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The characters in this story are over the age of 18

Even long after our conversation had ended, I could still see that Vanellope was shaken up.

Her confession almost moved me to tears and I wanted to be there for her. I had stayed at her house longer than originally planned just so that I could make sure that she was okay. I was so proud of this brave little gremlin. As was typical of a little sister, she would mock me every time I tried to get mushy and emotional with her. But, I could see that she was thankful for my support. I was certain that Ralph would feel the same. However, she didn't feel confident enough to open up to others yet. It didn't help that Ralph was still marginally associated with Hans. The last thing I want is for that creep to somehow find a reason to mock Vanellope for who she was.

If he even dared to look at her funny, I would…

''Yo!'' Vanellope snapped me from my delusion of violence. ''Not that I don't appreciate you staying over, but aren't you supposed to be heading home now?''

I scoffed. ''What are you? My mother?''

Actually, I shouldn't make that comparison considering my relationship with my mother.

I shook away those thoughts and smirked at her. ''Are you that desperate to get rid of me?''

''Ha, I'd keep you here forever if I could,'' she nudged my arm. ''But, it's gonna get dark and I don't want you getting scared when you walk home.''

My brow creased as I glared at her. ''Excuse me? Since when have I been afraid of the dark?''

''You just seem like the type.''

Her teasing expression was so adorable and infuriating at the same time. I wonder if this is how Elsa felt before whenever I used to be an annoying little brat towards her.

Once again, I probably shouldn't make comparisons like that.

I kept my mouth shut and ruffled her hair. I was pretty sure there were some sweet wrappers hidden beneath those dark strands. It still baffled me how those treats would end up there. But, then I remembered that Vanellope was still a kid. She had a whole life still ahead of her. It pained my heart to think about her feeling distressed or worried about the future. I wanted her to have all the answers. But, the truth was that she might still be unsure of herself even when she reaches my age. I was still unsure about a lot of things. Over the past few months, I had changed so much as a person. I still felt like me but also knew that I was different. I wanted to be the kind of person that I would have looked up to when I was little. While I couldn't do that, the least I could do was be someone that Vanellope could look towards for guidance.

As I headed for the door, Vanellope followed me so that she could say her farewells. I opened the door and flinched when I saw someone standing there about to knock.

''Oh…hi!'' I greeted awkwardly.

It was a girl who looked to be my age. She was gorgeous, obviously. You all know what I'm like by now. Her hair was cut short into a pixie bob style. She wore a multicolor dress that looked incredibly snug and comfortable. She was slightly shorter than me. Her warm smile caused my heart to thud at a quickening pace. The longer I gazed at her, the more I was certain that I had seen this girl before. I feel like I had passed her by on the street or somewhere else that was familiar.

''Hello, Anna,'' she replied.

Her voice was smooth like silk. I was so entranced by the sound that I almost missed the big detail. She knew my name. I had seen her before. I rattled my brain for answers. Just when it felt like I was on the verge of discovering her identity for myself, Vanellope jumped into view.

''Stargirl! How are ya?''

''I'm well, thank you!''

Stargirl? I feel like I've seen that name recently on the register of some of the classes at Disney High. That was when I recognized her. But, she was a new student. I might have crossed her path in the school corridors. She had such a cute face with freckles that were dotted across her face like stars dotted across the night sky.

''Oh, you're new at Disney High, aren't you?''

She smiled brightly at me. ''I started recently, yes.''

''How are you finding the school?''

''It finally feels like home.''

''Wow, that's a strong answer.''

She seemed sincere. Her persona radiated assuredness. It took all of my willpower to avert my eyes away from her. I was going to ask Vanellope how they knew each other, but the little bundle of energy was gone. Her footsteps could be heard patting rapidly down the stairs as she returned from her bedroom and handed the Star Command DVD we had watched to Stargirl. ''Thanks again for letting me borrow this!''

''You're welcome,'' she said, taking the case from her.

I stared at her in amazement. ''You're the friend that Vanellope talked about? How did you find that copy?''

She giggled. ''It involved a lot of searching. But, I knew that I had to find it for Vanellope when I saw her staring at the poster in a shop I walked by.''

''You really did that for her?''

Stargirl nodded casually. It's almost like it didn't dawn on her how she had thrust herself into a near-impossible task just to make one little girl's day. I couldn't tell if it was because of naivety or brilliance. I'm going to go with the latter. She seemed like the type who knew what she was doing.

And I'm not just saying that because I'm already crushing hard on her.

''Oh, I almost forgot the reason I came over,'' she rummaged through her hand purse before handing something over to Vanellope. ''I found this. It's the one you've been after.''

Vanellope's face lit up as she gawked at the gift. ''The limited edition issue of Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur!''

''No way!'' I gasped. ''I've been searching for that one too!''

''Thank you, Stargirl! You're the best!'' Vanellope leapt into Stargirl's arms to hug her before running around in circles with excitement. She then stopped in her tracks and glanced at me. The edges of her lips curled into a smile. ''I mean…I guess you're okay too, Anna.''

Her sarcasm made me laugh. ''I appreciate the thought…''

My eyes were immediately drawn to the comic. There was something on the front page that didn't belong there. A star symbol. The same one that was on my hockey stick. The same one on the invite to Han's party that I was mysteriously gifted.

I gawked at Stargirl. ''You? You're my secret admirer?''

Her lip twitched into a slight smirk. ''I don't know what you mean.''

''Wait, what? That's all you have to say? I have been going nuts trying to figure out who was looking out for me. And…okay, I guess the name Stargirl should have been a big enough hint considering the star symbols. But, still…I…''

''I'm still not sure what you're talking about,'' she cooed before turning on her heel and skipping away.

Oh no, I was not going to let her get away from me. Now that I've unearthed this mystery, I was going to uncover all of her secrets.

''Hey, Stargirl!'' I called out and hurried after her. ''I'm heading that way too. Do you want to walk together a bit before we part ways?''

''If that's what you'd like to do.''

I wanted to focus on her. However, I could almost feel Vanellope's smirk burning into me. When I turned, I saw her giving me a knowing glance before winking. ''I'll let you two go. Stargirl, you'll want to stay very close to Anna. She gets scared walking home alone.''

I was about to make a witty retort until I felt Stargirl move slightly closer to me. When I turned to look at her, she winked at me. ''I'll keep a close eye on her.''


Stargirl's presence was magnetic. I felt so drawn to her. There was so much I wanted to say. We walked down a pathway which led to a grassy riverbank. The road was a short distance away, giving the area a peaceful and calming feel. There was practically no one around. It felt like the two of us had wandered into a different world. It should have been easy to talk with her. Yet, I didn't know where to start. How much did she know about me? I could already tell she was the type of person who was one step ahead.

''So…'' I stammered as she turned her cute gaze toward me. ''You said that this place finally feels like home. I take it that means you've moved around a lot?''

''You'd be correct with that assumption. My mother has taken work wherever she could. Hopefully, this one she found here settles.''

''I hope so too.'' I sighed and finally stopped. Stargirl followed suit. ''Look, I'm really sorry if I came across as rude earlier…''

''You didn't,'' she cut in. ''I'm just happy that I could help you.''

''Why did you want to help me?''

She was quiet for a moment. ''When I moved here, you were the first name that I heard over and over again. I was fascinated to know more about you. When I did, I was happy and sad at the same time. You seemed like a genuinely good person who had been held back from her true potential for so long. I thought that I could help. I heard that you were joining the Mighty Ducks. I knew that you wanted to help other girls against Hans. I thought doing what I did would be the best way to help without distracting you.''

Well, she was right about one thing…I would get distracted if I did meet her face-to-face. How could I not?

''You really wanted to do all of that for me? That's sweet of you. I wish that I could have returned the favor…''

She shook her head. ''That's not what it's about. My mother had been by herself until one night she wished upon a star. Nine months later, I was born. I think there's something magical about having an unseen force looking out for you. It's as if the universe wants you to smile.''

''That does sound amazing,'' I said. ''It's nice that you and your mother have each other now.''

''And Cinnamon.''


She retrieved a photo from my purse and handed it to me. I squealed at the cuteness. A small domesticated rat was perched on Stargirl's shoulder, posing for the camera.

As she showed off the picture, I realized that we were standing very close to each other. I felt tense being so near her. It didn't help that we were standing in a romantic setting. The river had led to a gorgeous lake that glistened under the sunlight. The pathway had separated from us so that we were at the bottom of a grassy hill. We would have been cut off from the outside world if not for a woman who was sitting on the slope a fair distance away from us. She paid no attention to us as she was reading a book. However, when I noticed the dalmatian sleeping beside her, my heart stopped. She was the woman who sat next to me on the bus when I was with Chel. I can't believe that I bumped into her again. Although, she hadn't noticed Stargirl and me. The memory of that time on the bus replayed in the back of my mind sending a jolt of arousal sweeping across my body.

I had to ignore it before Stargirl noticed.



''Do you want to kiss me?''

I locked eyes with Stargirl. ''Huh?''

''You keep staring at my lips.''

''Was I? Sorry, I didn't realize…''

''I don't mind. I'd like to kiss you too if that's okay?''

I swallowed the lump in my throat. ''You do?''

She placed the photo back into her purse and set it down on the ground. ''Actually, I was hoping that we could do more than kiss.''

I guess some things never change.

''Uh…so, my place or yours?'' I asked.

Stargirl smiled. ''Here.''

My body pulsated with excitement. She smiled at me as she stepped closer and wrapped her arms around my neck. My breath was stolen as she leaned forward and our lips met. The kiss started softly before I felt her tongue sliding into my mouth. Gradually, our embrace became more heated, much to my excitement. Her fingers danced across the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I moaned into her mouth. I couldn't resist moving my hands to the front of her dress, groping her breasts through the material. I felt her smile against my lips. She pushed her chest forward. I fondled her boobs more firmly, feeling her nipples poke through her top. She responded by licking her tongue over mine, coaxing it out of my mouth before sensually sucking on it.

Absolute chills.

The fear of someone stumbling upon us evaporated. I didn't even care about the woman with the dalmatian a short distance away. If she didn't notice Chel and me before on the bus, then I figured that I could ride my luck with her.

We stopped the kiss to catch our breath. My hands were still caressing Stargirl's breasts eagerly. She glanced down at my actions and smiled. Her hands glided down my body, feeling the curves of my biceps before coming towards my chest. I moaned with delight as she kneaded my breasts as well. The fabric of my shirt rubbed against my warm skin as she pushed her palms directly on top of my perky tits. She smirked at my reaction. It didn't matter how many times I did this; I was still always left breathless whenever I was with another woman. Stargirl was no exception. I was speechless as I saw the light in her eyes flicker more brightly. After a bit more groping, she took my hand and moved it to the strap of her dress. I picked up on the hint instantly.

Pulling on the straps, I watched her dress loosen, nearly falling off her shoulders. ''Are you sure about this?'' I asked.

There was no hesitation or fear in her eyes as she nodded. ''Are you?''

I exhaled nervously, but with a smile. ''Well, this isn't my first time doing this in public. Though, not in a place this open where anyone can stumble upon us…''

''Has that ever stopped you before?''

I shrugged. ''I guess not.''

Stargirl rolled her shoulders, casually letting her dress fall, exposing her nude body. No bra or panties. I shouldn't be too surprised. Still, that didn't stop me from almost choking on my tongue as I gawked at her beauty. I wanted to kiss every single cute freckle that dotted her creamy skin. Her perky breasts were about the same size as mine. I was definitely going to have fun with them. A small push of pubic hair rested above her pussy. Her daring act did not warrant any attention as I quickly glanced back in the direction of the woman and saw that she was still fully invested in the book she was reading. That must have been some book.

I felt Stargirl's hand cup my cheek, forcing me to look back at her as she stepped out of her dress and pushed herself against me. ''The socks stay on if you don't mind.''

Looking down, I saw her dark socks with stars scattered all over. I blushed fiercely. ''You look really cute in them.''

Much to my surprise, she became truly flustered for the first time. Stripping in a public place and coming onto me wasn't enough to warrant her blushes, but complimenting her unique apparel was enough to make her cheeks redden. She was a strange girl, and I meant that in the best possible way.

We embrace once more. I let my hands roam her body as we made out. Her skin was so soft. I wanted to caress every curve. She deepened the kiss whenever I touched her in a particular place. One of my hands crept down to her ass, giving it a firm squeeze as my other hand fondled her bare breast. I pinched her nipple between my thumb and index finger before tugging on it, eliciting a soft purr from her which vibrated against my lips. She reached down and palmed the bulge between my legs. I groaned as my cock stiffened within my jeans. Her other hand was toying with the bottom of my shirt before tugging upwards. Moving my arms slightly, I let her undress me. The cool wind smacked against my body, making me shiver against her. Stargirl pulled my shirt off and ogle my chest. She hooked a finger inside my bra and pulled on it until the strap came undone and fell to the floor.

I couldn't help but throw another cautious look over at the woman. She still hadn't noticed her antics. There was no one else around. For now, Stargirl and I were getting away with this. My heart was racing more uncontrollably by the second. Yet, I didn't want this to stop. The anticipation had reached a fever pitch. At this stage, I wouldn't have minded if someone had spotted us. I was determined to fuck Stargirl here and now.

''You're really cute too,'' she commented before cupping my breasts.

I whimpered and mewled as she massaged my boobs to her heart's content. Her fingers brushed over my erect nipples before sliding down to feel my ab muscles. She couldn't tear her eyes away from my face as she listened to my heavy breathing, reacting to her every touch. She seemed to enjoy the power she had over me. While, at the same time, she relished the ways she was making me feel. The tent between my legs was her guide into knowing how well she was treating my body. Just when it seemed like I was going to burst out of my pants, she dropped to her knees.

''May I?'' she asked.

I appreciated that she still wanted to make sure I was okay with doing this in a public place. However, I was too far gone. She could do whatever she wanted to me and I wouldn't stop her. I nodded, giving her permission to unbuckle my jeans and pull them down. Her smile widened as she stared at my tight boxers before leaning forward to lick the bulge. Despite not being able to feel her tongue directly on my cock, I jerked in response, brushing my concealed erection against her face. After a few more licks, she finally pulled my boxers down, releasing my cock from its prison.

Her eyes widened with delight as my hard shaft sprang out and smacked her face. I think my boxers should come with a warning label due to the number of times that has happened. No matter how far back my partner would retreat, my cock would still tend to reach their face. Though, I haven't had any complaints about that so far. And Stargirl was no exception. She gazed at my cock in wonder and licked her lips. Her fingers curled around the shaft before giving it slow strokes. I shuddered and thrust my hips, pumping myself against her grip.

''You're somehow bigger than I thought,'' she said quietly.

I gazed down at her. ''Have you thought about that often?''

''I have,'' She smirked at me. ''Every day, I've thought about sucking your cock. I've thought about riding you. I've imagined what it would feel like to have you cum inside of me. I'm on the pill so you don't have to worry about pregnancy. But, don't let that stop you from indulging in the thought of trying to breed me like a whore.''

''Oh, wow…'' I gasped at her sudden shift in tone.

It wasn't just the words she said, it was the way each speech was laced with seduction and how her expression changed. Her eyes seemed to dilate as if she had seen the most beautiful thing imaginable. Her smile was bright as ever, but also dripping with lust. She was now stroking my dick with both hands. She never broke eye contact. A forced moan escaped her lips. She didn't seem to care if the sound reached other people. She knew that she was turning me on so she kept doing it. She opened her mouth and panted. The sound, coupled with the increasing ferocity of her hand job was driving me crazy. Without warning, she then spat on my cock, using her saliva as lubrication. It mixed with my pre-cum, causing her hand to move up and down my length faster.

Once she was certain that I was at full size, she engulfed the head of my cock in her mouth. Her lips sealed around the girth as her tongue circled the tip. My pre-cum dribbled onto her tongue and her eyes rolled back. Her lips parted wider as she took more of me into her mouth. Her head bobbed back and forth. The sound of her sucking grew louder and louder. One of her hands remained at the base of my cock as I felt my length being speared down her throat repeatedly. Her other hand was massaging my balls, squeezing every so often, making me purr.

''Stargirl! That feels so good!''

She moaned with delight as her lips slid up and down my dick harder and faster than ever before. Her eyes would not only roll back but sometimes come forward, masking her face in a lewd expression that made my stomach coil with excitement. My cock twitched in her mouth. Her throat bulged over and over again as she deepthroated me. She showed no signs of slowing down. If she did want to take a moment of respite, she would pant quickly whilst slapping my cock against her face, drenching it with spit and pre-cum. Occasionally, she dipped her head down to take my balls in her mouth. As she slurped on them, her hand jerked my cock relentlessly. The slick sound made my ears buzz. The only noise more enticing would be her gagging on my dick when she took it back into her mouth.

Her movements and the sounds coming out of her were exaggerated, yet it didn't feel forced. It just felt like part of the moment. It made me feel good and she seemed to enjoy it as well. Her hand disappeared between her legs, pleasuring herself as she choked on my cock. Her hypnotic rhythm sped up. Her saliva flowed down my shaft, completely drenching it, and making it easier for my entire length to fit inside her mouth. Her lips were sealed around the base of my cock. She held herself there for a short while. She didn't release me until she became teary-eyed and her face turned red. Grabbing my cock, she rubbed it all over her face as her moans echoed loudly. There was no shame in her about acting slutty for me. She enjoyed it immensely. I could practically see the light illuminating her like a majestic fairy. She seemed perfectly at home on her knees with my cock being pumped in and out of her mouth.

The woman with the dalmatian still hadn't noticed. Surely, with the noises that Stargirl was making, she would have looked over to inspect the commotion. Yet, she was still engrossed in her novel. Even her dog was unfazed as they lay fast asleep beside her.

There was a loud pop as Stargirl released me from her mouth once again. She gripped my cock tightly and stroked it faster than ever before. Her hand was like a blur. She panted heavily and gazed at me with a lust-filled expression. ''I want you to cum all over my face!''

''Yet again, you've read my thoughts,'' I said.

She immediately took my cock back into her mouth. I felt every throbbing inch being rammed down her throat over and over again. She choked herself on my dick with great pleasure. Glancing down her body, I could see her fingers moving quickly between her legs. If I listened carefully, I could hear her fingering herself. The wet sounds were like music to my ears. I grabbed her pixie-cut hair and fucked her mouth with tremendous force. She closed her eyes and let me take control, sucking as hard as she could as I slammed my cock against her face mercilessly. Muffled moans escaped from her between the slobbering. We didn't stop until I was ready to blow.

''Fuck! I'm cumming!'' I grunted.

Pulling Stargirl back, I gripped her hair with one hand and stroked myself with the other. She opened her mouth as wide as possible and stuck out her tongue, ready to accept my release. Bridges of saliva dangled between my cock and her lips. I painted every part of her perfect face with my cum. Threads splattered her cheeks and over her lips. Some shots landed on her tongue and she eagerly lapped it up as if she was being blessed with her last ever meal. The euphoric sound of her moans spurred me to jerk off faster, making sure that I gave her every drop. Eventually, her face was completely covered. Some strands fell onto her chest, drenching her perky tits with my seed.

When I was done and I had released my hold on her, she giggled and rose to her feet. She flashed me a satisfied grin before pulling me into a passionate kiss. I tasted myself on her lips and moaned with pleasure. My cock was throbbing with unyielding desire. Knowing this, Stargirl reached down and pumped my shaft once more. Within seconds, I was hard and raring to go again.

''I wasn't too rough?'' I asked between kisses.

Stargirl peppered sweet kisses from my lips down to my neck. ''If I wasn't in such a hurry to feel you fuck me, I'd get on my knees and suck you off again. And I would want you to go harder.''

I grunted at her answer. Her teeth grazed against my skin as she sucked on a particular spot. There wasn't a shadow of a doubt that she had left behind a hickey to mark me. Especially, when she kissed that spot tenderly and locked eyes with me. ''Now, you have your own star.''

I wished that I had a mirror to see it. But, my phone was buried beneath the pile of clothes a short distance away. Further on the other side was the woman and dalmatian who were still oblivious to our shenanigans. ''How has she not noticed us?''

Stargirl glanced at her before turning back to me with a cheeky grin. ''Shall we invite her to join?''

That prompted a shocked gasp from me. At first, I thought she was joking. But, I could see that she was serious by the way her eyes sparkled like stars as she waited for my response. ''Tempting, but I feel like we'd give her a heart attack if we approached her like this.''

''Fair enough,'' Stargirl replied. There was a twinge of disappointment in her tone. However, that didn't last as she kissed me again.

''You're a really good kisser,'' I whispered.

Once again, I was shocked when Stargirl pulled back and seemed to retreat into a more bashful state. ''Really?''

''Well, I want to keep kissing you,'' I said before giving her another quick peek on the lips.

''Me too,'' she returned the heated embrace. I felt her smile before she giggled and covered her face with her hands. ''Sorry.''

''Don't be,'' I took one of her hands and kissed her knuckle. ''I'm only speaking the truth.''

She was beaming. When she blushed, the freckles on her cheeks became more noticeable. Admittedly, they were more difficult to detect because my cum was splattered all over her face. But, that just gave me an excuse to lick her clean and bestow each new freckle I discovered with a sweet kiss.

After she had enough of me showering her with kisses, she stepped away from me and began to ascend the grassy hill. Before she reached the top, she lay down on her back, gazing up at me as I followed her. She spread her legs and gave me the most enticing look imaginable. I didn't need to be a genius to know that she wanted me to fuck her here and now. There was still no one around to stop us. I climbed on top of her, gazing at her amazing body for a little while longer. I saw her chest rise and fall. Despite her free-spirited attitude, she seemed just as nervous about this as I was. Then, a sudden thought dawned on me.

''Is this your first time?''

She nodded. ''I was hoping that you would be my first, Anna.''

My heart skipped a beat. Our hands interlocked and I gazed deeply into her eyes. ''It would be my pleasure. I'll go slow until you're used to the feeling, okay?''

Reaching down below, she grasped my throbbing cock and positioned the tip against her pussy. She was soaked, waiting for me to make the next move. I placed my hand over hers, working together to guide the tip against her entrance, teasing her slightly. Her body trembled with anticipation. I manoeuvred myself forward, resting on my knees as she locked her legs around my waist to keep me in place. I had no intention of going anywhere. I listened to her erotic moans. The head of my shaft rubbed against her wet lips, slowly pushing inside. Stargirl bit her lip and raked her nails down my back. Already, my girth was stretching her pussy beyond what she was expecting.

''I bet this is different from your fingers?'' I teased, trying to lighten the mood and ease her through the initial discomfort.

She snorted. ''I have used dildos before. Clearly, the extra-large options are still nothing compared to you.''

I wasn't sure if she was telling the truth or just trying to stretch my ego. I've seen the large collection that Elsa and Merida keep hidden in their dorm room. Those extra-large toys are nothing to scoff at. Some of them could give Korra and Raya a run for their money. Still, it's not always about the size. The key for me is motion. I ease my way further inside Stargirl, feeling her pussy clench tightly around my length. Thrusting myself forward one inch at a time, I watched as her face contorted with pleasure. Her quiet moans transformed into audible gasps. She covered her mouth to suppress the sounds slipping out of her. We remained undisturbed. At this point, I figured that the woman nearby wasn't going to react to us. We could enjoy ourselves without having to worry about prying eyes.

Her smile blossomed as I managed to bury my entire cock inside her. Her pussy was wrapped around the base of my shaft, clinging dearly, refusing to let me go. We were still holding hands as I waited for her to relax. Her wetness flowed down my shaft and I felt her beginning to loosen enough for me to start moving comfortably. I bucked my hips back and forth, gently grinding against her, listening to her moans as a way to know if I was going too fast for her. Our breasts rubbed against each other. I leaned down and pressed my lips against the side of her neck, kissing her smooth skin, soothing her into a blissful lull as I thrust harder and faster.

''Oh, Anna!'' She cried out. ''Don't stop! Fuck me! Oh, yes! Fuck me, Anna!''

I obeyed willingly. I hunched forward, feeling her ass rest against my knees as the lower half of her body was lifted off the ground slightly. She was bucking against me like there was no tomorrow, riding my cock with renewed energy. Gasping for breath, she didn't hold back her moans as I fucked her as hard and as fast as I could.

I still couldn't believe we were doing this in broad daylight. We were fucking on a hillside that lay next to a pathway where anyone could walk and see us. There was a woman not too far away from us who somehow couldn't hear Stargirl's increasingly hysteric screams of pleasure. Yet, we were able to get away with this. The trepidation I felt upon hearing Stargirl's proposal earlier had washed away. I used all of my strength and stamina to give my partner exactly what she wanted.

''Stargirl!'' I groaned through gritted teeth.

I continued to kiss her neck, returning the hickey she gave me with one of my own. A hiss escaped from me as I felt her nails rake down my back. There were going to be red marks. I didn't care. I wore them like badges of pride. As long as I made Stargirl feel good, that was all that mattered to me. Adrenaline coursed through my body as I bucked wildly, fucking her like a feral animal in heat. She squirmed beneath me as I strengthened my thrusts.

''Let's try something else,'' I growled into her ear.

Before she could react, I grabbed her by the waist and rolled us over so that I was now the one on the ground. Stargirl was on top, riding my cock without hesitation. She bounced up and down on my lap with a wonderful smile. Her cute face was drenched with sweat. I glanced down and saw her rise and fall on my cock with amazing speed. Her perky breasts bounced. I couldn't resist reaching out to fondle them. Stargirl moaned and rolled her hips, working my cock in and out of her. My back was burning against the grassy surface beneath me after being clawed out by Stargirl a moment ago. The sound of our bodies colliding repeatedly was carried off into the distance, alongside her ecstatic cries of pleasure.

''God, Anna, your big cock feels so good in my pussy! I love it!''

I wanted to hear me. I didn't care if anyone else heard and neither did Stargirl. She was making these sounds for me, so I wanted to reward her. I fucked her harder, pumping my cock in and out of her soaked pussy with relentless force. I pinched her nipples firmly, pulling in them as they bounced against my hold. Stargirl closed her eyes and ran her fingers through her short hair, her mouth was agape as moans spilled out of her. My hands went back down to her hips, holding her tightly as I bucked against her, making her bounce on me uncontrollably. Her hot body was quaking. She was getting close to the peak.

''Cum for me, Stargirl!''

Her voice went hoarse as her moans descended into untamed screams. I felt her juices squirt against my groin. She was shaking so much that I had to hold onto her to keep her from falling. I continued to thrust upwards as I felt my second orgasm approaching. She fisted my hair and held onto me.

''Do it, Anna!'' She purred, knowing what was about to happen. ''Fill me up! I want you to cum inside me and breed me like a whore! Make me your slut!''

Her dirty talk was the tipping point. I bucked one final time, thrusting the entirety of my cock inside her before exploding. Her eyes rolled back again and her tongue hung out of the side of her mouth as I filled her to the brim. Since she said she was safe, I didn't feel the need to hold back or pull out. The inside of her pussy was blasted with endless ropes of cum, some of which dribbled out of her and down my cock due to the excess amount I had given her.

I had to admit that I was taken aback by how much I had given her. I chalked it down to several factors. The setting. The dirty talk. The breeding kink that Stargirl had thrust upon me. But, most importantly of all, Stargirl herself.

People say that they don't like discovering the identity of their secret admirers because the reality is disappointing compared to the imagination.

I wholeheartedly disagreed.

Stargirl was like someone out of a dream. Ethereal and radiant. It was almost like she wasn't from this world.

Kind of ironic considering not long ago I was dreaming about having sex with my fictional alien crush.

She was completely spent as she rested against me. I think she wanted to continue, but her body was too exhausted. I didn't feel tired in the slightest. However, there was no need to overwhelm her. This was her first time. And, judging by the bright smile plastered across her face, she seemed happy to leave things here.

At least, for now.

''Can you stand?'' I asked.

She nodded and began to move. Her knees shook like jelly; she still needed some assistance to get up. Once she settled, she had enough strength in her legs to stand. Her infectious smile never left. ''Thank you.''

I raised my brow at her. ''Shouldn't I be thanking you? You've done a lot for me and you didn't even need to…''

''Actually, I believe I did,'' she said. ''No matter how cruel the world was to you, you never let it bring you down. You were always kind and generous to others. It saddened me to know that people used to take advantage of you. But, I'm happy to see that you're in a better place. I wanted to do nice things for you because you would do the same.''

My face warmed and I turned away bashfully, staring out at the lake. The waves glimmered like stars. ''I still don't know about the secrecy. People will want to thank you for what you do.''

She shrugged. ''Helping people should be done just because it can be done. I'm not looking for rewards. I just want to make someone's day brighter.''

''Okay, but…if you wanted to remain anonymous, why did you leave the star symbols on the gifts?''

Her eyes drifted away as she paused. A playful smirk appeared. ''Maybe…I was secretly hoping that you would find me.''

I smiled at her. ''I'm glad that I did. Thank you, Stargirl. I truly mean that. And you're right, I am in a better place. And I don't just mean physically, being here with you naked is fun, but I also mean metaphysically. I like who I am whilst still being me.''

''Keep being you and keep moving forward.''

The distant sound of a car horn nearly made me jump out of my skin. I turned around and made sure that we were still unseen by onlookers. The woman was still locked onto the pages of her book. I sighed with relief. ''I guess we better leave.''


I hurried to retrieve my clothes. My cock was aching for me, especially when I saw Stargirl bending over to pick up her dress, showcasing her fantastic ass. I ignored the horny part of my brain and got dressed. As soon as I was done, I turned to Stargirl and stared in dumbfounded. She was facing me whilst still naked except for her socks. She had tossed her dress over her shoulder and was holding onto her purse with her free hand.

She grinned at my sheepish reaction. ''You just fucked me and you're still nervous about seeing me like this?''

''No,'' I lied. My blushes told her all she needed to know. ''Are you going to walk back home like that?''

''Why not? It's a glorious day.''

''What if you get caught?''

''Not many take this path,'' she answered.

I gulped. ''Have you walked home naked before?''

''A few times. I find it freeing and it helps me to relax. You should try it.''

Despite the adventures I've been on, walking home naked was something that I had yet to experience for myself. I laughed and rubbed the back of my neck. While I was apprehensive, I admired Stargirl's confidence. She truly was her own person. She didn't care what others thought of her. For such a long time, I wished that I could be a person like her. I wasn't quite there.

But, I was happy with who I was.

I had some amazing friends.

A wonderful mother and sister who loved me…in more ways than one.

Vanellope was practically my adopted sister and I treasured her with all my heart.

''I'll take you up on that offer one day,'' I said.

She gave me a cute smile before waving and walking away. I couldn't help but watch her leave. Her hips swayed with every step. Her cute behind was tempting me to follow. But, I resisted and turned to head home.


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