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Here's some of the scenes of the upcoming story. I want to change the way I make non-ecchi/ non-sex scene, basically the scenes that lead up to sex, because, honestly, I really dislike making them. Like absolutely hate it. But I want to convey the story, so I settled down on this Visual Novel-like format. To convey the emotions of the characters through simple poses/facial expressions and convey the story through text that leads to sex scenes. (Kinda like 2nd and 3rd pictures here). 

I still will pay a lot of attention to the sex scenes in general, cause I really enjoy making them. But yeah, I just needed to make it less tedius for myself.

I don't know exactly when I finish it, but I'll do my best to not take too long :D

So, my question to you is, how necessary for you to have a visually detailed non-sex sex/ dialogue scene in the story to enjoy it?



I am looking forward.