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I'm feeling a little under the weather while typing this, so apologies if I ramble a little (when don't I though, right?).

Basically, the US is still a mess and probably will be for the foreseeable future, but I've at least got some plans for the road ahead now after talking with a friend. Long story short, I'm honestly not sure how much I'll be able to push myself to start drawing again, but I have to do it anyway because I need quite a bit of money if I ever wanna get away from this hellhole (and I very much do).

So, my billing cycle here on Patreon will resume on October 1st. That means: if you are supporting me at that time, you will be charged for your current pledge amount on Oct 1st. Things will work as usual from there: I make art, you get access to it.

That said, we're gonna condense the monthly poll a little bit for the sake of creative momentum (for lack of a better term). Previously, I'd post my ideas and let y'all vote on them during the week, now polls will take place during weekends. If I'm excited to draw some ideas when I make the poll, my hope is that I'll retain much more of that energy if I only have to wait a couple days for the results, rather than waiting an entire week. And, if I'm able to get things done fast enough, then there's a chance I'll be able to start doing more than one poll a month when I'm feeling up for it (probably not every month, but it's something I'm willing to try).

So, quick recap (or just a tl;dr for those with a vendetta against paragraphs):

  • Billing cycle restarting on October 1st, you will be charged for your current pledge amount if you're still a patron at that time
  • Monthly polls will now take place during weekends, may eventually allow for multiple polls per-month
  • Still need to push myself to get back into things, but I at least have some goals to fight towards

I mentioned the other day that I was considering changing tier rewards too, but I don't think it's be worth the headache when the main thing I need to do right now is just get back to work. So, that's the plan. I'll probably focus more on trendy fanart as a means of easy attention/money, but I do want to get around to the dozens upon dozens of OC ideas that I've been sitting on for forever now.

To cap this off (because rambling), thank you all again for being so patient, especially over these last few months while I had to take an extended step back. Thanks to all of you who've signed up recently, either to check out my archive or simply to throw a few bucks my way while during these chaotic times. I know I'm still not as big on the fanfare as I should be, but I really do appreciate all your contributions and especially your supportive comments and messages. Even general comments on my artwork and stuff, those are honestly always a joy to see, great dopamine hits, lol. I might not always response to every single one, but I still read and appreciate all of them.

Expect a poll this coming weekend, likely something related to recent game releases (Mario, Zelda, Hades, maybe even something goofy like Fall Guys with ladies in latex bodysuits, etc.). Until then, I hope you're all as healthy and sane as you can possibly be these days, take care.


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