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I have changed the billing setup on my Patreon to "subscription billing", so that my patrons are charged on the day they join, and then monthly on that same date. For example, if a member joins on the 10th, they’ll be charged on that day, and then monthly on the 10th. 

All of my patrons who joined before my switch to subscription billing this month will continue to be charged on the 1st of each month. I believe this is the most fair solution for people who join my Patreon during the middle or end of the month and don't expect to be charged again on the 1st.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hestitate to comment below or DM me. 

Again, this change will only affect people anyone new who joins as a paid member from now on. Thank you!


Green Tea

Based tbh


Nice! Glad to see you caring for the community! 💖