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which voice of mine do you prefer in my audio roleplays?

feel free to let me know in the comments if you have anymore opinions on this, or if your preference changes depending on the type of audio (such as comforting, yandere, tsundere, etc) <3



Do you have examples of the voices? I can't remember what each sound like!

Couch potato

A difficult choice indeed


sure! here is an example of a deeper voice: https://www.patreon.com/posts/54350173 and here is one of a more high pitched (not super high but this is my higher pitched voice): https://www.patreon.com/posts/54568291


kinda varies for me, a higher one for yandere, to me, adds to the aesthetic of a yandere's demeanor. honestly it would depend on the audio, a tsundere could run the higher pitch, just like a yandere could run a lower pitch. - no hurty, a "dom" might work better with the lower pitch, while a softer audio might work better with a softer, or lower pitch &lt;3


Thanks! :3 Just had a listen to both! And I am no closer to figuring out an answer! Both are good in their own ways!


Both are great not a easy choice 😅


Both, Both is good


I agree, a balance of both is perfect. I also have a strange addiction to yandere audios so a bit more of that would be awesome too :)


One could write an argumentative essay about either choice lol