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hi guys!! there will be no june unpub wk2  bc i havent drawn anything all week and it sucks. i hope you guys understand 😭😭 ive been bombarded with uni work as well as the feeling hopelessn in which i resort to distractions and it feels bad man!!!

im currently trying to get out of this feeling of hopelessness by trying new things and i think its working! i just feel really bad for the lack of content for you guys... hence i will be pausing next month just so i can catch up and try to work on improving my habits

on the bright hand!! im happy to announce that the wagyu plush is fully funded!! this means after the deadline, production will start and everyone who purchased wagyu will be receiving it late september 🥰!! i have also purchased a few myself in hopes that i can do a giveaway for u guys if u missed out on her or just want another wagyu to keep u company!!

anyways... thank you guys so much for supporting me, even when i'm at my lowest and have very little art to show... 😭😭😭 i feel so bad

again, thank you guys so much for showing me support it really means a lot to me and i really hope i dont disappoint you 😔

tldr: i didnt draw a lot last week; hopelessness; july patreon pasued; wagyu 100% funded; thank you for your support i will try better



Take your time!!!


take care of yourself hibi!!! it's good you're taking a step back to work on your daily doings and wellbeing, i hope you feel better soon and please don't feel bad about "not delivering", focus on improving your life and staying on top of school work and other life stuffs. take care!! <333