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Honestly, I don't even know what to say. It's actually pretty insane that a new milestone has been reached already. 

Welcome to all the new members and thank you very much for deciding to support me! And  to all the people who's been supproting me all this time, too! Super grateful for that. Hope you guys are enjoying your stay here!

It's kinda like a full job to me now, huh? Being over 1,000$ and stuff. :DD It's kinda scary to think about, and feels like giving me even more stress and anxiety lol. Oh well.

I'm not sure what to promise anymore, since we've already reached my "end-goal"  that I wan't expecting to reach anytime soon :D. I can't really promise to put even more hours into my work, since I've been putting as much as I could from the very beginning, but I guess it does motivate me to work even harder to match the level I'm currently at. It's just sometimes I can non-stop work on stuff, going from one work to another, but other times I can barelly force myself to work on a new piece after finishing the previous one. That's why I'm a bit inconsistent with my releases. But I'm doing my best, so I hope that's okay with you guys.

I guess I'll keep saving little by little to upgrade my PC as I said, since I really want a decent setup already, and continue to return the favor to the community by creating commission for characters and stuff like that.  If you have some interesting ideas for it, feel free to say it in the comments here or dm me if you want to.

Speaking of characters, there's a new anime seasons started recently, right? I'll look into the new shows and will create a poll for the characters you want to see in Koikatsu soon.

On what I'll be doing in the near future, I'm kinda on a Genshin hype right now, as you could probably see :D The cast of characters is really nice, and girl are looking really great, so I  kinda wanted to work with some of them. I haven't been doing much NTR stuff lately, and I can't really see a way to make NTR genshin without forcing it, but I've had some interesting ideas and am saving them for now. Probably gonna realize them soon.

Welp, I guess that's it. Thank you for reading this 300 words essay and thank you for your continious support! Hope you guys are doing alright, wherever you are! Have a good one!