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Hey peeps! Just a quick update on what I am working on right now. It will contain spoilers, so if you don't want to get spoiled don't read further :)

It's been a long time since I done any stories, so I hope you guys enjoy this one as well.

Story on Asuna and her Yoga adventures.

The pictures are just a rough Work in Progress; text and paneling will be properly put in the final version.



More Asuna? Hell yeah. Are there full length combined videos for the old clips? Only could find single animations


Well that's how it be do back then. A short simple loops :D.


i still wish to this day you would remaster that asuna (and whatever that other chicks name is) gloryhole animation, or at least put it together and add sound T_T so good


LETS GOOOOO. Always did prefer your stories :)


Hmmm. That's an interesting idea. Remastering of old animations :D Considering they were really barebones back in the day. Yeah, I guess I'll think about it. Maybe one day.