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All characters in this story are over the age of 18

On the outside, Wednesday was as cold and emotionless as ever.

However, a million thoughts were racing around her mind at lightspeed. This was far from the first time she had been accused of someone’s murder. But, this was different because there was apparently substantial evidence against her and a body to prove it. Wednesday refused to believe that it was Enid. Even in the hours since her arrest, the goth girl still felt her roommate’s warmth comforting her. Her light hadn’t faded. Wednesday wasn’t sure if her visions worked in that way. But, she held onto the belief that Enid was out there somewhere. And she needed to find her.

But, she had to find a way out of this interrogation room first.

‘’Why is it whenever there’s trouble, the Addams family are always involved?’’

Wednesday glared at the sheriff as he paced himself slowly around the table. Wednesday was seated opposite him and didn’t budge an inch since she had been handcuffed. Her wide eyes followed his every step as he rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed.

‘’I don’t want to believe it was you,’’ he continued. ‘’But, we have your blood at the scene of the crime. Her clothes were found ripped apart next to the body…’’

‘’So there was a body?’’ Wednesday interjected sharply. ‘’Did you already identify it as Enid’s?’’

‘’There wasn’t exactly a lot left of the body to make an instant match…’’

Wednesday trembled. Discussions about dead bodies weren’t something that got under her skin. But, the thought of it being Enid who was dismembered into pieces made her feel queasy. She bottled away her dread and locked her eyes with Donovan. ‘’Then how can you be certain that it was her?’’

‘’Her clothes were found at the scene. Threads of her hair. Her blood…among other fluids. You tell me, do you know any other female werewolves who look like they walked out of a pastel coloring book?’’

‘’This still doesn’t explain why I am a suspect in this case?’’ Wednesday barked; ignoring the list of evidence that marked Enid.

Donovan returned to his seat. ‘’Your clothes were also found near. Also, there were other indications that you had been present with her at the scene.’’

Wednesday narrowed her eyes. ‘’I’m not a child. You don’t have the censor the details. Enid and I were fornicating under the moonlight in the middle of the woods…’’

He waved his hands to stop her from divulging any further details. ‘’I am aware of that. Then, you say you remember nothing else afterwards?’’

‘’I fell asleep. When I awoke, I was in a different part of the woods with your men arresting me on the spot.’’

The interrogation room fell silent as Donovan glanced down at the table and sat in contemplation. Wednesday wasn’t as patient. She scanned the room. The interior was to be as expected. There was a large one-way window where she could see her reflection staring back at her. The orange uniform that she had been given to wear was utterly repulsive. She would have even settled for the black and white stripes. Her hair was still unkempt after her night of fun with Enid. She could still feel a slight ache around her body because of their exploits. However, seeing herself for the first time since last night, Wednesday could see that her eyes were gleaming as if she had been crying. When did that happen? She struggled against the handcuffs to wipe away the tears before Donovan noticed. Her throat hitched and her heart raced.

‘’I have to find out what happened,’’ she said. ‘’You need to take me to where you found the body.’’

Donovan snorted. ‘’I’m not even surprised by the things that come out of your mouth anymore.’’

‘’Do you really want to be wrong about another murder case involving an Addams?’’

‘’Don’t try that with me!’’ Donovan scowled. ‘’You are to remain here until the body is fully identified.’’

Wednesday tilted her head. ‘’You haven’t identified the body yet?’’

‘’As I said, there wasn’t much of the body left. Plus, our coroners are not exactly equipped to check fangs and claws as opposed to teeth and nails.’’

‘’Then what about the blood?’’

‘’That was scattered around the place. It was on some trees and rocks. Most likely a struggle. That has been confirmed to be Enid Sinclair’s blood.’’

Wednesday was deep in thought. She stopped herself from imagining the worst possible scenario. She had to keep a clear and methodical mindset if she had any hope of uncovering what this all meant. There had to be more to the story. If she could get there and perhaps use her visions to glimpse into the past and find out what happened, she’d be one step closer to clearing her name and possibly saving Enid from whatever trouble she was in. Despite her monstrous abilities, Enid was a soft and gentle soul. Who would want to hurt her? Wednesday did not want to think about anyone killing Enid. There was still no proof that she was truly dead.

She glared at the sheriff. The coldness in her eyes had melted. There was a fire in her that made Donovan unable to look away. ‘’You have to let me help you find the truth. I know that there’s more going on.’’

‘’You really don’t get it, do you?’’ Donovan frowned. ‘’You are the number one suspect in a murder case. How do you think it’ll look if I let you assist in this case?’’

‘’You’re the sheriff. Use that authority and privilege to your advantage like most in your profession do.’’

He sighed in frustration. ‘’I can’t do that! Your girlfriend was…’’

‘’She’s not my girlfriend!’’ Wednesday snapped. Suddenly, her expression softened as her heart tripped. She clawed at the table and slouched into her chair. In the back of her mind, she could hear Enid’s laugh. Before she came to Nevermore, it would have been a sound that would bring fill her with disgust. But, since she had settled in with Enid, it was a sound she had heard frequently and would cherish each time, even if she didn’t openly say so. Wednesday swallowed the lump in her throat and turned away from Donovan. ‘’We weren’t…like that.’’

Donovan’s brow creased. He couldn’t remember the last time he had seen Wednesday like this. She wasn’t the outwardly emotional type. Even now, she was trying to remain stoic. Yet, he could see her bottom lip quivering and her eyes watering once again. He was going to comment on the status of their relationship despite being intimate in the woods. But, he resisted the urge. Their time together was drawing to a close as he glanced up at the clock that hung above the window.

‘’Listen,’’ he mumbled. She didn’t look at him, but he could tell that she was hanging on his every word. ‘’I’ve made no secret that I’ve found you to be a very strange person. But, I don’t believe you’re a murderer. I am going to find out what happened to her. Until then, you’re going to be imprisoned. The moment we find any contradictory evidence that frees you of any wrongdoing, you’ll be out of here.’’

‘’And then I’ll help you find Enid!’’

‘’If she is alive.’’

‘’She is!’’

‘’How can you tell? One of your supposed visions?’’

Wednesday exhaled slowly. She was quiet for a short while as she tried to think of a tangible reason. When nothing came to mind, she sighed. ‘’I just know she is. Just like how you know Tyler is alive somewhere out there.’’

A look of sadness and regret flashed across the sheriff’s face. He looked as if he wanted to say more, but couldn’t find the strength to speak. There was a fleeting glance towards the window before he rose from his seat and exited without another word. As he left, two officers entered the room to escort Wednesday to her cell.

Wednesday hoped that the decrepit scenery would inspire her to come up with a plan.


Hardly any time had passed since the interrogation with the sheriff before Wednesday was told that her family was here to see her. She didn’t settle into her cell before she was guided to the phone booth area where her parents and Pugsley were sitting on the other side of the glass waiting for her. She took a seat and grabbed the connected phone that was hanging on the wall. Her father was the one holding the other device.

‘’How are you holding up, my little scorpion?’’ he asked.

‘’They say that if I’m convicted, I could be facing the electric chair. As tempting as that offer is, I’d rather find the truth.’’

Morticia leaned toward Gomez so that her lips were near the phone. ‘’It’s terrible to hear what has happened to Enid. I’m so sorry, Wednesday.’’

‘’There’s nothing to be apologetic for, mother,’’ Wednesday retorted. ‘’Enid is alive. I’m going to get out of here and I’m going to find her.’’

‘’Wednesday,’’ Gomez said sternly. ‘’We don’t want you to get into any more trouble. I’m certain that the Sheriff has got his best people working on this case.’’

‘’Even if he did, I can do better than any of them. And you both know that too.’’

Her mother gazed at her sympathetically. ‘’I know that you must be in going through so much sorrow. To lose someone you love is an experience that I would not want to wish upon anyone…’’

‘’Love?’’ Wednesday flinched. ‘’I…we…Enid and I are not together like that.’’

‘’You’re not?’’ Gomez asked.

Wednesday’s eyes flickered back and forth between them. ‘’Did you two think we were this whole time?’’

Morticia and Gomez exchanged a confused look. They looked lost for words as Gomez shrugged and Morticia graciously took the phone from her husband so that she could speak more clearly with Wednesday. ‘’It just…seemed obvious.’’

‘’How so?’’

‘’It’s an unexplainable feeling, my little black petunia,’’ Gomez said. ‘’When you’re in love, you see the world differently because that person becomes your world. Your heart will start to race without you even realizing until it is already dancing in their presence.’’

‘’Oh, Gomez,’’ Morticia purred.

Her fingers traced the side of her husband’s face, forcing him to look at her. The passion radiating from their intense gaze threatened to melt the glass separating them from their daughter. They came together for a loving kiss. The sound of their moaning reached Wednesday’s ear through the phone, causing her to scowl and groan with annoyance. ‘’If you two are just going to make out and refuse to help me, then please leave so that I may return to my cell and come up with a plan of escape.’’

After being quiet for so long, Pugsley leapt at the opportunity to come into the conversation. ‘’I brought these.’’ He lifted a heavy bag, struggling to keep his arms steady as something metallic clattered inside. Wednesday recognized the sound as grenades. She and Pugsley would use them to go fishing together.

Morticia reluctantly pulled away from Gomez’s loving embrace to push the bag down and stare at her son. ‘’Pugsley! Dear, you are not going to waste the Christmas present you got from Cousin Itt to break your sister out of prison.’’

Pugsley’s smile dropped as he lowered the bag out of sight.

Turning her head, Morticia responded to her daughter’s glare with a warm smile. Though, there was a twinkle of mischief in the older woman’s eyes. ‘’I trust that you’ll be safe and responsible. If you ever need anything, we’re always here to offer you a hand.’’

Wednesday noticed a subtle difference in her mother’s tone upon her saying that last word. She glanced at her father, who gave her an encouraging wink.

Giving her parents a slight nod, her lip twitched, threatening to break into a smirk. ‘’If that is all, I will be returning to my cell now.’’

‘’Call us if you need anything, my rotten little pumpkin,’’ Gomez said affectionately.

Wednesday set the phone door and rose to her feet. There was a guard not too far away who gestured for her to follow once he saw that she was finished. Looking out of the corner of her eye, Wednesday could see her family watching her depart. They wore proud smiles. But, she could tell that they were worried for her. It was a situation that they were too familiar with by now. If Gomez could take her place again, he would in an instant. But, Wednesday was content with where she was. She knew that she was innocent. She just had to find the evidence to prove it. However, that only came second to Enid’s safety. A cool head was needed. Yet, Wednesday felt a pang of dread clawing at the back of her head. She elected to ignore it as she was brought back to her cell.

She heard the guard’s keys clanging against the bars as he secured the door and left the room to tend to other matters. Wednesday was alone in her secluded prison. Her mother’s words echoed in her ears. She whipped her head from left to right, searching for anything out of the ordinary. A moment had passed before she noticed the sheets on the small bed in the corner of her cell were moving.

Wednesday marched over to the bed and pulled the sheets away, revealing a sentient disembodied relative of the family. ‘’I expected nothing less from you, Thing.’’

He tapped his fingers on the bed as he held a long metal pin between his thumb and index finger.

‘’My parents are quite the nauseating distraction,’’ Wednesday said. ‘’I’ll have to thank them later.’’

Thing waited before making a move.

Wednesday sighed. ‘’And I will apologize to them too.’’

With that settled, Thing scurried to the door with the pin in his grasp. Climbing up one of the bars, he reached the lock and started to pick at it. After a few attempts, both he and Wednesday heard a satisfying click and the door became unlocked. Wednesday walked out of her cell with Thing following closely behind.

‘’Firstly, we need to return to Nevermore so that I can change into something more conspicuous. We’ll also need extra hands to help us if we’re to find out what happened to Enid.’’

Looking down at Thing, she could see the hand was crawling at a slower pace. His knuckles were slumped. He seemed cautious about speaking up, but he did so anyway. His fingers moved hesitantly.

‘’She’s not dead!’’ Wednesday replied. ‘’She’s out there somewhere. And we’re going to find out what happened.’’

Thing shook himself up and down, affirming to Wednesday that he was on board with her plan. He then quickly signed something that had also been itching Wednesday’s psyche ever since this madness started.

‘’I don’t know who would want to do this. Enid isn’t the type to make enemies. They also framed me to distract the police. It’s time we find out why.’’


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