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All characters in this story are over the age of 18.

Helen ran for cover as the sky shook and debris hurtled toward her.

She wanted to keep her eyes on the fight. She wanted to see how Isabel was. But, there was no hope for her to get close to the action due to the immense power that was radiating from the two opposing forces.

Shockwaves destroyed the land around them as Isabel clashed with the King over and over again. Her sword cleaved away at every strike the mighty beast retaliated with. The Dragon Slayer zipped around like lightning. She cut at the King's scales repeatedly, hoping to leave another mark. However, Verlundathrone wasn't going to be caught off guard again. It was as if he had conjured a protective barrier over his scales. Still, Isabel persisted. Every time she was blown back by one of the King's attacks, she was swarmed by other Dragons and Drakes who wanted a piece of her. She dodged their incoming attacks and charged at the King once more.

''Enough!'' He bellowed like thunder.

Before Isabel could see what was happening, she felt the King's tail slam against her, knocking her to the ground. She skidded along the surface a few times before gripping the rocky surface and finding her balance. Fire was brimming from her body as she locked eyes with the King. Her determination didn't waver.

She was an unstoppable force of nature attempting to bring down an immovable object.

''Is that all you've got?'' Isabel growled under her breath.

She knew that the King would hear her. He dug his talons into the ground as flames danced between the gaps of his jagged teeth. A wave of fire swallowed the earth beneath their feet as the King unleashed a blast like never before. Isabel kept the sword close as she sprinted forward, splitting the flames in two and charging through the gap. Spurred on by Helen's words and Jess's spirit. She was running on boundless energy. She had to keep pushing until she found an opening. Digging her heel down, she leapt into the air and tried to cut the dragon's neck.

Verlundathrone reared his long head back, barely avoiding the slash as a line of red appeared across the surface of his throat. Another growl of anger rumbled out of his mouth. ''How dare you!''

Isabel landed against the side of a mountain and kicked back, using the momentum to torpedo herself back in the King's direction. She was about to use her sword once more when she found herself swallowed in shadow. The King's hand came down upon her and crushed her into the ground. She tried to break free, but he enclosed his grip around her, trapping her. His claws were like bars. Isabel couldn't get the sword in the correct position to stab his palm. She tried to use her strength to push herself free, but the King pressed his unimaginable weight down onto her. Isabel felt the air leaving her lungs.

It can't end like this. She had to keep fighting.

Sensing Helen to be close, Isabel felt the fire inside of her ignite to greater levels. She pushed back and felt the King's claw lift slightly. It wasn't enough to free her. However, if she kept pushing, she would overpower him.

''How is this possible?'' he questioned.

Isabel wasn't in the mood to respond. She had to end this quickly before the King found respite or her second wind faded. She didn't want this valiant effort to be her dying gasp.

The King tilted his head and hissed. ''This is not how things should have gone.''

Just when Isabel believed she was making excellent progress, the King clenched his hold and grabbed her like a toy. Isabel cried out in pain as she felt an immense weight crushing her from all sides. Her arms were pinned to her body. She couldn't break free as the King lifted her and brought her closer to his face. The Dragon Slayer saw her reflection in his giant eye, struggling to break free, even to the bitter end. Feeling heat burning her lips, Isabel unleashed a volley of fire from her mouth, hoping that it would blind him. Verlundathrone extended his wings and flapped them. It was like being hit with the full force of a tornado up close. Isabel was certain that if she wasn't human, her skin would have been blown off her bones. Her fire had been quelled as the King continued to shift his giant wings up and down.

Over and over again. Until he lifted himself off the ground.

Isabel continued to fight back. But, it was hopeless. Suddenly, she saw the ground getting smaller. She could barely see anything beyond the dragon's fingers that encased her. However, she knew that they were flying. Before they broke through the clouds, she heard Helen crying out for her. She was now alone with thousands of dragons and Drakes trapping her like predators cornering their prey.

''Let me go!'' Isabel roared.

Her futile fight did little to sway the King. Once they were above the clouds, Isabel was greeted with a canvas of infinity stars as far as the eye could see. Verlundathrone stopped and hovered in the air, admiring the distant bright lights. It was strange to see a Dragon look so calm and content. But, Isabel couldn't focus on that. She had to free herself and save Helen. She had to save everyone. However, the King was beyond any dragon she had faced. Despite the wounds she had inflicted upon him, he still seemed to be the one in control.

''It is beautiful, isn't it?'' he said.

''What the hell are you talking about?''

She could see him smirk, despite his inhuman features. ''So many worlds. Did you know, that they are so far away their light has not yet reached us? You could be looking at worlds that we have not only conquered but also destroyed.''

''Fuck you!'' Isabel screamed. ''You're not going to destroy my world!''

He ignored her threads and continued. ''Further beyond there are worlds we have still yet to conquer. The possibilities of what dragons can accomplish are endless. There were those that tried to stop us, even some of our own kind. Every single time…they have failed. You were never going to be any different. But, I still see hope in you.''

''What is that supposed to mean?''

He hissed. ''Join us.''

At last, Isabel stopped fighting back. She glared at the King with venom in her eyes. ''What?''

''It would be such a waste to let you die here. Wouldn't you want to see other worlds? Would you not want to use your gifts to rule and become something more? You would no longer have to serve. You would no longer have to fear for your life. You can claim the human who helped you as our mate and journey with us across the stars. Take your place among our ranks. You are no dragon, but you are also not a Drake. You are new. You are strong. You belong with us. Submit to me and you can have it all.''

If Isabel didn't hear it, she wouldn't have believed it. A Dragon was offering her a chance to escape? And not only her, but Helen as well? It almost seemed too good to be real. She wouldn't have to give up her powers. She wouldn't have to die. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to escape.

But, that's all it was…an escape. There was no doubt in her mind. She already had her answer.

''Just the two of us? What about the rest of my people?'' she spat.

The King let out a bellying laugh. The echoes parted the clouds around them. ''Why do you care for the creatures beneath you? What were you to them before you became the Dragon Slayer?''

Isabel scowled. ''I was worse than nothing. They treated me like dirt.''

''Then why risk everything to save them? I am giving you the chance to be a God!''

Isabel had to admit…he had a point. She would have still been nothing if she didn't have her abilities. The colony always looked down on her. She was never acknowledged by them. The only people that mattered to her were Helen and Jess. They were always there for her. Helen's kindness kept her going. Jess loved her despite her differences and the hardships that came from being close to her. She started this fight for them. She was reminded of the stories Helen would tell her when she was younger. She remembered the promise she made to fix the world if given the chance. It felt like destiny.

No, it wasn't destiny. Isabel just happened to be in the right place at the right time. She would have fought regardless of whether or not she had superhuman abilities. She fought back because she chose to.

''Because it's what I need to do. It's what I can do.''

Isabel's body ignited with glorious flames. The force of her power loosened the King's grip on her enough for her to catapult herself towards his chest. She thrust the sword through a crack between his scales and sliced downward. His roar made the Earth shake. Isabel held strong, digging the sword as deep as it could reach. Blood poured from the opening. She couldn't find an opening, so she made one. She kept carving. Before she realized it, the sword was bending and then the metal shattered. Shards of the weapon scattered in all directions. Isabel nearly lost her balance. She clung to the open wound and then pulled it open.

The smell was foul. Isabel's heightened senses didn't help. The scent of charred flesh made her stomach turn. Blood continued to ooze out of the King's wound, drenching her arms completely as she kept opening the cut, hoping that the injury would be grave enough to slow him down. He wouldn't bleed out. But, it was something. However, without a weapon, Isabel wasn't sure how much more damage she could inflict on her foe.

Then…she heard it.

At first, she mistook it for another roar or a thunderstorm in the distance. But, the sound repeated rhythmically. A booming thud. The sound rattled Isabel's bones. She focused on the sound. A sense of familiarity washed over her. She recognized the sound instinctively. Following the sound, she spotted something shielded by bone and blood. It was the King's heart. The organ boomed over and over again. Isabel knew that this was it. She felt her connection to the King's heart. If she struck him down…it would be the end of the Dragon Slayer.

''I gave you a chance!'' Verlundathrone roared, rearing his head back as his mouth was masked in a fiery red. ''And you squandered it. You deserve to die alongside the rest of the vermin.''

Ignoring the overwhelming fear that threatened to chain her down, Isabel felt the inferno inside her belly rise. ''No one else will die. If it's just me…so be it.''

She closed her eyes. The image of her Helen and Jess stayed with her as she unleashed a volley of fire with her mouth and incinerated the King's heart.

There was no time for Verlundathrone to strike. He choked on his flames and cried out in agony. The sound was bleeding into Isabel's ears as she felt herself growing weaker. Her own heart was pulsating with pain. She felt her muscles numbing and her vision turned blurry. As best as she could, she kept breathing more fire, determined to make sure there was nothing left of his heart. It blackened under the intense heat. His blood boiled, scarring her skin as she held on. His wings flapped violently as they began to descend. They fell with no sign of slowing down. The King bellowed grotesquely before making one last attempt to kill Isabel. He snapped at her. His fangs almost tore through her skin. Isabel stumbled into his wound, avoiding the bite. However, she slipped and lost her grip.

She and the King fell from the sky.


Helen heard them before she saw them.

She had been cornered by the Drakes and for a brief moment believed that her life was over. The only thing that kept her alive was that they were most likely waiting for the King's command to kill her. They wanted her to see Isabel die before taking her life. But, that command never came. Instead, they heard a terrible sound from above the clouds. The King was wailing in agony. Then, a shadow broke through the clouds and could be seen crashing down to the earth. As he fell, Helen noticed the other dragons and Drakes stumbling. They fell to their knees, gasping for breath and clutching their chests. One by one, they collapsed and were rendered motionless.

''She did it,'' Helen whispered.

Her joy did not last. When she glanced up at the King who was falling lifelessly to the ground, she spotted a speck falling beside his gargantuan body. Helen didn't need a clear view to know that it was Isabel. Her body turned cold.

She wasn't going to let it end like this.

She ran. All around her the creatures that had turned the earth into a barren ash-filled wasteland died. Despite what a monumental occasion this was, her only concern was Isabel's well-being. She and the King were going to land nearby. Helen prayed that Isabel's powers would remain active long enough for her to cushion her landing. If not, she had no hope of surviving. Tears ran down Helen's cheeks as she ran faster and faster. She was about to lose sight of them as they fell behind a steep hill.

Then, Helen heard a seismic crash and the terrifying sound of a giant wave of water coming towards her. She ran towards a rocky terrain where she could avoid the mini tsunami. The steep climb was almost too much for her. But, she made it just in time. A giant wave swept over everything that was in her path. The bodies of the dragons and Drakes that had surrounded her were consumed by water. Those that were letting out their last breath disappeared under the violent waves. Waiting for the water to stop was agonizing. Helen tried to get a better vantage in the hopes of spotting Isabel. All she could see was the King's wing twitching a few more times before never moving again.

''Isabel!'' Helen shouted.

There was no response.

She refused to believe that she was dead. When the waves had calmed, Helen dove into the water and swam. Her arms ached, but she wasn't going to be stopped. Pushing herself forward, she came upon an unforgettable sight. The King of the Dragons lay dead. His body broke through the earth, causing water to emerge from the cracks. An underwater lake that many people may have died looking for was unearthed. As Helen swam closer, she saw something luminescent flow out of the King's mouth before disappearing into nothingness. At first, she thought it was the last of his fire burning out. But, it seemed different. It almost looked spiritual.

Something to her right caught her notice. Helen turned and gasped. It was Isabel's body floating on the surface. Like the King, she was unmoving.

''No…'' Helen hurried over to grab Isabel and drag her to more shallow waters. Helen did her best to keep her head above the surface. ''Isabel, sweetheart, wake up! Please, wake up!''

Nothing. No words. No pulse. No heartbeat.

Helen dragged her to shore and rested her against the sandy surface. ''Isabel! Don't do this to me! I know you can hear me! Please!''

Tilting Isabel's head up, Helen proceeded to give her mouth-to-mouth. She blew a few times before pressing her hands on Isabel's chest repeatedly. Seconds turned into minutes. Over and over again, Helen attempted to restart Isabel's heart.

Still, nothing.

''You can't leave me!'' Helen sobbed. ''I won't let you! You did this! You saved us all! You deserve to see everything be made right again! It's not fair!''

More mouth-to-mouth. More resuscitation attempts.

All in vain.

Isabel was gone.

''You can't…I love you.'' Helen cried, pressing her forehead against Isabel's. Her tears rained down on her cheek. She placed her hand over Isabel's chest, wishing that she could feel her heartbeat. She silently pleaded for Isabel to find the strength to keep going. ''I wish I had the chance to tell you…''


Helen flinched.


The sound repeated itself. She felt her hand trembling as something tingled her palm.

Ba-bump. Ba-bump.

A slow, hoarse exhale came out of Isabel's mouth. Helen almost thought that her mind was playing a cruel trick on her until she felt Isabel's warm breath brush against her face. ''Isabel?'' she choked.

''I-Is it over?'' Isabel said weakly.

Helen couldn't contain her happiness. She wrapped her arms protectively around Isabel, kissing all over her face as Isabel released a tired laugh. ''Are you okay?''

Isabel's smile dropped. Slowly, she lifted her arm. Her limb trembled as she flexed her fingers. A cruel reality came over her. ''It's gone.''

''Your abilities?'' Helen inquired.

Isabel nodded. ''I felt it when I killed the King. It was like a part of me was dying and I could feel it. I thought I was dead.''

''So did I,'' Helen sniffled. ''But, you're still here. I'm here with you.''

As the two basked in this tender embrace, Helen glanced up and saw people beginning to walk over the hill to see what had happened. The colony and their allies had emerged with makeshift weapons, ready to fight. Instead, they were greeted with the sight of dead dragons and Drakes as far as the eye could see. They all stared in disbelief. No one could believe it to be true. Jon, Erika and Giovanni broke through the crowd. When Jon and Helen's eyes met, she nodded and the giant of a man was overwhelmed with emotions. He dropped to his knees and burst into tears. Erika smiled and stared around her in a daze.

Giovanni turned to the crowd and raised his hand. ''It's over! The war is over!''

The doubt was shattered. The people let out a jubilant cheer unlike any other.

Listening to the people's applause, Helen glanced down at Isabel and smiled proudly. ''I'd kiss you. But, we have an audience.''

''You could pretend you're still giving me mouth-to-mouth.''

They shared a sweet laugh and revelled in this moment together.


The sun was rising over the horizon. A new day had dawned.

It was the first since the great battle in which Isabel could finally walk around without the aid of someone else. Without her abilities, she was fragile as she healed from her injuries. Her arms and legs were bandaged and she had stitches in too many places to count. The scars that she had collected were healing. Her hardened appearance was striking. But, it was a reminder of the day that no one would ever forget. The dragons were gone. The world was saved.

Isabel had turned this into the story she wanted.

She sighed with satisfaction as she stared at the scenery. It was still a wasteland. But, with time, things would be better. Calls had been made to other colonies across the land. People were beginning to come together to build a better future. And Isabel was going to have a front-row seat. Everyone who came wanted to see the hero of the world. They all wanted to see the Dragon Slayer. No one could yet as she was still on the mend and Helen insisted she remains in bed to not complicate her recovery. Isabel didn't mind too much. It meant that she got to spend more time with Helen.

''I can't believe this is really happening,'' Isabel gushed as she stared at the sun until her eyes began to narrow. ''Oh, I forgot how that feels.''

Realizing what she was doing, Helen grabbed Isabel's shoulder and forced her back inside. ''I'm not going to let you blind yourself after all you've been through.''

Isabel snorted. A look of contemplation flashed across her face. ''Do you think that things will be like how they were before? Can we make it like the old world?''

''I'm not sure,'' Helen answered. ''History does often repeat. But, I say we should try to make it better.''

Isabel kissed Helen's cheek and walked ahead. ''With you by my side, I'm ready for any challenge. The two of us are going to see everything this new world has to offer us.''

Isabel yearned for there to be a third person. More than anything, she wanted Jess to be here to celebrate this victory with them. However, she knew that she would be with her always in spirit. She and Helen. As long as they were alive, they would never forget Jess. Isabel would pass on her story to others so that she would never be forgotten.

Isabel then noticed that Helen had stalled. When she turned, she saw Helen was rooted and staring at her with an unreadable expression.

''What's wrong?'' she asked.

Helen's smile, though warm, was laced with uncertainty.

''I'm pregnant.''


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