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I just made a post about how Patreon has its own voting system and I'm already back to Strawpoll. :P

Along with changing my commission prices next month, I'm also thinking about decreasing the max sizes that I'll draw.

The  reason why I have those limits in the first place is because I have  trouble drawing such large curves and making them look good. I haven't  been entirely satisfied with the last few pics of mine that qualify as  "massive curves", so I'd honestly like to go a bit smaller if it means I  can produce better art (we're still talkin' pretty big curves here,  don't worry).

Maybe some of you don't care if huge jiggly bits  look a bit wonky, maybe some of you do. The purpose of this post is to  find out! :eager:

So, if you folks could take a minute to vote at the links below, I'd very much appreciate it!


What part of expansion art is more important? (http://www.strawpoll.me/12099432)
1. The character who's being expanded
2. The expansion itself
3. I think both are equally important

What style of expansion do you prefer? (http://www.strawpoll.me/12099434)
1. "Realistic" - Curves are weighty and have more realistic shapes
2. "Fake" - Curves defy gravity and are more spherical
3. I have no preference / I like all expansion art

Would you prefer smaller curves if it meant higher-quality art (mostly anatomy)? (http://www.strawpoll.me/12099640)
1. Yes, I would like smaller curves (roughly 75% of my current max sizes)
2. No, I would like bigger curves (keep current max sizes)
3. I have no preference / I like all sizes


vote for stuff fanart or ocs by pressurizedpleasure-dbdbjbu


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