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Commissioned by Lionheart

All characters in this story are over the age of 18

Despite recent events, Futaba still flinched when she heard a knock at her bedroom door.

She already knew that it was Ann and Makoto coming to visit her. They were determined to bring the newest member of the Phantom Thieves out of her shell. The group’s recent trip to Miura Beach was an enlightening experience for the flustered hacker. She had never seen so many people grouped so closely in one setting since the day her mother died. Futaba could still recall how rapidly her heart raced being surrounded by so many new faces. Thankfully, her friends were always there to comfort her if needed. Ann and Makoto, in particular, were always around to make sure that Futaba was comfortable. But, they still felt that more was needed. So, they arranged a visit to Futaba’s home. It would just be the three of them for a ‘girl’s hang-out.’ Futaba wasn’t sure what that entailed.

She carried the advanced knowledge of their arrival with her all day. Yet, she still panicked when they arrived. She cursed herself. Would she ever feel truly comfortable around others? Despite their reputation, the Phantom Thieves were a close-knit bunch who always looked out for each other, Futaba included. Even though she had only recently joined their ranks as Oracle, they treated her like one of their own. Futaba was thankful. She was happy…especially since it meant that Ann and Makoto were happy to see her.

Two very pretty young women who wanted to hang out with her. It almost felt too good to be true. Futaba felt drenched with sweat due to nerves and excitement. Did she remember to brush her teeth? Was her hair okay? Did she have any of her collectables arranged out of place? The last thing she wanted was for her room to be a mess after they had gone to great lengths to help her clean it.

After a quick inspection to make sure that everything was in check, Futaba rushed to the door and greeted her visitors.

‘’Hey, Futa…’’ Ann’s smile slowly disappeared and her brow furrowed when she saw Futaba. ‘’Why are you wearing that mask?’’

Futaba flinched. When did she hide her face away in one of her masks? She didn’t remember grabbing it. She quickly tossed it aside and smiled awkwardly. ‘’Sorry. A force of habit, I guess.’’

Ann didn’t seem bothered, and Makoto was smiling as she stood by her friend’s side. Futaba felt her cheeks flare up. She gulped and bounced on the balls of her feet. ‘’So…what are we going to do today?’’

‘’Well,’’ Ann smiled playfully. ‘’You could start by inviting us inside.’’

‘’Oh…of course! Please, come in!’’ Futaba stepped aside so that they could enter. ‘’Do either of you want drinks? Make yourselves at home. I’ll grab some sodas from the kitchen. I think I remember where it is.’’ She giggled nervously, rubbing the back of her neck before dashing off, barely giving Ann or Makoto time to react.

Ann sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. ‘’I thought that giving her a heads-up that we were coming would put her more at ease.’’

‘’You know how she is,’’ Makoto said. A look of apprehension flashed across her face. ‘’Ann, are you sure about this plan?’’

Ann gave her the thumbs up. ‘’Absolutely. Are you having second thoughts?’’

‘’I’m more worried about Futaba,’’ Makoto replied. They walked into the reclusive girl’s bedroom and sat on the bed together. ‘’I’m fully on board with helping her come out of her shell. But, don’t you think your idea is going to be…well, a bit much for her?’’

Shrugging nonchalantly, Ann shot her friend a mischievous grin. ‘’She’ll be shocked. I’m not going to deny that. However, I think once we get started, she’ll be begging for more.’’

Makoto nodded slowly. Her conviction in the plan wasn’t in doubt. She and Ann had talked about this for a while now. Ever since their return from the beach trip, the two women discussed different ways to help Futaba feel less anxious about being around them. Regular visits to the girl’s house and trips to shopping malls were obvious choices. However, Ann had come up with an intriguing concept that definitely caught Makoto’s interest. They knew that today was going to be the day they would put their plan into action. But, they wanted Futaba to feel relaxed before doing anything too drastic.

She felt Ann nudging her arm. ‘’If you’re doubting this plan, just tell me and…’’

‘’No, no, I think it will work,’’ Makoto said. ‘’We just need to make sure we don’t give her a heart attack before she had a chance to enjoy it.’’

Ann winked. ‘’I’m sure she can handle both of us. We’ve both already got a sneak peek at what she’s packing.’’

Makoto’s cheeks blushed instantly as her mind travelled back to the day before their trip to the beach. They had decided to take Futaba on a shopping trip to choose her swimwear as she didn’t have any of her own due to hardly going out. Despite her reluctance, Futaba was willing to be dragged along, but only if Ann and Makoto picked what she had to wear. She would come to regret that decision as Ann would delight in choosing the skimpiest outfit she could find. When Futaba revealed her outfit to the two of them, Ann and Makoto discovered that the shy young woman was well-endowed, but not in the area they expected. Futaba had a very prominent bulge between her legs. She thought that they wouldn’t notice because she wasn’t hard. Makoto was flushed thinking that such a tent could be so big even though Futaba claimed to not be at full size. Being the more promiscuous of the two, Ann wasn’t ashamed to admit her desire to see Futaba’s dick. Makoto felt the same way, she was just more controlled by hiding her lust.

‘’I’m not doubting that,’’ Makoto said. Exhaling softly, her lips curled upward. ‘’I think this will be good for her. I wonder if she’s thought about us in that way.’’

Ann giggled upon seeing Makoto’s blushes at the thought of Futaba masturbating to them. ‘’There’s a mental image I don’t mind being true. Look around. Staying inside on the computer all day. She’s totally the type to jack off to hentai. She’s probably got videos of lesbian action and pictures herself being in the middle of two gorgeous women.’’

‘’Projecting much?’’ Makoto teased.

Before Ann could retort, Futaba had returned with cans of soda pop in hand. When she saw the two of them sitting on her bed, waiting eagerly for her arrival, she gulped and approached them bashfully. Ann shot Makoto another smirk.

Getting Futaba to go along with their idea would either be near impossible or extremely easy.

In such a short space of time, Futaba was already feeling comfortable being in Ann and Makoto’s presence. She was amazed by how they seemed to be on the same level as each other despite their contrasting personalities at times. Futaba judged it to be a consequence of being part of the Phantom Thieves together for a longer period of time. She hoped that she would be like that. She hated how anxious she felt, even at times of tranquillity. With Ann and Makoto helping her to strike up conversations and involve her in their talks, Futaba felt her confidence slowly building. However, there was another aspect to this that she both loved and felt complete dread towards…her undeniable attraction towards the two women.

As they continued to laugh and talk, Futaba noticed that Ann and Makoto were edging closer. She was trapped between them. It was far from the worst position. She felt sweat running down her back as her heart raced. They were sitting on either side of her, gradually moving closer until her arms were touching them. Futaba swallowed the lump in her throat. Below, she felt a surge of excitement rush to a particular area in her groin. She wanted to grab a pillow and place it on her lap to hide the boner that was beginning to stand between her legs. But, she knew that doing so would arouse too much suspicion.

Arouse. Probably not the best word to use right now.

Futaba’s breathing quickened. Sitting to her right was Ann. She wore a skirt that was so short it barely reached down to her knees, revealing her long legs. The young model wasn’t afraid of showing them off. Futaba wished with all of her heart that she could reach out and touch them. To her left was Makoto. While she was more reserved, her appearance was still tantalizing beyond measure. She brushed a hand through her short hair, causing Futaba to stare at the side of her neck. Her eyes trailed down to her collarbone where the shy girl was captivated by her creamy skin. The teasing hint of her cleavage caused her dick to twitch in response. From this angle, it looked as if Makoto wasn’t wearing a bra. She wanted to be sure, but she couldn’t do that without making it obvious that she was trying to gawk at Makoto’s tits.

Futaba’s eyes flickered back and forth between them. She tried not to get caught. However, her stealth was faulty. Before long, she saw Ann glancing in her direction. Futaba flinched and tried to look away.

Ann smiled. Jackpot.

‘’Say, Futaba…’’ she purred. ‘’Makoto and I had this idea that we wanted to run by you. We think that it’ll do wonders for your confidence.’’

‘’R-really?’’ Futaba asked.

Ann nodded before glancing at Makoto. ‘’Isn’t that right?’’

‘’Well…’’ Makoto paused. ‘’If this doesn’t help you come out of your shell, I don’t know what will.’’

‘’That’s incredible. What is your idea?’’

Ann laid her hand on Futaba’s thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze. ‘’We’re going to have sex with you.’’

For a short while, Futaba could have been mistaken for a statue. She was staring directly at Ann but didn’t move or blink. Her mouth hung open, but no words escaped from her. She even stopped breathing. Ann and Makoto exchanged a fleeting worried glance. It quickly became apparent that they had broken Futaba.

Just when Makoto was about to reach for her phone and call for the paramedics, Futaba gasped at the top of her lungs and threw herself back against the wall, clawing herself away from Ann and Makoto as if they were contagious. ‘’W-w-w-w-w-what!?!?’’

Makoto turned to Ann. ‘’You could have eased her into the idea more gently!’’

‘’Why wait? It’s obvious that Futaba is interested. Did you see the way she was looking at us?’’

‘’I…I…I…’’ Futaba stammered. Even now, she was still gawking at Ann and Makoto’s figures. Her head was illuminated in bright red and sweat was raining down her face like a torrential storm. ‘’I’m sorry! I can’t do that! I’ve never b-b-been with a girl before. I don’t think I can handle that.’’

Ann smirked. ‘’Oh, we know that you can handle two of us.’’

‘’What do you mean?’’

Makoto reached out to take Futaba’s hand, trying to comfort her out of her fright. ‘’If you’re nervous about us judging your body, you don’t have to be. We know.’’

Futaba’s eyes widened. ‘’You do?’’

‘’Since before we went to the beach together.’’

‘’Yeah,’’ Ann winked. She glanced down quickly. ‘’It wasn’t very conspicuous.’’

Futaba felt more waves of arousal wash over her. The fact that they were aware of her penis did make this somewhat easier. However, her nervousness was still apparent. Even Ann’s attempts at praising her fell short. ‘’I…I don’t want to say no. But, I’m a complete amateur. I’ve always been afraid that I would be a disappointment the first time. Now, with two women…I’m going to be double the disappointment.’’

‘’Hey, that’s not true,’’ Makoto said softly. ‘’It’s not about how good or how big you are…’’

‘’And you’ve already got the second point covered,’’ Ann stated.

‘’Ann! Not now!’’ Makoto scolded before turning back to Futaba. ‘’It’s about enjoying the moment. It’s about having fun with the person you’re with. I know that Ann and I are going to have fun and be comfortable with you. We just want to make sure that you feel the same way.’’

Slowly, Futaba’s expression softened. Her panting had ceased and she no longer retreated from them as Makoto gently pulled her back into her original spot between them. Taking a deep breath, Futaba worked up the courage to force a smile. ‘’Okay…I’ll do it!’’

Ann laughed, grabbing Futaba by the shoulders to shake her gently. ‘’Don’t be so formal. We’re not asking you to sign a contract. This is going to be a fun threesome between us girls. No pressure.’’

‘’Alright, no pressure,’’ Futaba repeated. She was still trembling. But, it was clear that she was fully on board with their proposal. Makoto smiled. It felt like seeing Futaba in a new light. She was brimming with renewed confidence as she looked at them. ‘’So, what do we do first?’’

Without a word, Ann grabbed her face and slammed their mouths together. The moment their lips touched, Futaba squealed and shivered. Her brain malfunctioned as she wasn’t sure how to respond. So, she simply let Ann take control of the kiss. The model deepened the passionate embrace by sliding her tongue into Futaba’s mouth. As she felt Ann’s tongue exploring, Futaba’s worries melted away and she happily returned the kiss. It was messy and erratic. But, Futaba wouldn’t change anything about it. When they pulled away for air, there was a bridge of saliva connecting their lips.

‘’Whoa…’’ Futaba gasped.

Suddenly, she felt Makoto’s hand gently cup her cheek, forcing her to lock eyes with the other women. Makoto slowly leaned in and gently pressed her lips against Futaba’s. Their kiss was a different experience compared to the one Futaba shared with Ann. Yet, it was just as wonderful and sensual.

As Futaba and Makoto continued to kiss, Ann let her hand wander. She brought it back down to Futaba’s thigh, before slowly moving in between her legs. She heard Futaba release a muffled whimper against Makoto’s lips. Such a cute reaction needed to be heard over and over again. Ann moved her hand closer to her desired destination. Already, she could see a prominent bulge taking shape beneath the girl’s pants. She licked her lips in anticipation. ‘’I think we’ve waited long enough.’’

Futaba and Makoto separated. Futaba waited with bated breath as she felt her pants being loosened. An overwhelming sense of relief consumed her. As soon as Ann saw an opening, she reached her hand inside and immediately gasped when her fingers touched Futaba’s hot length. She felt it throbbing in her hand as she tried to curl her fingers around the girth. Already, she could tell that the girl was massive. When Ann freed Futaba’s cock, both she and Makoto were stunned.

‘’Holy crap! You’re huge!’’ Ann said.

Futaba’s cock was bigger than either of them had anticipated. Their imagination paled in comparison. Ann used both hands to pump the shaft, eliciting sweet moans of approval from Futaba. Bewitched by the beautiful shaft, Makoto leaned down to Ann’s level and assisted her by stroking the parts of Futaba’s cock that remained untouched. Futaba whimpered and bucked against their hands.

‘’You see this?’’ Ann beamed at Makoto. ‘’Even with the two of us using both hands, we still can’t cover every inch.’’

‘’So beautiful,’’ Makoto murmured.

Her face flushed and her heart beating wildly, Futaba was rendered speechless. She couldn’t believe that both Ann and Makoto were stroking her dick. This was truly a dream come true for her. She threw her head back and mewled. Her dick pulsated and continued to grow. Ann and Makoto watched in amazement as her erection reached new heights.

‘’I wonder if it’ll fit…’’ Ann said in a daze. She lifted her head above the head of the cock and began to circle her tongue around the tip.

‘’Ah!’’ Futaba gasped.

The sensation was beyond words. Her entire body quaked with delight as Ann slowly engulfed her cock. The thickness stretched Ann’s lips. Her jaw ached as she took more of Futaba inside of her mouth. She began to bob her head up and down, choking on the massive length as it hit the back of her throat repeatedly. Futaba couldn’t contain her excitement as she instinctively thrust her hips, fucking Ann’s mouth with increasing vigor. Ann was determined to take every inch of Futaba down her throat. Her lips were sealed tightly around the shaft and moved lower. Makoto’s hands dropped out of the way, settling on Futaba’s hefty balls. She gave them a gentle squeeze, enough to get a pleasant reaction from Futaba.

After a few moments of sensual struggle, Ann finally managed to deepthroat the shaft. Her neck bulged due to Futaba’s immense size. Her eyes rolled back as she revelled in the delight of having the girl’s cock fully embedded down her throat.

Before long, she pulled back and gasped loudly for air. ‘’Damn, Futaba. I’ve been wanting to do that for such a long time. You’re not a disappointment.’’

Futaba smiled at the compliment. ‘’You’ve been wanting to do this?’’

‘’Oh yeah,’’ Ann purred seductively. ‘’Ever since I saw your bulge in that cute little bikini at the beach, I’ve been thinking about how it would feel to take your big, hard cock down my throat. I’ve gotten off to the idea of sucking your dick.’’

‘’Really?’’ Futaba squeaked.

Ann nodded. She then looked over at Makoto. ‘’I bet she feels the same,’’

Makoto smirked. ‘’Why tell when I can show.’’

Futaba had no time to react before Makoto lowered her head and took her dick in her mouth. The noise that came out of Futaba’s mouth was the most erotic sound she had ever made. Makoto’s blowjob wasn’t as forceful or quick as Ann’s. She took her time. She licked the underside from the tip down to the base. Sometimes, she would indulge herself by taking Futaba’s balls into her mouth and slurping on them for good measure. The reaction she got from Futaba spurred her to keep the momentum going. She kissed her way back up to the head before taking it as far down her throat as it could reach, gagging on it enthusiastically.

‘’Look at that!’’ Ann cooed, fascinated by how Makoto’s saliva ran down Futaba’s shaft whenever she came up. ‘’How does it feel to have her suck your dick like that?’’

‘’It feels so good,’’ Futaba moaned.

As much as Ann enjoyed watching this erotic display, she wanted to indulge in the intoxicating taste once more. Once Makoto broke free to catch her breath, Ann brought her mouth back down onto Futaba to suck her off. Makoto glanced up at Ann. ‘’Your cock is amazing, Futaba. So big and so hard. I can feel it throbbing in my mouth.’’


The girls took turns sucking Futaba’s cock, switching back and forth between them. Whenever one was deepthroating her, the other was riling her up with obscene dirty talk.

‘’Oh yeah! Fuck our throats, Futaba! Don’t hold back!’’

‘’Please, give us more, Futaba! Your dick tastes so good!’’

Futaba wasn’t going to let them down. She grabbed a fistful of their hair and brought them together so that they were kissing either side of her shaft. They alternated between licking and sucking. Futaba’s cock was drenched with their spit. Pre-cum leaked from her tip. Their tongues would come up to lap the seed. They wanted more. Lowering their heads, they came to Futaba’s balls and took each one in their mouth, sucking aggressively. Their actions caused Futaba to grind her hips against their faces, slapping her dick against their lewd expressions.

‘’I could get used to this,’’ Makoto moaned.

‘’You and me both,’’ Ann replied. ‘’Would you like that too, Futaba? We’d be more than happy to suck your huge cock every day.’’

‘’That would be…’’ Futaba panted. ‘’Wonderful.’’

‘’Yeah? Any time. Just tell Makoto and me to get on our knees and we’ll give you the best blowjob you can imagine. It doesn’t matter where we are.’’

Makoto slowed down. ‘’Preferably in private places.’’

‘’You’re no fun.’’ Ann teased.

Between their banter, Futaba could feel her impending release. She tried to hold on for as long as possible. But, with how fantastically eager Ann and Makoto were when sucking her dick at the same time, that task was out of her reach. She bit her bottom lip and thrust her hips, ramming her cock deep inside Makoto’s mouth before exploding. Makoto’s eyes widened. The sensation of Futaba’s cum flooding her mouth in an instant was electrifying.

When Futaba stopped blasting cum, Makoto lifted her head and began to swallow what was in her mouth.

‘’Oh, not so fast!’’ Ann smiled wickedly.

She grabbed Makoto’s face and swooped in for a heated kiss. Futaba was dumbfounded as she watched the two women share her cum between them. Their tongues wrestled for dominance as they kissed sloppily and passed Futaba’s seed to each other. The hypnotic sight meant that Futaba didn’t have to worry about her dick becoming flaccid any time soon.

As they pulled away, some of the cum that Ann failed to collect from Makoto’s mouth dribbled onto her chest. Futaba watched with great interest, following the sticky trail that disappeared beneath her shirt and between the valley of her breasts. Makoto caught Futaba staring and smiled.

‘’Let’s get more comfortable.’’ She commented before quickly removing her shirt.

Futaba was gobsmacked. Her suspicions were confirmed. Makoto wasn’t wearing a bra. Her breasts bounced into view.

Ann smirked. ‘’You took the words right out of my mouth.’’

Her shirt soon followed. Likewise, Ann did not wear a bra beneath her shirt. Her boobs were bigger than Makoto’s. They both looked so gloriously inviting. Futaba felt like she was being driven mad with lust as she gawked at them both.

Makoto smiled at her. ‘’It’s your turn now.’’

‘’Oh…r-right,’’ Futaba’s hands trembled as she lifted her shirt above her head and tossed it aside. She reached behind to unclasp her bra and let it fall onto the bed. Her perky breasts greeted Ann and Makoto. ‘’I’m sorry they’re not as big as yours.’’

‘’Hey, it wouldn’t have been fair if you got everything,’’ Ann jested, hoping that her playful tone would ease Futaba’s self-doubt. It seemed to work, as Futaba smiled shyly at her and wasn’t going to make any attempt to hide.

Makoto began to play with her own breasts, giving Futaba quite the show. ‘’Do you like them?’’

‘’Y-yeah,’’ Futaba stammered.

‘’Which do you prefer?’’ Ann fondled her massive jugs, making them bounce in her palms. ‘’Big tits or small ones?’’

Makoto glared at her. ‘’What are you trying to imply?’’

‘’I’m just using examples. You started it,’’ Ann played with her breasts more firmly, challenging Makoto to do the same. ‘’It seems that my influence is rubbing off on you.’’

Rather than responding to Ann’s taunts verbally, Makoto decided to play this game another way. She lowered herself down and pushed her chest against Futaba’s dick, encasing the shaft between her breasts. Futaba gasped and nearly fell off the edge of the chair as she began to fuck Makoto’s tits.

‘’Do they look small now?’’ Makoto teased, bouncing herself up and down. The top of Futaba’s cock was still able to reach her face despite being pillowed between her bouncy mounds. ‘’If this were any other person’s dick, you wouldn’t be able to see it.’’

‘’I guess you’re right,’’ Ann purred. ‘’Futaba’s dick is far too big to be contained. I dare say that this still looks like a two-woman job.’’

Futaba knew what was coming next. But, she still wasn’t prepared for the exhilarating feeling that would come from Ann placing herself on the opposite side from Makoto and mimicking her actions, causing Futaba’s dick to become nestled between both of their tits.

They worked together to give her the best double tit-fuck imaginable. The softness that enveloped Futaba’s dick was indescribable. She thrust her hips at a more aggressive pace than before, fucking their breasts in unison. Ann and Makoto moaned with delight before dipping down to suck on her cock. Their lips touched, resulting in them sharing passionate kisses as they continued to move their breasts together, rubbing against the throbbing member. Everything they did was to bring Futaba closer to the edge once again.

‘’Your cock looks so perfect pumping between her big, juicy tits!’’ Ann moaned. ‘’Wouldn’t you agree, Makoto?’’

‘’Indeed,’’ she purred in response. ‘’I think Futaba’s cock belongs between our breasts.’’

‘’Ah…oh…’’ Futaba groaned. She clenched the bedsheet tightly. ‘’This is amazing. Don’t stop. Your tits are incredible.’’

‘’We know,’’ Ann bounced her breasts more forcefully. ‘’We’re happy to hear that you appreciate them. Now, give us what we want and cum all over them. Gives us more of your cum, Futaba!’’

‘’You can do it!’’ Makoto encouraged, increasing her pace to match her movements with Ann.

Lost for words, Futaba fucked their tits with everything she had. Smothered between them and delighting in their softness, Futaba felt herself breaking very quickly. It was like fucking two perfectly shaped clouds. She didn’t know where that analogy came from, but it fit perfectly…just like how her dick fit perfectly between their boobs. With a mighty cry of pleasure, Futaba gave one more thrust. It was like a fountain was gushing between their chests. Ropes of cum splattered against their skin, covering not only their tits but their faces too. Ann and Makoto opened their mouths to catch any of the rogue strands that landed near their mouths.

Futaba collapsed onto the bed. Her chest heaved as she looked down to see that Ann and Makoto were busy cleaning themselves, licking her cum off of each other eagerly. The sight felt too good to be true.

‘’Now that we’ve had the appetiser,’’ Ann purred sensually. ‘’Shall we move on to the main course?’’

Lifting herself, Futaba stared at them curiously. ‘’So, how are we going to do this?’’

Ann sighed with sarcastic disappointment. ‘’Makoto won the coin toss, so she gets to be fucked first.’’

Rolling her eyes at her tone, Makoto hurried to undress. ‘’You’ll have your turn. Futaba will get to you once she’s had her fun with me.’’

Futaba nodded. ‘’Yes! I will do my best for both of you!’’

Once Makoto was completely naked, she rolled onto the bed and allowed Futaba the chance to admire her figure. She blushed under the intensity of the girl’s gaze. This was something that Ann would be more comfortable doing. But, Makoto didn’t mind her nude form being admired by Futaba, especially when her dick throbbed in response. It filled Makoto with confidence. She hurried into position, resting on her hands and knees before lifting her ass and wiggling it at Futaba to entice her as if she needed any further incentive.

Futaba got behind Makoto, grabbing onto her hip with one hand as she used the other to grasp her cock and guide it towards the woman’s entrance. She fumbled a few times, overwhelmed by everything.

‘’Let me help,’’ Ann whispered directly into Futaba’s ear, sending shivers down her spine.

Ann grabbed Futaba’s cock and placed her other hand on the girl’s back, gently pushing her forward. Makoto hissed through gritted teeth as she felt her pussy clench around the thick shaft. Slowly, Futaba entered her, thrusting her full-length deep inside Makoto, filling her. With Ann’s guidance, Futaba began to buck her hips, driving her cock in and out of Makoto’s pussy. She mewled sweetly as she felt her cock become soaked in the woman’s wetness. Ann watched in with delight before capturing Futaba’s lips. The heated embrace spurred Futaba to fuck Makoto harder and faster, sending her into euphoric delirium.

‘’Fuck! Oh, yes! Fuck me, Futaba!’’ Makoto screamed.

‘’You heard her,’’ Ann hummed. ‘’Give her that big dick! Fuck her like you mean it! I want to see her squirm as she gets pounded by your massive cock!’’

Futaba obediently complied. She rammed her cock into Makoto’s pussy at a lightning pace. Her hips were like a blur, moving back and forth as she increased the strength and speed of her thrusts. They felt the bed shaking beneath them. Makoto glanced over her shoulder to watch Futaba and Ann make out. She was surprised by how rough Futaba was. It seems that the girl had some repressed sexual urges that she needed to release. Makoto was more than happy to satisfy those needs.

‘’Fuck me, Futaba!’’ Makoto cried out. ‘’Don’t stop! I want to feel every inch of your cock inside of me!’’

Ann stopped kissing Futaba to move down and confront Makoto. ‘’I always knew you had a dirty mouth.’’

‘’And what are you going to do about it?’’

Ann happily fell for the bait. She and Makoto indulged in a fiery kiss. Futaba grabbed Makoto’s waist and fucked her into oblivion. Makoto moaned against Ann’s lips. The pleasure was so great that she couldn’t keep kissing Ann for much longer. Ann wasn’t one to be left out of the action. A lightbulb flickered above her head. A devilish idea took hold. Shifting herself off the bed, she moved behind Futaba and got onto her knees, giving her a perfect view of Futaba’s behind.

‘’Such a cute ass!’’ She commented before slapping the plump cheeks.

‘’Ann?’’ Futaba yelped and drove her entire cock inside Makoto.

With a grin plastered across her face, Ann grabbed Futaba’s ass and parted her cheeks so that she could have an unobstructed view of her puckered hole. Without warning, she started to lick Futaba’s rear, rimming her as if she was feasting on her last meal. Futaba’s thrusts became erratic as she delighted in the unusual sensation. She wasn’t going to complain. Although, it did make her thrust slower as she tried to feel Ann’s tongue inside of her ass whilst still fucking Makoto. Ann noticed the awkward movement and figured that her efforts would be better spent elsewhere. Her mischievous smirk remained as she returned to the bed and brought her face just above the action. She could hear the squelching sound of Futaba’s cock being rammed in and out of Makoto’s soaked pussy.

‘’I’ve always wanted to do this,’’ Ann said.

Makoto tried to see what she was doing. ‘’What are you…’’

Before she could finish her sentence, Makoto screamed when she felt Ann’s tongue penetrating her ass. The stimulation was exquisite. To say that she was shocked would be an understatement, but she loved it. She backed into Futaba’s groin over and over again, feeling both of her holes being relentlessly fucked. Futaba’s cock in her pussy. Ann’s tongue in her ass. She couldn’t believe how good it felt. Her pussy clenched tightly around Futaba’s cock as she felt herself drowning in ecstasy. She reached her peak before she had even realized it. Her toes curled and her back arched as she came. She could almost feel Ann smirking proudly as she rimmed her through her orgasm. Futaba was still thrusting, though she had slowed down a bit so that Makoto could enjoy herself as she rode the waves of her orgasm on her dick.

When she couldn’t take any more, she fell forward and rested against the mattress. Futaba’s throbbing cock slipped out of her with a wet pop.

Ann brushed her thumb over her bottom lip and licked some of Makoto’s juices that had squirted onto her face. ‘’I expected you to last longer.’’

‘’You caught me by surprise,’’ Makoto panted. A thin layer of sweat covered her body. ‘’I wasn’t expecting you to lick my ass.’’

‘’I never miss an opportunity to rim a cute girl,’’ Ann turned to Futaba. ‘’Did you enjoy yourself, Futaba?’’

‘’It felt strange, but in a good way.’’

‘’Good,’’ Ann then lay on her back, sprawling herself out on the bed. ‘’Now, fuck me!’’

Futaba didn’t need to be told twice.

There was barely any time to settle, not that Futaba wanted that, she was riding on a pleasurable high and pressed the tip of her cock against Ann’s pussy. The model trembled with anticipation as she felt Futaba’s dick rubbing up and down her soaked lips.

‘’You better not hold back on me,’’ Ann grinned. ‘’Imagine I’m a dirty, filthy slut that’s begging to be fucked by you.’’

Makoto snorted. ‘’That’s not going to take a lot of imagination.’’

Ignoring her taunts, Ann grinded against Futaba’s cock. ‘’That’s right. Fuck me like I’m your whore.’’

Her dirty talk was too much for Futaba as she thrust her hips and drove her cock inside Ann’s pussy without warning. Ann didn’t mind in the slightest. She cried out and locked her legs around Futaba’s waist as she felt herself being filled to the brim by her shaft. Ann’s pussy clenched tightly around the massive girth. No sex toy she had used on herself could compare to Futaba’s size. She was on cloud nine as she felt Futaba rock her hips, dragging her cock in and out of her pussy.

‘’Yes! Give it to me!’’ Ann pleaded. ‘’Give it to me with that big dick of yours!’’

Her moans transformed into incoherent screams of lust as Futaba fucked her harder and faster. She held nothing back, just as the model commanded. Ann wrapped her arms around Futaba and pulled her closer, wanting to feel their bodies colliding with every thrust. Makoto watched them in action. The passion between them was evident. The way Futaba’s body trembled as she thrust at a greater pace was beautiful. Ann bucked against every impact. Every inch of Futaba’s cock was driving her to great pleasures. Makoto couldn’t resist moving closer. She let her hands roam over Ann’s body. She cupped the model’s breasts, feeling them bounce in her palm. As she pinched her nipples, she turned her head to Futaba and offered her another sweet kiss. Futaba graciously accepted the gesture and returned it eagerly.

‘’It’s more fun when you join in the action,’’ Ann panted. ‘’Don’t you agree?’’

Makoto reluctantly pulled away from Futaba’s lips before leaning down and embracing Ann. ‘’I was thinking about returning the favor, but, rimming isn’t my thing.’’

‘’So, what else do you have in mind?’’

Makoto simply smirked before dipping her head down and sealing her lips around Ann’s left nipple. The sound of Ann moaning in response was like music to her ears. Rolling over the erect bud with her tongue before sucking on it brought Ann greater joy. She then reached down and toyed with Ann’s clit.

‘’Oh, fuck!’’ Ann cried out.

It was the perfect response. Makoto brushed over the sensitive bud with her thumb. Her touches were teasing and light. Futaba’s thrusts were rapid and powerful. They were addicted to the sounds coming out of Ann’s mouth. They felt the model coming undone by their relentless teasing. Ann grabbed the bedsheet and clutched her fists until her knuckles turned white. Her throat went hoarse as her screams descended into breathless gasps. Futaba felt Ann’s pussy clenching around her shaft, drenching her groin with her juices. Makoto didn’t stop playing with the model’s clit. She circled her thumb faster and faster. Her mouth had moved onto the other breast, giving it the same loving treatment. She could still taste strands of Futaba’s cum that had painted her chest earlier.

Futaba thrust wildly. She felt herself on the verge of her third, and potentially final, climax. ‘’Ann, I…I’m…’’

Ann knew exactly what was coming and couldn’t be happier. ‘’Cum inside me!’’

Hearing Ann begging for her seed sent Futaba soaring over the mountain. She rammed the entirety of her cock inside Ann and pumped her load deep inside. Ann arched her back, smothering Makoto’s face with her busty chest in the process. The model felt Futaba’s cum coating her inner walls. Eventually, it became too much for Futaba to contain; she had to pull back. The instant that she did so, Makoto saw her chance and dived in to eat Ann out, lapping up some of the cum that dripped out of the model. Ann’s eyes rolled back into her head and her tongue hung out of her mouth. This would be an experience she would never forget.

Futaba placed her hands on her knees and took a moment to gather her thoughts. Her cock softened, feeling content. She watched Makoto lick Ann’s pussy, indulging in the tasty cream that the shy girl had provided.

Suddenly, Futaba froze as the reality of what she had just done dawned on her. ‘’Ah! I forgot to wear a condom! And I came inside you!’’

Ann waved her hand tiredly. ‘’Relax, I’m on birth control. It comes with being a model.’’

Makoto stared at her. ‘’How so?’’

‘’You never know if there’s a cute girl whose dick I want to ride in between photoshoots.’’

Upon hearing this, Futaba relaxed. Exhaustion finally caught up with her as she fell onto the bed in a leap, landing next to Ann and Makoto. ‘’Thank you for this.’’

‘’You’re welcome, Futaba,’’ Makoto said.

Ann smirked. ‘’Though, this was just day one. We’re going to continue helping you come out of your shell. No matter how long it takes.’’

Futaba beamed. ‘’I like the sound of that.’’


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