearning to feel her inside her body.

‘’I want to taste you.’’ Jules leaned forward and dragged her tongue over Leslie’s pussy, lapping up her juices as if she was tasting the nectar of life.

Leslie quaked on the bed and grinded herself against Jules’s face. She felt her lover’s tongue push past her entrance. Jules was fucking her with her tongue and fingers. The joy plastered across Leslie’s face was a picture for the history books. She rode Jules’s tongue and fingers. Her juices were flowing into Jules’s mouth, burning her tastebuds to no end. An endless chorus of moans filled the room. Leslie’s joy was evident as her body rocked hard against Jules, reacting to every little movement she made. Her fingers curled inside Leslie’s pussy, touching her sweet spot and igniting blazes of ecstasy throughout her entire being. Her tongue moved up and down at a feverous pace. She devoured Leslie. Her pussy’s wetness flooded Jules’s mouth and streamed down her throat. She didn’t stop, even as she felt Leslie ride the waves of her orgasm, crashing against her over and over again.

‘’I’ll be right back,’’ Jules said as she retreated into the bathroom yet again, leaving Leslie in a delirious state as she basked in a euphoric afterglow.

As the blonde walked back over to the bed, Leslie could see that Jules was fitting a condom over her cock. Once it was on, she climbed on top of the older woman. Jules’s mouth was drenched with Leslie’s juices. They couldn’t stop themselves from coming together for a passionate kiss. Leslie moaned as she tasted herself on Jules’s lips. Jules reached down to move her cock into position. The tip brushed against Leslie’s pussy. Leslie wanted to move forward so that she could feel Jules’s length slip inside.

But, Jules held her back. She pinned her down and gazed at her intensely.

‘’I’m going to fuck you!’’ Jules purred.

Leslie knew that Jules was trying to do two things with her dirty talk. One…turn her one. She had accomplished that extremely well. Two…inform Leslie of her intentions before taking things further. If Leslie had any hesitation or worries, she could let Jules know now and stop her from doing anything she didn’t want to do.

But, this is exactly what Leslie wanted.

‘’Please…’’ Leslie begged, enticing Jules to bring her hips forward so that her cock could rub against her pussy.

Jules’s smirk grew as she finally gave Leslie what she needed. Her cock slowly filled Leslie’s pussy, stretching her out and making her moan at the top of her voice. She wrapped her arms and legs around Jules’s body, holding her close as she felt her buck against her, fucking her with no trouble whatsoever. Leslie’s wetness ensured that Jules’s dick was able to effortlessly glide in and out of her entrance. The bed rocked beneath them as Jules held nothing back. She hissed as Leslie dragged her nails down her back, leaving faint red claw marks behind.

‘’Settle down, Wolverine!’’ Jules teased.

‘’Please, don’t stop!’’ Leslie cried out. Her body was trembling. ‘’I need to feel you inside me!’’

‘’Jesus, you’re so beautiful,’’ Jules commented. Sweat enveloped her body. Her balls slapped against Leslie’s thigh repeatedly. ‘’Even when you’re getting thoroughly fucked you still look like a goddess.’’

Leslie smiled at the praise. Warmth blossomed in her chest as she felt Jules knead her breasts as they bounced with every impactful thrust she received from her lover. ‘’I was going to say the same about you!’’

‘’Oh yeah?’’ Jules smirked. ‘’You think flattery will get me to fuck you harder?’’

‘’Will it?’’

In response, Jules grabbed Leslie’s legs and lifted them until her hips were hoisted off the bed. Jules pinned her down and slammed her cock back into her, fucking her in a mating press position ruthlessly. Leslie's screams were loud enough to make Jules’s body shake. Spurred on by her reaction, Jules fucked her like never before. She pounded every inch of her pulsating cock in and out of Leslie. Her wetness gushed as she clenched tightly around the shaft.

Jules had just made Leslie squirt.

Jules reached for Leslie’s hand and held it tightly. She fucked her through her climax. Leslie’s back was arched and her toes curled. She was about to be fucked into a second orgasm just as Jules was on the verge of cumming. The blonde’s animalistic growling sent chills down Leslie’s spine. Her pussy clamped around Jules’s shaft, giving her no option other than to remain inside her as she pumped a massive load into the condom filling it to the absolute brim.

Leslie sighed with contentment as quaked against Jules, who held her through her release.

She knew that it was best to be safe. But, there was a part of her that really wanted to feel Jules cum inside her without the condom.

Jules carefully set Leslie back down on the bed. They held each other in a loving embrace as Jules’s concealed cock softened before slipping out of the older woman. ‘’So…that’s what it feels like to be on the other end of a mating press?’’ Jules sighed.

‘’A mating press?’’

‘’Yep…’’ the blonde pondered. ‘’Although, I feel like wearing a condom defeats the whole purpose of a mating press.’’

They shared an amused laugh as they cuddled. ‘’I already have two children. One of them is your age.’’

A look of sadness flashed across Jules’s face. ‘’I guess we’re still not going to share names?’’

‘’I think that might be for the best.’’

‘’And…this was just a one-time thing?’’

Leslie’s expression softened. ‘’I’m sorry. I thought I was in a place to start dating again. But, I’m not so sure. A lot is going on at home…’’

‘’No, it’s okay. I understand. But, not even sex?’’

Leslie managed to smile. ‘’Girl, if this was just about sex, I’d be booking us this place every night until the sun goes out. But, it wouldn’t be fair to string you along when my head is not in the right place.’’

Jules’s gaze drifted away. She nodded, but it was hardly convincing. Leslie could feel the blonde scoot closer, tightening the embrace, as if she was afraid that Leslie was going to fade away and completely leave her. In a way…she was. Regret almost took hold. However, Leslie found her smile again. She turned to Leslie with light behind her gorgeous face. ‘’I hope that you find that happiness you’re looking for.’’

Leslie grinned. ‘’I’m wishing the same for you. Who knows? Maybe you’ll find yourself a nice girlfriend who will treat you right.’’

Jules rolled her eyes. ‘’We’ll see. But, I’m not holding my breath.’’



‘’What if your mom doesn’t like me?’’

Rue furrowed her brows and dragged her girlfriend towards the front door. ‘’Who the fuck cares if she likes you?’’

‘’I do!’’ Jules groaned. Despite everything that she had been through, she had never felt more scared than in this moment…meeting her girlfriend’s mother for the first time. She wanted to make a good impression. But, she feared that someone about her would belittle her chances.

Rue placed her hands on Jules’s shoulders and pulled her into a tender kiss. ‘’I like that. That’s all that fucking matters. And there is no way that my mom will not like you.’’

‘’Don’t use double negatives to confuse me,’’ Jules laughed.

‘’Whatever,’’ Rue leaned over and bashed her knuckle against the door a couple of times.

The two of them stood with their hands interlocked and waited. Jules patted down her skirt to make herself look more presentable. She heard a commotion from behind and smiled brightly as the door swung open. Before she could greet the woman, her heart froze and her smile dropped instantly. Her crestfallen look was mimicked by the older woman.

Unaware of what was going on, Rue gestured to Jules. ‘’Mom this is my girlfriend, Jules. Jules, say hello to my mom!’’

The color drained from both Jules and Leslie’s faces as they stood in stunned silence.

Rue’s brow creased. ‘’Uh…this is the part where you both say something. Am I missing something?’’


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