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A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...I once offered to draw a gift for someone, but that gift was delayed and delayed and delayed again. To say that I've been busy over the last year or so is a bit of an understatement, but the stars have aligned and I've finally followed through on my word! ^_^;

Anyway, that someone is the amazing Busting-Fabric and the gift is what you see here, a scene from their story "Cargo".It's a fun story involving two girls who sneak into a place that they shouldn't be in, which leads to expansive shenanigans. One of them knocks over a barrel full of chemicals and finds herself swelling larger and larger by the second (a process that turns out to be quite enjoyable)! My words hardly do it justice, so I highly recommend you all give it a read! :D

Click here to read Busting-Fabric's story, "Cargo"

The story "Cargo" and the characters shown belong to Busting-Fabric
Art belongs to me



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