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pls read this to avoid future concerns!!!

1. all my assignments are due around the corner (like throughout next week) so this week i haven’t been able to draw that much at all 😖 so plss plss dont beat me up for no art this week ill cry


2. I will be pausing my patreon next month (May).

Meaning, you won’t be charged next month.

I’m using this time to catch up on work I owe, eg. commissions, Tier 3 patron requests + it’s my birth month 🥳

If u have any inquiries pls dm me or comment below 👍

thank u guys so much for ur time n i hope u have a great day, arvo or evening 🥺



wooooo birth month!!!! hope u have an awesom birthday whenever that is!!! good luck on your assignments hibi and thank you for all the work u put in for us :3!