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An Anonymous Commission.

All characters in this story are over the age of 18.

Staring at the cracked ceiling for hours was not Ellie’s idea of entertainment.

By now, she had stopped struggling to break free from the chains that were wrapped so tightly around her wrists. The metallic cuff that was bound to her right arm grazed slightly against her faded bite mark. Several days had passed since then. Ellie still couldn’t deny the possibility that this was all one long fucked-up nightmare that she couldn’t wake up from. She dared not think about that night when she was bitten. There were too many painful memories associated with it.

She tried to focus on the here and now.

She was imprisoned in a rundown apartment that was being used as a base of operations for the fireflies. Ellie believed this all to be related to her bite. They had seen it; clear as day. Why didn’t kill her immediately? Ellie didn’t have an answer for that. But, when it became apparent that she wasn’t going to turn despite the hours shifting into days, she could almost see the gears in their mind turning. Their expressions were a mixture of awe and confusion. Ever since they apprehended her, they ran Ellie through one mundane test after another. The fiery young woman trudged through the routine with a barrage of wit and sarcasm. If they weren’t going to explain why they were keeping her alive, then Ellie was going to give them as much frustration as she could muster.

There had been no change in the procedure up until now. The only slip-up that happened in the time Ellie had spent here was when a firefly walked in on Ellie during a…private moment. Ellie tried to forget about it to save herself the blushes. Although, she could have sworn that the woman looked slightly impressed by what Ellie was packing before she darted out of the room.

As Ellie settled into watching the shadows move ever so slowly with the rising sun, she heard the door creak open. She sighed and started counting before the order was given. ‘’One…two…three…’’

She trailed off at the lack of response. The room fell silent as Ellie lowered her gaze to stare at the person who had entered the room. It was a woman that Ellie hadn’t met before. Had she? There was something vaguely familiar about her appearance. But, Ellie was certain that if they had met, she would have remembered her. She was a tall woman with a defined physique. Brown skin, and dark eyes that had seen more than any person should see. She marched into the room with authority and calmness. As she closed the gap between them, Ellie huddled into the corner of the room, as far as her chains would allow her to venture.

From her pocket, the woman revealed a small key. She glanced at the lock around Ellie’s wrists. Hesitantly, Ellie lifted her arms and watched as the woman freed her from the cold restraints.

‘’You’re not scared?’’ Ellie inquired.

‘’Why should I be?’’ the woman asked softly.

‘’Because everyone else seems to be! They were going to shoot me.’’

‘’Well, you have me to thank for that. I am the one who told them not to shoot you. Though, you should consider yourself lucky. If I had been a second too late giving the order, you’d have had a bullet in your skull.’’

Ellie’s puzzlement about the woman was set aside as she felt the shackles loosen around her wrists. When the locks dropped to the floor near her feet, Ellie’s eyes instinctively went to the door.

‘’Don’t even think about it,’’ the woman said sternly.

Despite her initial friendliness, Ellie could quickly tell that this was a woman that shouldn’t be messed with. If the situation were less hostile for her, Ellie would have enjoyed the idea of being alone in a room with a strong, older woman.

‘’Who the fuck are you?’’ Ellie asked.

‘’I’ll tell you my name if you tell me yours.’’

‘’I told your firefly buddies already. My name is Veronica!’’

‘’Is that so?’’ The woman smirked. ‘’I was hoping that we could have an open conversation…Ellie.’’

Ellie flinched. ‘’What the fuck is going on?’’

A solemn smile flashed across the woman’s face momentarily. She seemed to see something recognizable in Ellie. But, she kept her cards close to her chest, leaving Ellie feeling despondent. ‘’My name is Marlene. Now that we have introductions out of the way, I can cut to the chase. You’re a smart girl. I think you know why we took you in.’’

‘’That’s a funny way of saying kidnapped me,’’ Ellie retorted. She trailed her fingers across the bite mark on her wrist. ‘’Do you know why I didn’t turn?’’

‘’Not yet,’’ Marlene said. ‘’But, that’s what we’re hoping to find out. This could be the most important discovery since this whole thing started. You could have the potential to save the world.’’

Her words weighed heavily on Ellie’s shoulders. The fate of the world was too big a concept for the young woman to comprehend. Her idea of the world had been stripped away from her a few nights ago. A familiar face, smiling brightly at Ellie, flashed in the back of her mind. She curled into a ball and shifted her gaze away from Marlene. In one corner of the room, there was an old couch. With her chains, Ellie was only able to reach the nearest end of it. Now, she could rise to her feet and walk over to it. Marlene didn’t stop her from taking a seat and contemplating what was being asked of her. Faint tears shimmered in her eyes. Marlene was caught between wanting to comfort the young woman, and reminding her that everyone has experienced loss. If a person was to survive in this world, they had to push forward.

Marlene followed Ellie and sat down on the couch next to her. ‘’I know that this is a lot to ask of you. But, that’s why we had to save you. If you stayed out there, you’d have been dead and the chance for salvation would have died with you.’’

‘’You suck so much at prep talk.’’

Marlene huffed in amusement. ‘’I’m trying to tell you that you shouldn’t give up. Your mother wouldn’t have. If she had the same gift you did, she wouldn’t have hesitated to…’’

‘’Don’t do that!’’ Ellie snapped.

‘’Do what?’’

‘’Talk about my mother like you knew her!’’

After a moment’s pause, Marlene grinned. ‘’I did know her.’’

Ellie turned to face her. Her eyes widened. ‘’You better not be lying to me about this.’’

‘’I’m not. Your mother and I were best friends growing up. We knew each other before the outbreak. We were…close,’’ she stopped temporarily as her voice began to crack. ‘’I like to think I knew her better than anyone. I see so much of her in you.’’

The pieces were starting to take shape in Ellie’s head. This possibly explained why Marlene looked vaguely familiar to her. She had to be someone from her past before she was old enough to form coherent memories. Yet, the presence of Marlene lingered. A thousand questions flooded Ellie’s mind. There was so much about her mother that she wanted to know. She wondered what Marlene was hinting at when she referred to how close they were. When Ellie’s eyes darted downwards, she might have got her answer. A quiet gasp escaped from her when she noticed a faint bulge between the older woman’s legs. She could only see an outline beneath her baggy pants. But, Marlene’s size was big enough to make it clear that she was packing. Ellie didn’t know what to say. She’d never met another woman like her; a woman with a cock.

‘’My eyes are up here!’’

Ellie jumped and locked onto Marlene’s steely gaze. Her smile remained.

‘’Sorry,’’ Ellie mumbled. ‘’It’s just that you…I mean, I…uh…’’

‘’I know.’’

Those two words made Ellie’s heart skip a beat. ‘’You do?’’

Marlene nodded. ‘’I was there when you were born. I know that you have a penis. I was the only person here who did know until Ashley came to deliver your food the other day and caught you jerking off.’’

‘’She didn’t knock!’’ Ellie barked. ‘’I’ve been trapped in here for days. I have needs. You should know that.’’

‘’Relax, there are more important things going on in the world right now than wondering what’s between your legs. I think Ashley was just relieved to know that you are 18.’’

‘’You even know how old I am?’’ Ellie narrowed her eyes. ‘’Are you my fucking dad or something?’’

Marlene raised her brow and looked at Ellie with a deadpan expression. ‘’Do I look like your dad?’’

‘’No, you do not.’’ Ellie blushed and looked away, realizing the silliness of her question the moment the words left her mouth. ‘’I guess I just assumed cause you said my mom and you were close.’’

‘’We were very close,’’ Marlene smirked. Although, when Ellie looked in her direction, she could detect a hint of sadness behind the woman’s smile. ‘’Maybe there could have been a chance if things had been different. But, it wasn’t meant to be. I don’t think it’s right to raise a child in a world like this. Your mother understood though she did try to persuade me. And she could be very persuasive.’’

Ellie gulped. She couldn’t believe how openly Marlene was talking about the life she shared with Ellie’s mother. There was enough detail for Ellie to paint a picture in the back of her mind. She just had to imagine an older version of herself, one without a penis, getting it on with Marlene. That wasn’t difficult for her to envision given how attractive Marlene was. Once again, Ellie found herself staring at the tent in Marlene’s pants. She tried not to focus on it. But, she was too sexually frustrated to focus. The only time she had masturbated was the time she was caught by Ashley. She never got to finish relieving herself. A sudden wave of arousal rushed over her, coursing through her body down to her groin area. Ellie shifted on the couch as she felt her own cock hardening.

Marlene had been watching Ellie like a hawk. She picked up on her every movement. Upon seeing her move ever so slightly, Marlene looked down and noticed the bulge that was starting to form in her pants as well.

‘’Don’t fucking stare!’’ Ellie said defensively.

Before today, very few knew about her secret. It might pale in comparison to Ellie’s new secret about being immune to the infected, but it was still a fact that she kept hidden from everyone who dared to get close to her.

Only one person had broken through Ellie’s barrier before. One person loved everything about Ellie. Her heart pained thinking about that person.

‘’Do you need some help?’’

Yet again, Ellie was dumbfounded by Marlene’s choice of words. ‘’Help? Help with what?’’

‘’Do I need to spell it out for you?’’

Before Ellie could think of a response, she felt Marlene’s hand on her crotch, gently caressing her. Ellie sat back in amazement as she allowed Marlene to touch her, rubbing her bulge, and eliciting moans of approval from the young woman.

‘’Fuck!’’ Ellie cried out, bucking her hips so that she was grinding against Marlene’s palm.

‘’Let’s go over some ground rules before we take things further,’’ Marlene said sternly. ‘’I don’t mind using my hands or even my mouth. But, my ass is strictly off-limits. So, don’t even think about getting any bright ideas of fucking me like that. I don’t bottom for anyone.’’

‘’Uh…sure…’’ Ellie licked her lips. She was only half-focusing on Marlene’s rules. Her mind was turning to mush as Marlene squeezed her cock through her pants. ‘’You…really don’t mind using your mouth?’’

‘’Is that your subtle way of asking me for a blowjob?’’


Without missing a beat, Marlene began to unbuckle Ellie’s pants. The young woman was utterly transfixed by the erotic display of Marlene shimmying her out of her pants, pulling them down her legs along with her underwear. Her exposed cock sprang into view, flapping against Ellie’s stomach, throbbing with anticipation as a small blob of pre-cum leaked from the tip. Marlene took a second to admire her. She thought that Ashley was exaggerating when she detailed the immense size of Ellie’s package when she walked in on her.

Marlene forced her gaze away from Ellie’s cock to lock her eyes with the young woman. ‘’Have you ever had a blowjob?’’

Between the heavy gasps, Ellie’s bottom lip quivered. ‘’I have.’’

Marlene didn’t have to probe for more information. She knew who Ellie was thinking about. Ellie and Riley were close; closer than Marlene initially thought. Relationships that could have been more if things didn’t go to shit. Another commonality that the two shared.

Wanting to move on from the subject, Marlene reached down and brushed her fingers up and down Ellie’s shaft, sending shivers down the young woman’s spine. ‘’Aren’t you glad that we provided you with bathing supplies?’’

Despite the hot predicament, she found herself in, Ellie’s sarcasm bubbled to the surface as she rolled her eyes. ‘’Yeah, they go great with the bucket of freezing cold water to wash myself.’’

Her fiery retorts brushed off Marlene like water on a duck’s back. ‘’Well, I’m sorry that this isn’t the Ritz.’’

‘’What’s the Ritz?’’

Marlene decided not to elaborate. She had a more important task ahead of her. Grasping Ellie’s cock with one hand, she lifted it so that it was facing upwards like an erected pole. She leaned her head down and fully engulfed Ellie’s cock in her mouth.

The moment her lips were sealed tightly around the shaft, Ellie threw her head back and cried out in pleasure. ‘’Holy shit! Fuck, that feels so good!’’

Marlene quickly settled into a steady, pacey rhythm. She bobbed her head up and down, taking Ellie’s cock into her mouth without much trouble. Her years of experience proved effective as she felt the tip hit the back of her throat over and over again. She sucked on the shaft enthusiastically. Her spit trickled down the sides, flowing onto Ellie’s balls, which Marlene played with by groping them firmly. Ellie reacted by bucking her hips forward, thrusting the full length of her cock down Marlene’s throat. She choked on it but was able to swiftly recover as she resorted to deepthroating the young woman as if this was their last night on earth.

Every inch of Ellie’s cock was buried in her mouth, leaving her other hand free to reach down and play with herself over her pants.

It had been weeks since Marlene got laid. Being a commander of the Fireflies left little time for her to indulge in personal affairs. She knew the responsibilities and was more than up to the task. But, that didn’t mean her frustrations and urges disappeared. She took the opportunity to pleasure herself whenever she could.

Ellie wasn’t the only one who needed this.

Without breaking contact, Marlene slipped her pants off. With her own cock no longer confined inside of her pants, Marlene could stroke herself as she continued to suck Ellie’s shaft, releasing a muffled, blissful moan.

If this was all a dream, Ellie didn’t want to wake up. Marlene’s mouth felt heavenly around her cock. She felt the older woman’s tongue lavish her from the tip down to her hefty balls. Much to her surprise, Marlene was willing to take them in her mouth, slurping on them whilst pumping her shaft at the same time. Ellie glanced down and could see that Marlene was jerking herself off too. She expertly stroked two cocks without breaking a sweat. Ellie longed to reach that level of confidence before she reached Marlene’s age.

‘’Jesus fucking Christ!’’ Ellie yelled as Marlene took her cock back into her mouth, sliding her lips up and down rapidly, bringing Ellie closer to the edge. ‘’I’m so close!’’

Marlene had a feeling that Ellie wouldn’t last long. The girl only had one chance to pleasure herself since coming here, and it was interrupted. She had to be backed up quite a bit. She would do anything to blow her load, especially with Marlene’s mouth and hands working their magic.

Marlene took Ellie’s cock out of her mouth and started to stroke it slowly. ‘’I can’t emphasise enough how important you are, Ellie. There will come a point soon when we’ll have to leave here. If you agree to come with us, I’ll make sure that you never go a day without experiencing pleasure like this.’’

It sounded too good to be true. Daily blowjobs from a strong older woman who also had an impressive package were something out of Ellie’s wildest fantasies. She didn’t care what dangers were outside this building. She’d fight through hordes of bandits and infected if it meant getting to feel Marlene’s lips around her cock every day. Agreeing to Marlene’s terms was a no-brainer.

Although, if Marlene was willing to do this to earn Ellie’s trust, the fireflies must have been desperate to get her onboard. Despite the scale of their operation, they seemed to need Ellie just as much as she needed them.

How far were they willing to go for her?

‘’Can you give me a footjob?’’

The sudden and unexpected request completely caught Marlene off guard. She stopped stroking Ellie’s cock and stared at her in perplexity. ‘’What?’’

‘’Can you give me a footjob?’’ Ellie repeated. Marlene’s expression remained the same. Ellie cleared her throat. ‘’A footjob is like a handjob, but with feet. You use your…’’

‘’I know what a footjob is,’’ Marlene interrupted. ‘’I just didn’t expect you to be into that stuff.’’

Ellie furrowed her brow. ‘’You’re really going to kink shame me during the apocalypse?’’

‘’I’m not kink-shaming you!’’

She pondered Ellie’s request for a short while. The young woman was staring at her with such an innocent look; a sharp contrast from her suggestive request. Marlene never stated that her feet were off the table.

Despite her slight reservations, bred from anxiety rather than disgust, Marlene sighed and nodded. Ellie beamed. Marlene kept her lips shut as she moved to the end of the couch and removed her boots. She had to admit that Ellie’s reaction was endearing. But, she didn’t want to mention it openly. She had to put her foot down and some point so that Ellie didn’t take advantage.

Ellie reclined so that her back was resting on the couch and put her hands behind her head. She watched as Marlene slipped her socks off next. ‘’Aren’t you glad that you provided yourself with bathing supplies?’’

‘’Don’t be a smartass!’’ Marlene readjusted herself so that she was now facing Ellie. ‘’I’ve never done this before. So, don’t expect the same level of expertise as my mouth.’’

‘’I promise to judge you honestly and fairly.’’

Marlene ignored Ellie’s response and placed her bare feet around either side of Ellie’s cock. She began to slowly stroke it. As she feared, Marlene got off to a rocky start. Her feet slipped out of place a few times and couldn’t find a fixed rhythm. The awkward beginning made her curse under her breath a few times. Before long, the sound of Ellie’s moans filled the room once again. Marlene looked down and saw that Ellie was still enjoying herself despite Marlene’s apparent lack of experience with giving footjobs. Taking Ellie’s response as a sign of encouragement, Marlene continued slowly pacing herself until she was able to get a firm grasp on what she was doing.

‘’You really haven’t done this before?’’ Ellie panted, thrusting her cock between Marlene’s feet. ‘’Fuck, you could have fooled me. This feels fucking amazing!’’

Spurred on by Ellie’s words, Marlene clamped her feet around Ellie’s pulsating shaft more firmly and jerked her off harder and faster than before. She’d be lying if she said that she didn’t find this position exciting, despite her initial hesitation. Watching Ellie’s body heave erratically with excitement was a sight she could get used to. But, she knew that something like this was only going to be a fleeting delight.

‘’You know that we’re not going to do this as often during our travels,’’ she said.

‘’Don’t stop! Keep going!’’

Marlene couldn’t tell if Ellie was deliberately dismissing her statement or unable to process it because of the pleasure she was going through. Her annoyance was kept to a minimum as she obeyed.

The slick sound of her feet pumping Ellie’s shaft reverberated throughout the room. Ellie’s fists balled tightly, gripping the couch as she felt herself become overwhelmed. Her climax was imminent. ‘’Fuck, I’m cumming!’’

Her warning shouldn’t have come as a surprise to Marlene; she was already close after the earlier blowjob. However, in that position, Marlene expected to take Ellie’s load in her mouth. But, with her feet wrapped around Ellie’s cock, she didn’t know what to do when the young woman exploded. She didn’t have much time to think as Ellie’s back arched and she let loose, cumming all over Marlene’s feet.

‘’Oh, Shit! Oh, Shit! Fuck! Fuck!’’ Ellie’s explicit ramblings rang loudly.

Marlene’s toes were drenched in the sticky substance. There were a few ropes that managed to reach her face, showcasing how backed up Ellie was. Strand after strand of cum landed on Marlene’s clothes. She had never let anyone cum on her body like this before. She didn’t know what to think. This wasn’t something she planned. She should have been outraged and disgusted. While there was a slight twinge of annoyance, she also had to commend Ellie for the surprising amount of cum she was able to deposit. The sight was one that Marlene would never forget.

As Ellie came down from her euphoric high, Marlene shifted herself away and rose from the couch. Her toes twitched as she felt Ellie’s cum running down her feet and legs. She brushed her thumb over her cheek, catching a bit of Ellie’s seed that had shot onto her face.

She masked her surprise by looking over at Ellie and grinning amusedly at her. ‘’Now I’m going to have to get myself cleaned up.’’

Ellie was huffing uncontrollably. She couldn’t remember the last time she had felt such relief. ‘’That was fucking sick!’’

Marlene remained silent, hiding her slight smirk as she leaned down to put her shoes back on. She didn’t want the other fireflies to know about their exploits. Trust was a rare commodity in this day and age. But, she at least had Ellie’s trust now.

‘’We’ll talk more later.’’

‘’Talk or fuck?’’ Ellie giggled.

‘’Still a smartass,’’ Marlene muttered before leaving the room.

Ellie was still basking in the afterglow. It took a moment before she realized that Marlene hadn’t chained her back up again. Ellie was free to move around and leave the room if she wanted. Hell, she could even walk out of the building if she was quiet enough. But, there was no way she was going to kick this opportunity in the face. There was so much going on for her with Marlene. She could share hot moments with her. She’d be able to learn more about her mother. And if there was a chance that Ellie did hold some key to making other people immune to the infected like she was, she was willing to give this deal a go.

Being the source of a cure, she was beginning to understand what Marlene meant when she emphasized her importance. She was even willing to do something she hadn’t done before to entice Ellie.

What else was Marlene willing to do?

Ellie smirked. There was only one way to find out. And she knew what she wanted to do next.


Marlene tore her gaze away from the maps that were laid out on the table when she noticed Ellie walk into the room. She didn’t expect to see the young woman soon.

It had only been a few hours since she had agreed to Marlene’s offer. During that time, the commander informed her subordinates that Ellie would be allowed to walk freely within the premises as she had assurance that she wouldn’t try to escape. While many were sceptical, they were willing to believe in their leader and promised to not give Ellie any grief. She was no longer to be treated like a test subject. She was now one of their own until they moved out.

They were alone for now as Ellie slowly approached Marlene, looking quite pleased with herself. Marlene decided not to take the bait and turned her attention back towards the map. ‘’I’m going over our exit strategy from the Quarantine Zone. We’ll be leaving in two weeks.’’

‘’Cool,’’ Ellie replied nonchalantly.

Marlene sighed. She was going to take the bait. ‘’So, you’re not here to talk more about what’s going to happen?’’

‘’Nope,’’ Ellie smirked. ‘’I’m here to get more of what you promised me.’’

Her explanation didn’t warrant a reaction from Marlene. However, she was surprised when Ellie boldly motioned downward to her cock which was hardening beneath her pants. The young woman’s bashfulness from earlier was gone. She had no qualms about showcasing her bulge to Marlene.

Marlene leaned against the table and quirked her brow at Ellie. ‘’Clean socks are extremely hard to find nowadays. If you’re expecting another footjob, I’m going to have to disappoint you…’’

‘’Oh, I’m not talking about your feet,’’ Ellie said. ‘’I was actually hoping for your ass this time.’’

‘’Excuse me?’’ Marlene chortled. ‘’Did you already forget that I said my ass was off-limits. I don’t bottom.’’

‘’I remember,’’ Ellie replied, remaining confident and smug as she strutted closer to Marlene. ‘’But, since you’ve made it sound like I’m going to be the key to saving the world, I’ve been thinking that should mean I deserve the VIP treatment.’’

‘’You cannot be serious. This is non-negotiable.’’

‘’I think it is. And what is so bad about being someone’s bottom?’’

‘’It’s not my thing.’’

Ellie threw her a cheeky grin. ‘’I don’t think that’s true. Come on, can we at least give it a try? If I start fucking you and it doesn’t feel good, just tell me…’’

‘’It’s not happening!’’ Marlene said more definitely. Her patience was wearing thin, but Ellie had dived too deep to relent now.

‘’You keep talking about my importance! You’re treating me like I’m something special. All I’m asking for is proof that you really are willing to do anything to help me. Plus, I don’t want to die a virgin. This is the closest I’m ever going to get to being with a woman. I never got the chance to go all the way with Riley…’’

Ellie stopped. The confidence and color had drained from her face. Her emotions got the better of her and her gaze fell to the floor. Marlene’s expression softened. A heavy sigh slipped out of her as she weighed up her options. She wasn’t completely opposed to the idea of getting fucked in the ass. It was just a rare event for her, and she liked to be the one with her cock buried in someone else’s rear. Only one other person had ever got to experience what it was like to have anal sex with her.

Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, that one person bared a striking resemblance to Ellie. Inside and out.

The silence in the room was shattered by the sound of Marlene stripping, much to Ellie’s astonishment. ‘’What are you doing?’’

‘’I’m not having you mess up my clothes again,’’ Marlene stated as she undressed quickly.

Ellie’s smile returned. ‘’So, is that a yes?’’

‘’I was thinking that I could tie you up or drag your unconscious body across the country. Neither of those would be practical or logistical.’’

By the time Marlene’s clothes were nothing more than a forgotten pile on the floor, Ellie’s cock was rock hard. She stared at the older woman’s naked body in wonder. Marlene had managed to keep herself fit. Her physique wasn’t as muscular as the athletes that Ellie had seen in books and magazines from before the outbreak, but she was certainly quite the sight. Faint scars were dotted across her mature body. None of her marks resembled Ellie’s bite mark. Knife cuts. Bullet wounds. They were chapters in a long, violent book about her leading the fireflies through many conflicts. Marlene walked over to a nearby drawer and pulled out a small bottle. All the while, Ellie saw the woman’s half-erect cock wave from side to side as she moved. She didn’t have the best view earlier when Marlene was going down on her, but now she could admire the long, thick shaft in all its glory.

Marlene squeezed the bottle, pouring a transparent blob into her palm. She then handed the bottle to Ellie. ‘’Lubricant,’’ she stated when she caught Ellie staring at it curiously.

Ellie giggled as the cool gel touched her hand. ‘’You just keep a bottle of this in your planning room? Shouldn’t it be in your bedroom or something? Unless…have you and any of the other fireflies fucked in this room?’’

Ignoring Ellie’s question, Marlene reached around to her backside and eased two wet fingers inside her rear entrance. She mewled at the sensation, not used to doing it on herself. She fumbled for a bit as she slid her fingers in and out of her tight hole. The lube helped greatly…and it provided Ellie with an erotic display. She nearly dropped the lube in her hand as she was so enamored with watching Marlene finger her ass. When her cock strained for attention, Ellie hurried. She pulled her pants down to her knees and gripped her shaft tightly. Her body trembled as she pumped her cock, sheathing it in a thin layer until it was slick from the tip down to the hilt.

Even when she had encompassed her cock with lube she kept stroking. She was enjoying the show almost too much. Her knees buckled as she watched Marlene stretch her ass. ‘’Shit!’’ she pulled her hand away, causing her dick to cry out.

Marlene smirked. ‘’Calm down. Don’t get too full of yourself before we start.’’

‘’Ha, the only thing that’s about to become full is your ass with my dick!’’

Marlene glared at Ellie. The snarky response was too stupid to get mad at.

Once Marlene finished ensuring that her ass was lubed properly, she waited for further instructions from Ellie. The young woman gestured to the table. ‘’Bend over.’’

Marlene complied with a roll of her eyes. Ellie’s lack of awareness almost made Marlene forget that the commander of the fireflies was the bottom in this situation. Ellie nervously approached Marlene from behind. She was still in disbelief that she had managed to convince Marlene to do this with her. Her luck was seemingly boundless. Gripping Marlene’s ass with one hand, Ellie used her other to guide her cock to the puckered hole. With her excitement raging like an out-of-control fire, Ellie eagerly thrust into Marlene’s ass, forcing half of her cock inside in one swift motion.

‘’Shit!’’ Marlene shrieked. ‘’Wait, stop!’’

Ellie froze. ‘’D-did I do something wrong?’’

Marlene hissed through gritted teeth. ‘’I’m not used to being penetrated there. And you are a lot to take in one go. Move slowly. Pace yourself.’’

Ellie nodded. ‘’Right, sorry.’’

‘’It’s fine! Go again! Slowly, this time!’’

Marlene’s grunts dug into Ellie’s skin like a sharp knife. She tried to do as she said. But, the sensation was too much for her. She had never felt something so good. Marlene’s ass clenched tightly around her, gripping her shaft tighter than any hand or mouth could. Even with the lube, Ellie’s girth was able to stretch Marlene’s ass. Ellie bucked her hips, pushing her cock deeper. There was a proud smile plastered across her face.

‘’I can’t believe I’m fucking the leader of the fireflies in the ass!’’

‘’I told you, don’t get full of…’’

Marlene was cut off as Ellie strengthened her thrusts, causing her to gasp sharply. Ellie quickened the pace. Her shackles had been unlocked in more ways than one. Ellie’s pace was swift but uneven as youthful enthusiasm guided her.

Marlene was more used to having sex with people who were within a similar age bracket to her. Coupled with the position she found herself in, she was in uncharted waters for the first time in what felt like a lifetime ago. She backed herself onto Ellie’s cock, glancing over her shoulder to watch the young woman fuck her. Ellie’s face twisted with ecstasy as she fucked Marlene ferally.

‘’I can tell that you’re a virgin,’’ Marlene said between moans. ‘’Well, were a virgin.’’

‘’I wanted to with Riley,’’ Ellie panted. ‘’We started with hand stuff. Then we started going down on each other. But, we never had sex. I wish that we did.’’

It surprised Marlene that Ellie was so open about this. Whenever the topic of Riley came up earlier, Ellie crawled back into her shell. Perhaps, the pleasure of fucking Marlene’s ass was drowning away all of her lingering fears and doubts.

Ellie was enjoying this. Marlene was still trying to figure out if she liked this.

She knew there would be discomfort. Ellie was new to this, and Marlene hadn’t done anything anal in quite some time. The young woman’s cock was spearing her ass with no sign of slowing down. As the seconds passed, pleasure started to envelop Marlene’s body. Ellie was beginning to understand how to properly move her body. She brought the entire length of her cock into Marlene’s backdoor before pulling out and repeating the motion over and over again in a relentless manner.

A wave of nostalgia hit Marlene.

She was reminded of her time with Anna. She didn’t know where she had managed to find a clean and useable strap-on, but she was quickly able to put it to good use after Marlene had given in to her repeated requests. Marlene loved being with Anna. But, having a strap-on fucking her ass was not to her taste. So, they agreed that Marlene’s ass would not be touched like that again.

And it remained that way until today.

Marlene didn’t fail to see the irony in her old lover’s daughter being the one to break her ass’s dry spell after so many years. She would have laughed at the notion if she wasn’t still trying to settle under the weight of Ellie’s hard pounding. The young woman’s stamina was unrelenting as she fucked Marlene.

‘’Fuck, my cock fits so perfectly in your ass! God! I need this! Take it! Take my cock!’’

Marlene moaned listening to Ellie’s lewd remarks. Before long, she was feeling her own cock start to leak. Her erection swayed after every impactful thrust. She could no longer deny the pleasure she was experiencing. Discomfort dwindled as time passed. It probably helped that this time she had a real cock penetrating her. She could almost feel Ellie throbbing inside her ass, stimulating her to no end. Ellie’s cock was now perfectly gliding in and out of her.

‘’Don’t stop!’’ Marlene moaned. She reached down and stroked her own cock furiously. ‘’Keep going! Fuck my ass, Ellie! Fuck it hard!’’

Ellie was more than happy to oblige. As she thrust her hips back and forth as fast as humanly possible, she felt herself beginning to reach the tipping point. She couldn’t stop now. She didn’t want to stop. Her eyes squeezed shut as she felt her climax spill over. Frantic fucking descended into long-drawn-out insertions before she pushed every inch of her cock deep inside Marlene’s ass.

The second before Marlene felt the first wave of Ellie’s orgasm fills her ass, she heard one word being whispered from the girl’s mouth.


Marlene didn’t dwell on it. Ellie’s emotions were all over the place. And relationships were not luxuries to be given in this world.

Marlene knew that better than most.

‘’Oh, shit! Fucking…fuck!’’ Ellie’s barrage of profanity bounced loudly off the walls as she unloaded her cum into Marlene’s ass, painting her rear with her seed.

The feeling of Ellie’s sudden burst and her deep thrusting pushed Marlene over the edge. Soon afterwards, the older woman experienced her own blissful release as she came hard, shooting her load all over the floor beneath the table. She would have to remember to clean that up before the other fireflies returned from their patrol. Marlene whimpered with delight and tried to catch her breath as she felt Ellie’s cock slowly slide out of her. Cum oozed out of her and onto the floor. More mess to clean.

‘’Holy shit!’’ Ellie exclaimed as she leaned on the table. ‘’That was surreal! I can’t believe I got to fuck a woman’s ass!’’

Marlene kept a stoic expression as retrieved her clothes and got dressed. ‘’I hope that you’re not expecting this to become a regular occurrence. I mean it this time. I’m no one’s bottom.’’

Ellie smiled brightly as she pulled her pants up. ‘’You said that we have two weeks before we leave. I think I can convince you to let me fuck your ass again.’’

‘’I doubt that!’’ Marlene rebuked.

As Ellie walked over to the door to exit the room, she winked at Marlene. ‘’I felt your ass squeeze around my dick when you came. I bet that means you liked it, and I bet I can turn you into my bottom. If not in the two weeks we’re here, then however long it’ll take whilst we’re travelling out there.’’

Marlene scoffed at the idea. She pursed her lips and kept quiet. When Ellie realized she wasn’t going to get a verbal response, a genuine smile flashed across her face and she vacated the room, leaving Marlene alone with her thoughts.

Everything about Ellie reminded her of Anna. The cocky attitude. The playful banter. The feeling that Marlene was left with after getting her ass fucked. The only difference between now and then was that Ellie left the older woman with cum still leaking out of her ass. Anna would have done the same thing if she could. The thought made her heart race.

It couldn’t hurt for Marlene to be a little more lenient with her no-bottom rule when it came to Ellie.


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