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hi guys, this will be short. this is just for anyone who isn't keeping up with the announcements in my discord or my twitter, but i do currently have the flu. i believe yesterday was the worst day (103 fever, brain felt like it was melting and my eyes were gonna pop out of my head so i made my way to the urgent care. literally had to use a wheelchair because i thought i was going to hit the floor). i am still stuck 14 hours from home and now im just not really sure when i am going to be able to make it back. i do feel a tiny bit better today, they gave me tamiflu and an inhaler and im on a lot of pain relievers but im still really sick. please just keep me in your thoughts (and prayers if you do that) and hopefully i will be back very soon. 

sorry for all the updates, i just want to keep everyone informed and updated. 


Couch potato

I wish for you a quick recovery


i hope you get to feeling better soon <3


Praying for you Strawbaby !!! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 ❤❤❤❤


That sounds aweful, I hope you start feeling better! ❤❤❤


Hoping for the best for you. Hope you feel well soon


I hope you get well soon Strawb!


That sounds awful :( hope you get better soon strawbie! ❤️