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(´。• ᵕ •。) ♡ hello strawbabies!! october's rambling audio is now here!

our exclusive rambling audio of the month is now out!

i also want to take this as an opportunity to once again thank you for supporting me! i hope i can keep making content you enjoy! thank you so much for being apart of my sweet community! ♡

thumbnail image credit: my vtuber model by emoshimo & kiiyume




October was super crazy indeed. We love spooky month. Yeah that twitter situation was so stupid honestly. We finna hit partner plus fr fr. .I'm already T3'ed for the rest of the year. Ofc I would support your push, you deserve the crap outta it. Working harder is nice just don't overwork yourself <3 I'm so excited for ya'll to have your wedding, I'm sure it'll be a banger!!! Oh god, I've been getting super sick lately myself, so I know what you mean. OOF. That's def a shitty road trip. I can't wait to get my Strawb plushies and rev plushie!!!!! It's gonna be so awesome!!! Sadge I wasn't able to get a keychain but I can't wait to see all the pictures from people who did get it! OOOH Curly hair I'm sure looks cute AF on you!!! It's funny 'cause I've actually had a couple of my old highschool bullies now apologize to me which was wild. Chicken Pot Pie is delicious and that picture you posted made me so hungry!!! That image was adorable and anything else said about is is just jealous people being jelly. #KeepKidsAwayFromTwitter I'd say it can be important to let them know about the kind of things that happen on Twitter. Not like expose them to it, but make sure they know that not everyone on the internet is going to be nice to them. You're a strong independent berry. We're meant to understand like upwards of 100 people but the internet allows us to reach billions of people. So that kinda messes things up a bit. Love your content and you as a person. Thanks for the ramblies and sorry I missed the last two, my funds were a bit low :3. I won't miss again I swear. <3


Looks like patreon cut off some of my reply so I'll just sum it up here: That road trip sounded super rough I can't wait for everyone to get their Strawb merch, especially the plushies!!! I'm sure you look ADORABLE with curls in! Twitter antis be twitter antis but it's ok 'cause since when did their opinion matter. I would say it's important to at least let your kids know that not everyone is gonna be nice to them, esp on the internet, but that's just me. and sorry for having missed a few months of ramblies, my funds were low.