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soo hi cuties!!! august is almost over!! what????!!

♡ today was so crazy! i woke up, cleaned a bunch, journaled, streamed for 3 hours (super hype stream btw, if you haven't had a chance to stop by and check out the streams i highly suggest them... honestly they lighten up my days and nights so much).

♡ after my stream, i rested for about 45 minutes and then was BACK ON THAT GRIND! i recorded 3 different things, 2 of my last august audio commissions and the bedtime stories for this week! hopefully those will be edited and uploaded in the next couple hours hehe~

♡♡♡♡ my plan for the rest of the week is as follows: tomorrow i will be releasing a youtube audio, and then tuesday the 31st i will release the 2nd exclusive audio of the month on patreon! i hate that it is coming so late in the month, but moving really threw me for a loop so i am pushing to finish so many things before august leaves us! next month will be much more smooth, i promise~

♡ i just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who is here. you all mean so much to me, and i wouldn't be able to do anything that i do without all of you. your love and support is so, so, so greatly appreciated. i am so happy i am getting to do content full-time. i promise that i am doing my best to time and schedule things out, especially now that i am moved, so that this next month everything will flow extra nicely! i want to get back to a more regular youtube uploading schedule, and that is one of my biggest goals for september! (i've been writing all my goals in my new little planner, how cute is that! >.< ) 

anyways, sorry this is so long! if you read it to the end, omg you are the realest! i love you! love love love you! (can you tell im a little hyper right now? i think my energy drinks are starting to hit me... yay... editing time!!!)

xoxo, strawb ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡