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Commissioned by thegreat11ne

The characters in this story are over the age of 18.

Pyrrha fastened the bootstrap around her ankle. After a few tugs to make sure that it was fully tightened, she exhaled deeply. She was ready for another solitary night of training.

Resting against her locker, she basked in the comforting silence for a short while. While she enjoyed the company of her fellow Beacon Academy students, she appreciated the time she would have alone where she could rest and not let the pressure of her name weigh on her shoulders. So many people expected great things from her because of her reputation. She didn’t want to crumble under those expectations. Every move she made was watched. There was almost no room for privacy. She kept her frustrations bottled inside and wore her smile with great pride and anxiety.

Thankfully, there were a few at this illustrious school who didn’t crush her with talks of where the future would lead. She had her team. Each of them was like family to Pyrrha. She wouldn’t trade them for the world. And there was Team RWBY. They treated her like any other person. Albeit, Weiss was starstruck at first and had hoped to assign them as partners to ride off the star power of their names. But, even the Ice Queen had mellowed over time. The star that shone brightest in Pyrrha’s eyes was Ruby Rose. She smiled thinking about the youngest member of Beacon Academy. The student that people expected little of surprised everyone with her skill and determination. In many ways, Ruby was Pyrrha’s opposite.

Maybe that’s why Pyrrha found herself drawn to the woman.

Shaking those distracting thoughts aside, Pyrrha rose to her feet and headed towards the sparring arena. She was happy that Glynda and Ozpin had given her permission to use the arena to practise after hours. She wasn’t going to miss an opportunity to fine-tune her already brilliant skills to utter perfection. In a world of monsters, warriors had to be perfect if they not only wanted to survive…but save others.

As she walked, she felt that something was off. Why were the lights already on? Did she hear someone mumbling? Driven by curiosity, Pyrrha entered the arena and stopped in her tracks when she saw that she wasn’t alone.

‘’Hi, Pyrrha!’’ Ruby greeted, waving enthusiastically.

‘’Ruby? What are you doing here?’’

‘’I heard that you were doing some training late at night and I thought that I’d keep you company,’’ Ruby folded her arms behind her back and fluttered her eyes. ‘’I hope that you don’t mind?’’

Pyrrha couldn’t be mad at her. Spending time with Ruby was a lovely distraction from all the dark madness going on in the world. Also, the warrior inside was intrigued. The two of them had never sparred before. Pyrrha had seen Ruby in action. Her semblance was mysterious and beautiful. She’d never seen anything like it. And the most frightening thing about it was that Ruby still didn’t have full control. Some of her rose petals would scatter in the wind when she would shift, and she’d sometimes crash into a wall when she got too excited. Pyrrha could only imagine how powerful Ruby would become if she fully controlled her aura.

The Grimm would finally have something to fear. The world wouldn’t constantly be turning its eye towards Pyrrha Nikos to solve all their problems.

‘’I don’t mind at all,’’ Pyrrha smiled. ‘’I think this is a wonderful chance to see how we compare. Our fighting styles are quite different. The outcome would be unpredictable.’’

‘’You think so? I don’t want to overstep, but if I was even at half your level, I think I’d be a happy Huntress.’’

Pyrrha cupped her mouth to hide her laughter. Ruby’s pleasant nature was so endearing. ‘’Do not sell yourself short, Ruby. You are an excellent Huntress, and I would be honored to spar with you.’’

‘’Awesome!’’ Ruby bounced. She already had her signature weapon, Crimson Rose, drawn. She cracked her knuckles and tightened her grip on the handle before turning to Pyrrha again. ‘’Hey, do you want to make this more fun?’’

Pyrrha raised her brow. ‘’Are you suggesting there be consequences for the loser? I’m curious.’’

‘’Okay, how about…whoever loses has to do whatever the other person says? Within reason, of course!’’

To say that Pyrrha’s interest was piqued would be an understatement. She would never agree to such secretive terms if they came from any other person. But, she trusted Ruby. The girl was a beacon of good and sweetness despite her efficiency in hacking down Grimm. And if it was within reason, Pyrrha had nothing to worry about. She believed that Ruby wouldn’t force her to do anything embarrassing or…sinister. Pyrrha had to admit that she was slightly titillated by the idea of being forced to do whatever Ruby said. It would also be a nice change of pace as everyone was always trying to do whatever she wanted in an effort to please her. So many strangers wanted to get into Pyrrha Nikos’s good graces. Pyrrha wanted to let loose and follow someone else’s lead for a change. However, her pride as a warrior wouldn’t accept defeat. She refused to hold back in a duel. It was dishonorable to her opponent and herself.

‘’Very well,’’ Pyrrha struck her sword against her shield and got into a protective stance. ‘’I accept your terms. We may begin whenever you’re ready!’’

Ruby flipped a switch, and her trusty scythe extended. ‘’I won’t hold back!’’

‘’Neither will I.’’

The two warriors slowly circled each other, eyes locked with a fierce determination to win. Pyrrha made the first move, charging forward with her sword raised high. Ruby deftly dodged the attack, darting to the side and spinning around to land a swift strike on Pyrrha's back. However, Pyrrha’s reflexes were too quick as she blocked the attack. The impact of Ruby’s scythe against her shield reverberated throughout the arena, but Pyrrha managed to hold her ground. The two fighters continued to trade blows, each one determined to gain the upper hand. Pyrrha was stronger, but Ruby was quicker, and her scythe allowed her to attack from a distance. Gunshots echoed like thunder as Ruby fired shot after shot, which Pyrrha expertly dodged and blocked. The battle was evenly matched, with neither fighter gaining a clear advantage. All the while, the smiles never left their faces as they shared an overwhelming enjoyment to let loose and having fun during combat.

As they fought, Pyrrha couldn't help but notice Ruby's charm. For whatever reason, her cuteness became more prominent during the heat of battle. Her rosy cheeks and bright smile were a stark contrast to her fierce fighting style, and Pyrrha found herself blushing despite herself. She tried to push the distracting thoughts from her mind and focus on the fight, but it was almost impossible to do so.

Ruby, on the other hand, was completely focused on the task at hand. She was determined to win this sparring match, and nothing was going to distract her from that goal. She continued to dart and weave around Pyrrha, sprinkling into a flurry of red petals before re-forming and striking with her scythe whenever she saw an opening. The two fighters traded blows back and forth over and over again. They were both sweating heavily, their breathing ragged from the exertion of the fight. But neither one was willing to give up.

‘’You’ve improved tremendously, Ruby,’’ Pyrrha huffed as their weapons clashed and they tried to push the other away.

‘’Thanks,’’ Ruby beamed. ‘’You’re just as amazing as always!’’

Pyrrha’s heart skipped a beat. Suddenly, she felt a surge of excitement coursing down between her legs. Becoming hard was the last thing she needed in the middle of a fight. Her erection was not something that could be easily hidden beneath her battle skirt. She tried to focus on the duel, hoping that her shaft would stop hardening. What if Ruby noticed? The thought sent another spark jolting up Pyrrha’s back.

They pulled away, circling each other once more before Pyrrha suddenly stumbled, her foot catching a loose bit of debris that had broken off the floor from their powerful strikes. Ruby’s silver eyes lit up as she spotted her opening. She lunged forward, swinging her scythe in a wide arc. The blade connected with Pyrrha's shield, knocking her off balance and sending her tumbling to the ground. Pyrrha lay there for a moment, dazed from the impact of the blow. She could feel her heart racing, both from the exertion of the fight and the sudden rush of attraction she felt towards Ruby. It was all so confusing and overwhelming.  Ruby stood over her fallen opponent, scythe at the ready. She was breathing heavily, sweat pouring down her face, but she was grinning from ear to ear.

"Looks like I win this one!" She said, offering her hand to help Pyrrha up.

With a dazed smile, Pyrrha took the proffered hand and was pulled to her feet. She looked at Ruby, her heart racing with a mixture of admiration and attraction. "You fought well!" she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Ruby smiled. "Thanks, you too! That was a really tough fight."

Pyrrha couldn't shake the feeling of attraction she felt towards Ruby, but she didn't know what to do about it. Hoping to distract herself, she grinned at her friend. ‘’Well, I guess that means I now have to do anything you say.’’


Ruby smiled again. However, Pyrrha felt the air shift. There was something mischievous about Ruby’s tone. It was almost like the girl had some hidden agenda she planned to inflict upon her. Yet, Pyrrha never lost an ounce of trust in Ruby. She expected her to suggest something silly like baking her cookies for an entire day or letting her wear her armor during their next class.

‘’Alright, Ruby Rose, what is your first command?’’ Pyrrha jested.

‘’Okay, but…if you’re not comfortable with what I’m about to say, just say the world and I’ll stop.’’

‘’Very well.’’

Nervousness flashed across Ruby’s face. ‘’Strip for me.’’

Pyrrha did a double-take, believing that she had misheard her. ‘’I’m sorry?’’

‘’I want you to remove your armor,’’ Ruby continued. Her confidence grew. ‘’I want to see all of you.’’

The arena went silent as Pyrrha was trying to comprehend what she had just heard. She wanted to pinch herself to make sure that this wasn’t a dream. No one had ever been this upfront or reckless with her before. She thought that she would be offended by someone making such a suggestion to her. However, something about this sent chills of excitement racing across her body. She knew that it was because this demand was coming from Ruby. The girl continued to surprise her.

An interested smile etched itself across Pyrrha’s face. ‘’A deal is a deal.’’

Ruby’s pupils sparkled with heart-shaped joy as Pyrrha followed her command. She removed her armor, one layer at a time. With every piece that was taken off and cast aside onto the arena floor, Ruby’s eyes widened. Pyrrha could see her breathing heavily, and it thrilled her to get such a reaction. She tried not to giggle when she saw drool hanging out of the corner of Ruby’s mouth as she gawked at Pyrrha’s ab muscles. Her stomach was chiselled to muscular perfection. Just above were Pyrrha’s breasts; large but not too busty. Ruby wondered how they didn’t weigh her down during fights. But, the best was yet to come…in more ways than one. When Pyrrha’s battle skirt was removed, her massive cock sprang outward to greet Ruby. The girl was transfixed by the sight. Pyrrha’s length was almost too big to be real. Ruby estimated that the warrior’s cock had to be at least 16 inches in length. However, once she hardened, her erection came to a staggering 20 inches, and was as thick as one of the juice cans that Pyrrha used to promote.

‘’Oh, I almost forgot,’’ Pyrrha pulled the band that kept her hair in a ponytail and let the long red locks flow down her shoulders, captivating Ruby even more.

‘’Wow…’’ Ruby gushed. ‘’You’re so beautiful.’’

Pyrrha blushed. She didn’t attempt to cover herself despite there being a pang of apprehension coiling around her throat. ‘’Thank you. What would you like me to do now?’’

Ruby seemed stunned by the question. She wasn’t expecting Pyrrha to be on board with her game so quickly. She gulped loudly and locked eyes with the tall warrior. Pyrrha felt short of breath as she watched Ruby slowly descend until she was on her knees.

She brought her hands down to the hilt of Pyrrha’s cock and gazed up at her. ‘’Fuck my mouth!’’

Pyrrha didn’t hesitate. As soon as she was given the command, she grabbed the back of Ruby’s head and forced her down onto her shaft. Gasping loudly, Pyrrha arched her back and thrust her hips repeatedly, fucking Ruby’s mouth as she bobbed her head and engulfed the immense length over and over again. Renewed with energy after their sparring match, Pyrrha drove her cock down Ruby’s throat. She bucked her hips harder and faster.

‘’Come on, Pyrrha! I know you can do better!’’ Ruby reached around to cup Pyrrha’s ass, pulling closer so that she could deepthroat her cock.

‘’Ruby! Oh, Ruby!’’ Pyrrha moaned.

She fisted Ruby’s hair and fucked her mouth. Ruby felt the warrior’s balls crashing against her chin. Ruby’s neck bulged repeatedly. After minutes of ruthlessly thrusting, Pyrrha ceased her movements so that she could catch her breath. During that moment of respite, Ruby dipped her head underneath the shaft and bestowed Pyrrha’s hefty balls with sloppy licks and kisses. She took each of them in her mouth, slurping on them deliciously. Their size was gargantuan. Ruby’s attempts to fit them both in her mouth were in vain. But, that didn’t mean she was going to stop trying.

Pyrrha never knew that Ruby could be this depraved. Her carnal urges had bubbled to the surface. She had no reservations about slapping Pyrrha’s cock against her face. The size of the warrior’s shaft was further highlighted by the way it weightily rested on Ruby’s lewd expression. Ruby smiled and peppered sweet kisses up the underside of the shaft before circling her tongue around the head.

‘’Oh, Ruby,’’ Pyrrha’s throat hitched. ‘’I think…I want to warn you that I think I’m about to cum!’’

‘’I want you to cum,’’ Ruby ordered breathlessly. ‘’In my mouth!’’

Pyrrha was shocked. She never knew that such a lewd mindset was hidden within this woman. But, she wasn’t going to complain about it. She enjoyed being with a partner who knew what they wanted and wasn’t shy about it either.

Pyrrha grunted as her cock was engulfed by Ruby once more. She moved her head back and forth at an incredible pace. The sound of her gulping the shaft down her throat reverberated loudly. Pyrrha was powerless to postpone her release for much longer. She gripped Ruby’s hair tightly and rammed her cock down her throat before exploding. Ruby kept her lips locked around the girth like a vice. She gulped down every thick load of cum that was pumped into her mouth. The intoxicating taste made her eyes roll back. Her face was as red as her cape. Ruby’s muffled moan of approval made Pyrrha’s heart soar. When the warrior’s cock slipped out of Ruby’s mouth, she could see a look of pure delight written on her face.

‘’That went better than expected!’’ Ruby sighed with satisfaction. ‘’Take off my clothes too.’’

Pyrrha reached down to offer Ruby a hand which she graciously accepted. Her hands flowed like water as she helped Ruby out of her attire. Her infamous red cloak drifted to the floor and her undergarments were clipped off, one piece at a time. Each new part of Ruby’s body that was exposed made Pyrrha’s cock twitch with excitement. She was erect again in next to no time. Noticing this, Ruby blushed and gazed up at Pyrrha with stars in her eyes.

‘’Kiss me.’’

Ruby’s voice was so soft that Pyrrha nearly missed it. Her heart stopped as she tilted her head down and gently pressed her lips against Ruby’s. Their embrace was filled with love and endless passion. Ruby felt like she was being lifted off her feet. But, the extra effort was worth it as their heated kiss intensified. With Ruby’s top gone, Pyrrha had the chance to bestow her chest with affection. Her breasts were perky and delightful, and fit perfectly in Pyrrha’s hands as she caressed them. Ruby arched her back, pushing her breasts forward so that Pyrrha could play with them more. She dragged her tongue against Pyrrha’s lips, begging for entry. Pyrrha took this as another command and eagerly parted her mouth so that Ruby’s tongue could explore. The warrior’s hands went down to Ruby’s waist where she loosened her skirt enough for it to drop around the girl’s ankles. Both of them were now naked. The tip of Pyrrha’s cock was brushing against Ruby’s hot skin.

She was moaning heavily against Pyrrha’s lips. ‘’When I tell you, I want you to start thrusting your hips. Okay?’’

‘’Okay,’’ Pyrrha replied.

She stood as tall as she could and spread her legs before coming down to rest on Pyrrha’s length. She didn’t penetrate her; instead, Pyrrha’s cock was nestled between her inner thighs as her soaked pussy rubbed against the topside of the shaft. Ruby shuddered before smiling at her partner. ‘’Move now!’’

Pyrrha reached down to grip Ruby’s hips, bucking her hips at a gradually growing pace until she was fucking Ruby’s thighs. ‘’Like this?’’

Ruby whimpered with an enthusiastic nod. She wrapped her arms around Pyrrha’s powerful body and held onto her. Ruby mewled as her lower lips rubbed up and down the shaft, drenching it with her wetness. After solidifying her grasp on Ruby’s body, digging her fingers into Ruby’s ass cheeks and earning a sharp yelp from the younger woman, Pyrrha bucked wildly. Ruby closed her legs to the best of her ability, crushing Pyrrha’s dick between her thighs.

The pleasure was crushing Pyrrha in the best way, both figuratively and literally. Ruby’s soft thighs made it feel like her cock was being enveloped by two soft clouds. Pyrrha felt her balls churning as another orgasm was upon her sooner than she realized. She thrust forward and spilled her load between Ruby’s thighs. Her body quaked as she felt her cum churn from her balls and rocket out of her cock. Looking over the girl’s shoulder, she could see the thick ropes being blasted and landing on the floor. There was quite the mess left behind, but even after cumming again, Pyrrha didn’t stop. She couldn’t stop; especially with Ruby riding her shaft like this.

‘’Faster! Faster!’’ Ruby begged.

‘’I don’t think I can move as fast as you want me to!’’ Pyrrha teased.

Ruby moaned. ‘’You know what I mean! Just don’t stop fucking me!’’

Pyrrha growled huskily. She was taken aback by Ruby’s high sex drive. Without warning, she pushed Pyrrha down until the warrior was now lying with her back on the floor. Ruby straddled her, rolling her hips so that she could grind herself against Pyrrha’s cock. When Ruby felt the tip pressing against her entrance, she knew that she couldn’t wait any longer. Pyrrha was hard and ready for more action. Reaching down, Ruby grasped the shaft and mounted it. As she lowered herself, sharp moans of ecstasy escaped from her. Her pussy was stretched beyond all measure as she tried to take Pyrrha’s thickness in one fell motion. Pyrrha held onto Ruby’s waist for support and refused to move until Ruby said so.

‘’What are you waiting for?’’ Ruby gasped. ‘’Fuck me!’’

Ruby’s restraint was gone. Her mind was filled with the thoughts of how many ways she could take Pyrrha, again and again.

Pyrrha bucked her hips, thrusting her cock into Ruby’s pussy thoroughly. Ruby cried out with joy as she rode the warrior’s dick cowgirl style. Their shared moans were synched perfectly. Ruby bounced rapidly on Pyrrha’s cock. When Pyrrha’s eyes fell down to watch Ruby’s perky breasts bounce with every impact, she couldn’t resist reaching up to fondle them. Touching Ruby like this was enough to break Pyrrha. She came hard, filling Ruby’s pussy with her seed.

But, that wasn’t enough to satisfy Ruby fully. ‘’Keep up, Pyrrha! I want more! Keep fucking me!’’

Ruby rested her hands on Pyrrha’s shoulders to keep her balance as she rode harder and faster than ever before. Pyrrha’s body shone with a thin layer of sweat as she was rocked to her core. Her aura felt like it had depleted tenfold, yet Ruby was still going. Ruby swayed erratically as she felt Pyrrha cum hard inside her again. Pyrrha plunged her cock deep into Ruby so that she could fill her to the brim. With her hips raised and Pyrrha’s cock sliding out of her pussy, Ruby felt her partner’s cum spilling out of her, leaking onto the warrior’s groin and flowing down onto the floor beneath them.

At this stage, their bodies were moving based on pure instinct. The craving for more fuelled them. Pyrrha didn’t know how much more she could take.

If she couldn’t make it, then it would be a blissful death.

‘’Pyrrha…’’ Ruby panted, easing herself off Pyrrha’s cock. ‘’There’s one more thing I want you to do!’’

‘’Anything!’’ Pyrrha panted.

The warrior waited with bated breath to see what Ruby was going to do next. Much to her delight, Ruby had taken a new position, one that tempted her to no end. She had placed herself on her hands and knees; her ass was raised high and offered to Pyrrha. Pyrrha’s cum flowed from Ruby’s entrance and down her legs.

Pyrrha exhaled and used what little stamina she had left to mount Ruby from behind, lining her cock once more against her entrance.

‘’Not there,’’ Ruby stated, confusing Pyrrha for a brief moment. When Ruby wiggled her hips and brought her ass down onto Pyrrha’s cock, the warrior understood what she meant. ‘’You have to do what I say…fuck my ass!’’

Ruby was drunk with ecstasy. Pyrrha pressed the head of her cock against Ruby’s puckered hole. She could already feel how tight of a fit it was. But, that elicited more moans of approval from Ruby.

‘’I want this!’’ Ruby cried out. She looked back at Pyrrha pleadingly. ‘’I want you! Do it! Fuck me, Pyrrha!’’

Pyrrha released a gasp she didn’t realize she was holding. Ruby’s ass was so tight. After thrusting the tip inside, she slowly inserted herself one agonizingly slow inch at a time until she was buried at the hilt. Ruby’s arms nearly gave out as she felt her rear being stretched to its utmost limit. A blistering sensation consumed Pyrrha. She came in Ruby’s ass instantly.

‘’I’m sorry…’’ she huffed.

‘’Don’t be,’’ Ruby responded. She backed into Pyrrha, still raring to go. ‘’This is what I wanted. Now, get yourself back on the saddle. You’re not going to stop until you make me cum! Is that understood?’’

Pyrrha couldn’t understand where Ruby was getting this energy from. The gears had shifted in Ruby’s favor. She was full of life and energy while Pyrrha was trying to desperately keep up. Pyrrha rammed her cock deep into Ruby’s ass.

‘’Yes! Yes, Pyrrha! Oh, that feels so good!’’

Pyrrha might not be as swift as Ruby, but she could balance strength and speed perfectly, transforming Ruby into an enraptured mess. Ruby felt her body shake violently. Her pussy was burning with bliss. Pyrrha fucking her ass had taken her beyond the heights of pleasure. And Pyrrha’s own climax wasn’t far behind. She exploded but couldn’t stop thrusting. Ruby was driving her to continue. And Pyrrha had to keep with the promise and be relentless until Ruby came.

‘’Ruby, I’m going to cum again!’’ Pyrrha warned.

When that moment finally arrived, Pyrrha pushed the whole length of her cock inside Ruby’s ass and erupted one final time. This load was the biggest yet. She felt faint as her hot seed flowed from her balls and surged out of the tip like rockets to fill Ruby’s ass. The excess amount of cum spilled out of the girl’s behind like a waterfall, soaking the floor beneath them. Just when Pyrrha questioned how much longer she could go on, her aura snapped just as Ruby’s screams reached a new height. Her wetness surged between her legs and coated Pyrrha’s groin. The mess they had left behind was almost unbelievable. They were practically swimming in cum. Thankfully, it wasn’t a long trip to the shower from the arena. But, they would need to clean the place before first class starts in the morning.

At last, Pyrrha’s body crashed. Exhaustion finally caught up with her after the marathon sex. Her endurance had been put to the test, and Ruby was more than happy with the results.

‘’Not bad, Nikos.’’

Pyrrha laughed tiredly. ‘’Shall we continue with your conditions into our next duel?’’

‘’I don’t see any reason why not. I like bossing you around.’’

‘’Next time,’’ Pyrrha whispered. ‘’I will win. I want to have you at my mercy.’’

A chill ran down Ruby’s spine. ‘’That sounds tempting. But, I don’t fight to lose.’’

‘’That is an ideology with both share.’’

As they lay together, entangled in a loving embrace, Ruby and Pyrrha locked eyes and kissed once more. There were still a few hours before dawn. So, they enjoyed the time that had together and relaxed, feeling safe and content in each other’s arms.


‘’Yes, Ruby?’’

After a moment of quiet contemplation, Ruby sighed nervously. ‘’I want there to always be a next time with you…I know that people say relationships between Hunters and Huntresses tend not to last due to occupational hazards. But…I want to take that chance with you. I hope that you feel the same way.’’

Pyrrha’s eyes lit up as she gazed at her partner. Breathless from the confession and exhilarating sex, her smile returned, brighter than ever before. ‘’I do feel the same way.’’

‘’So…that makes us a couple, right?’’

‘’I believe so,’’ Pyrrha kissed Ruby again.

‘’Also, when we get the feeling back in our legs,’’ Ruby continued. ‘’I want you to make us pancakes.’’

Pyrrha giggled. ‘’I will do my best for you, Ruby Rose.’’


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