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Elementalist Lux has been unleashed upon the League playerbase...and Lux's multiple personalities have been unleashed upon her. ;P It seems that Lux's dark side got tired of her sickeningly-positive comments and came up with some devious payback for all ear strain she's had to deal with. And how else to show her "appreciation" for all of Light Lux's support? By enlisting some (unwilling) help from one of her other forms, of course! :3

Hoo boy, this one went from zero to "there goes an entire week" real quick. This idea started off as "Lux just expands within her own light binding" but, as always, I like to explain why a girl is expanding, so I added Dark Lux. But, didn't really think 'dark magic' was fitting (or filling) enough and decided to add one of her other forms into the mix. Enter Water Lux, water magic, a whole thing where Dark Lux has enslaved Water Lux and is absorbing her magic... Things got a bit out of hand. c_c

Also, the background is a thing. I guess it doesn't look too bad, but the style definitely clashes with all the Luxes. I tried a few different versions of a makeshift Summoner's Rift, but they all looked kinda wonky and I just wanted to get this done. So...good enough? *shrug*

Lux and League of Legends are property of Riot Games



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