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hi everyone!

first, i want to say thank you for being here, you are all truly the best! i am so happy! aa!!!!!

next, i want to talk about some of the updates i made to my patreon. i have added 2 additional tiers (one is a $1 tier, the other is a $30 tier). you can see a more clear description of what all my tiers have here

also, i have also added 2 exclusive audios per month to all $5+ tiers. 

i had taken the exclusive audios away a few months ago since i was so busy with university. now that i have graduated and am focusing on my audios full time, i want to add these back! i will be posting some polls to see what kinds of exclusive audios you all would like to hear. these will only be available on this patreon for tiers $5+, these are not the same as the early access videos that you will also be receiving. exciting stuff!!

♡ thank you all so much for all the support, it really is so very appreciated. i really never imagined i would get to the point where i am now and i just think it is so cool that this many people are listening to and enjoying my content. ♡


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