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Hope everyone is doing great this year so far!

Its been a very rough start of year, so let me  share with you what was going on with my life and what I managed to accomplish! 

As I stated before, a very dear person to me needed help to escape from the current conflict involving Rusia and Ukraine, and I made the decision back in September to help him in every way I could, so I made some life changing decisions to help that cause and I invited him to live with me in my country. It hasn’t been easy, especially for him, as he had to leave everything and everyone behind, and I can’t imagine being in that terrible situation. For the past few months we’ve been on an odyssey to secure his legal residence in my country, and a week ago we finally succeeded! Makes me so happy that now this dear person can live peacefully here for some time.

Everything was going well for a couple of days, but during a casual walk with my dog, I found in the tall grass a couple of abandoned 3 month old pups, small and weak. I decided to take them to the vet, treat them properly, as they needed medication, proper food, and find someone to adopt them. It was hard work but I managed to make them well and find for both a good loving home.

After all this months I feel I can finally be at ease physically and mentally, and go back to my work, so many things I need to catch on, and honestly I can’t wait to draw regularly again!

I want to thank all of you for supporting me and made this past few months bearable, I am truly grateful for that!

I‘ll now do my best to get back on track and continue with my work, as there are a few ideas and projects I need to start and finish!

Wish me luck, guys! And again, thank you for everything!


Chunky Beau

We're happy to have you back. And I'm happy to support such a kind soul like yourself. Thank you for all the good you're putting out into the world. I'm sending all my love and well wishes to you and your friend.

Adrian The Badger

Welcome back! Congrats on navigating those last few months. It sounds like so much effort but honestly all so very worth it. Well done. 👏 Here's to hoping for some pleasant quiet times ahead of you and some much needed stability for your friend.

Christian Carbone

You are a good person Choc, Welcome back *hugs*